
  • 网络sub-nation;division of nation
  1. 客家是汉族一个重要民系。

    Hakkas is one important people department of the Han nationality .

  2. 论赣南在客家民系形成和发展中的地位

    The Position of Hakkas Settlement and Development in Gannan Area

  3. 网络环境下客家民系文献资源的建设与共享

    The construction and Sharing of Document Resource about Hakkas Under Network Environment

  4. 客家文化在此发源,客家民系于斯诞生。

    Hakka culture in origin , the Hakka people of the Andean birth .

  5. 因此,它也成了塑造一个民系的精神材料。

    All of these become the spiritual material of shaping a nation system .

  6. 客家民系是我国汉民族体系中一个特殊的部分。

    The Hakkas is a special part of the Han nationality in China .

  7. 客家,是汉族中一支优秀民系。

    Hakka is a branch of Han nationality .

  8. 对于大多数人而言,客家是我国汉族中一支特殊而神秘的民系。

    For most people , Hakka is a special and mysterious people in China .

  9. 围屋体现了客家民系居住文化的非同寻常的美学追求。

    Circular house embodies the living culture of the Hakka people are extraordinary aesthetic pursuit .

  10. 赣南是客家先民的主要聚集地、中转站和客家民系的主要孕育地。

    Gannan is the main area for hakka people , where hakka tradition is well kept .

  11. 可以这么说,客家人是汉民族的一支重要的民系;

    It can be said that Hakka are Han nationality of the people of an important system ;

  12. 客家民系在畲汉人民联合抗元斗争中发展壮大

    The Development and Strength of the Hakkas in the She Nationalty and the Han Nationalty Boycotted the Yuan Dynasty

  13. 风水文化的兴盛与客家民系的形成和发展是息息相关的。

    The rise and fall of geomantic culture has much to do with the formation and development of Hakka People .

  14. 借助于各类反复再现的宗教仪式活动,传统风水观念已逐步内敛化为一种社会记忆,从而影响着福建不同民系的文化认同抉择。

    Fengshui has been turned into a social memory through a gradual internalization , influencing the identification choice of different nationalities in Fujian .

  15. 再深入到民系民居的居住方式、居住行为和居住模式的研究,已有了一定的深度、广度。

    And using this method , the research about the clans ' living fashions , behaviors and modes has developed to some extend .

  16. 客家人已成为当今世界上分布最广、影响最为深远的民系之一。

    Hakkas has become the world 's most widely distributed , the most far-reaching impact on the Department of one of the people .

  17. 指出广东、广西、海南三省区七民族(包括汉族五民系)等子文化中的本土音乐,共构成多元一体的岭南音乐。

    The article suggests that native musics in sub-cultures of seven nationalities in Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan provinces jointly form integrative music of plurality .

  18. 客家,是一个具有显著特征的汉族民系,也是汉族在世界上分布范围广阔、影响深远的民系之一。

    The Hakka are a subgroup of the Han Chinese people who live predominantly in the provinces of Guangdong , Jiangxi , and Fujian in China .

  19. 在对客家民系的研究基础上,本课题从地理环境、社会环境、经济基础、文化背景四个方面分析了客家建筑的背景。

    Based on the study of Hakka ethnic group , the present work investigated the geographic , social , economic and culture background of Hakka architecture .

  20. 赣南,中原汉人南迁的中转站与聚散地,是客家民系形成的摇篮。

    Gannan , the residence and transfer spot of the Hars from the central plain migrating southwarels , is a cradle of the formation of the Hakka people .

  21. 因此客家人被誉为“日不落”民系,成为当今世界上分布最广、影响最为深远的民系之一。

    Hence Hakkas are praised as an ethnic group with " forever rising sun ," one of the world 's most widely distributed and most influential ethnic groups .

  22. 客家是晋唐以来由中原南移不断迁徙形成的一支重要而独特的汉民族民系。

    The Hakkas are an important and unique branch of the Han nationality formed by the continuous southward migration of people from Central Plains since Jin and Tang Dynasties .

  23. 客家民系有着悠久的历史和优良的文化传统,形成了十分丰富的客家文献。

    Hakka is a branch of Han nationality in Chinese , which possesses a long history and fine cultural tradition , is in rich in very abundant hakka literatures .

  24. 特别是在华南区域,周边的概念在汉族社会内部的不同民系、汉族和少数民族等各族群的互动中,又有着新的内涵和外延。

    Especially in south China ," circumference " has new connotations and extensions among the sub-groups of the Hans and in the interaction between the Han group and the minority groups .

  25. 在江西省赣州市境内,客家民系的围屋民居以其独特的风格和博大内涵,引起国内外传媒和学术文化界的广泛兴趣。

    In the territory of Jiangxi Ganzhou City , the Hakka people circular house has unique style and extensive residential contents , and caused widespread interest in the media and academic culture .

  26. 大致得出这样的结论:自然环境对服饰特点有很大影响,不同民系的传统也会导致相同自然环境下不同的服饰选取。

    The conclusion is drew that natural environment affects the characteristics of costume a lot , the aethestic standard and tradition also lead to different choice of costume under the different natural environment .

  27. 而客家人的信仰习惯,有其区别于其他民系的信仰内容与信仰形式,在中国众多的信仰习俗中占有不容忽视的一席之地。

    However , the belief and the custom of Hakka people is different from that of the other races , and occupies an incontrovertible postion in so many believes and customs of China .

  28. 在这两大时段雷州文化研究中,人的研究是基础,即对雷州族群、雷州民系、雷州人个案的研究。

    In these two periods , human-oriented research is the foundation of Leizhou culture studies which include the study of Leizhou groups , Leizhou public system , and case study of Leizhou individuals .

  29. 并对海南的聚落类型进行分类和介绍。再结合十八行林氏族谱的记载,从地理、文化、民系、历史等几方面对十八行梳式聚落进行溯源。

    Classify and describe the village of Hainan . combine eighth line Genealogical Lin of the records , from the geography , culture , people , History and other aspects of the villages Origin .

  30. 福建西部、广东北部及江西南部的交界地带是我国客家民系的传统分布区,形成了独特的客家文化景观;

    The triangle region in the west of Fujian , north of Guangdong and south of Jiangxi is the traditional distribution area of Hakka folks , forming a culture that is unique of Hakka .