
  • 网络national alliance;The National Coalition Party;National Alliance Party
  1. 社会主义民族联合的基本问题

    Basic Issue of Socialist National Unity

  2. 矛盾性和相对性成为当代族群关系中的两个基本特点,当代族群关系也大体可划分为民族联合、民族分化两大基本类型。

    Modern relationship among ethnic communities may be classified into two categories unity and break up of nationalities .

  3. 中韩民族联合抗敌御侮的新起点&虹口公园爆炸案的历史地位述论

    A New Starting Point for China and Korea to Unite for Resistance & A discourse upon the history Position of the explosion in Hongkou Park

  4. 满族的民族联合过程属于聚合过程,血缘、文化相近的民族或部落、部族汇聚为一个民族共同体。

    The combined process of Manchu belongs to the polymerization process that ethnic , tribe or clan of blood and common culture gathered a national community .

  5. 民族橄榄球联合会(NFC)方面,红皮队与海鹰队在华盛顿展开了较量。

    In the NFC , the Redskins and Seahawks play in Washington .

  6. 民族主义党派联合反对政府的计划。

    Nationalist parties united to oppose the government 's plans .

  7. 他还详细阐明了各民族平等的联合是马克思主义解决民族问题的根本原则;

    He also expounded that the unity of nationalities on the basis of equality is the fundamental principles of Marxism in dealing with nationalities issues .

  8. 其联明抗清能够实现的原因主要是李定国在黔、滇民族地区采取了联合各地土司头人和少数民族人民共同抗清的政策。

    The main cause of the policy could realize was Li Ding-guo united the tribal chiefs and ethnic minority people together to repel Qing Dynasty .

  9. 在多民族地区实行多民族联合自治,是民族平等团结原则的生动体现,也是科学发展理念的具体运用和实践。

    The joint autonomy in multi-ethnic areas , which is a specific application of scientific development , represents the principle of equality and unity among different ethnic groups .

  10. 在全球化时代蓬勃发展的民族国家,是那些通过共同努力实现民族联合的国家。

    The nation states that prosper in the age of globalisation are ones that bind themselves together in mutual endeavour .