
  • 网络climatic forecast;climate forecast;weather forecast
  1. 灰色时变参数模型及其对气候预报的应用

    Grey Time Varying Parameter Model and Its Application to Climatic Prediction

  2. 随机动力模式中误差对气候预报的影响

    Effects of errors on climate prediction in a stochastic dynamic model

  3. 线性模糊函数拟合法及其在气候预报中的应用

    Linear fuzzy function fitting method and its application to climate prediction

  4. 气候预报自忆模式及其初步应用

    Self memorial model of climate prediction and its preliminary application

  5. 区域气候预报自忆模式的研究与计算

    Study and application of regional climate forecast self memory model

  6. 带线性反馈的随机&动力气候预报模式

    A stochastic-dynamic model with linear feedback for climatic prediction

  7. 具有时变参数的门限自回归模型及其在气候预报中的应用

    A time dependent parametric threshold autoregressive model and its application on climate forecast

  8. 阜阳汛期旱涝的几种气候预报方法

    The Methods of Drought and Rain Forecasting in Rainy Season of Fuyang City

  9. 从季节气候预报得到陆地表面湿度状态的局地预报。

    A local forecast of land surface wetness conditions derived from seasonal climate predictions .

  10. 对于长期气候预报来说,数值模式化的注意力主要应针对海洋。

    Climatic forecasting the attention in numerical modelling should be directed towards the ocean .

  11. 热带气旋的短期气候预报检验

    Test of Tropical Cyclone in Short-Range Climate Prediction

  12. 在此基础上,研发动力与统计相结合的降尺度解释应用预测方法,并分析了该方法在以黄淮地区为主的区域气候预报能力。

    Based on the detrended data , a downscaling interpretation and application prediction method is developed .

  13. 补偿作用在气候预报中应用初探

    Application of Compensation to Climate Prediction

  14. 此前,气候预报预测,北极夏季冰层将在2060年左右完全消失。

    Previously , climate forecasts predicted that Arctic summer ice would disappear entirely by around 2060 .

  15. 总的来说,模式对中国东部和西部的降水趋势回报较好,模式预报好于气候预报和持续性预报。

    In general , the prediction of rainfall tendency in both East China and West China are reasonable .

  16. 目前统计预报方法仍然是长期天气和气候预报中的重要方法之一。

    The statistical method is still one of the most important methods of long-range weather forecasting and climatic prediction .

  17. 季节性的气候预报还利用了它们,从而获得更一般化的、提前时间更长的疾病流行风险评估。

    They also feed into seasonal climate forecasts for more generalised epidemic risk assessments with even longer lead times .

  18. 将这一格式应用到单站梅雨雨量的气候预报时,取得了较好的效果。

    The scheme is employed to climate prediction for Meiyu precipitation at the single station , the obtained result is quite satisfactory .

  19. 在英国气象局工作了36年之久(其中有一段时间负责编写海上气候预报),约翰米切尔的头脑已经饱经风霜。

    After 36 years at the Met Office , including a spell writing the shipping forecast , John Mitchell has a weather-beaten mind .

  20. 这些结论使人们能够使用卫星图像和天气/气候预报数据来成功地发展裂谷热预测模型和早期预警系统。

    These findings have enabled the successful development of forecasting models and early warning systems for RVF using satellite images and weather / climate forecasting data .

  21. 结果表明,南方涛动指数异常偏负(弱)以及厄尔尼诺事件的滞后影响对湘潭汛期洪涝的短期气候预报有很好的指示性。

    The results showed that , anomalously small ( weak ) SOI and the lag effect of El Nino are good indications to the short-term climate prediction of Xiangtan flooding in flood period .

  22. 由于太阳辐照度是全球能量收支中的主项并影响着大气的稳定性、对流和化学过程,世界范围内中长期的天气、气候预报需要精确的太阳辐照度数据。

    The sun radiation is the main item in global energy income and outcome , which affects the stability , convection and chemical process . People need precise sun radiation data to forecast the mid-term and the long term worldwide weather condition .

  23. 针对经典递推算法的平稳性和初值敏感性问题,根据描述运动变化的一般性原理,导出一种新的递推算法,并将其引入到气候预报中。

    To solve the instability and the initial value sensitivity problems in the classical recurrence method , according to the general principle of motion , a new kind of recurrence method is proposed , and applied to the area of climate prediction .

  24. 综述了昆虫作为指示生物在环境质量监测与评价、地质灾害与天气及气候预报、矿产资源勘探、刑事案件侦破等方面的应用研究,并对其应用前景做了一定的展望。

    Application research of insect as indicative biology used in different fields was reviewed such as environmental quality monitoring and assessment , forecast of geological disaster , forecast of weather and climate , minerals exploration and criminal detection . The application prospect was also forecasted in this paper .

  25. 提出了一个包括N个内部因子线性反馈的随机&动力气候系统预报模式。

    A stochastic-dynamic model with linear feedback terms to predict climatic system including N factors is proposed .

  26. 将气候集成预报的MonteCarlo模拟方法应用到带有门限的海气耦合随机动力模式中。

    The Monte Carlo simulation is applied to an air sea coupling stochastic dynamic model with threshold in this paper .

  27. 利用混合海气耦合模式的气候异常预报试验

    Studies of ENSO-related climate prediction with a hybrid Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Model

  28. 短期气候降水预报及陆&气耦合的非绝热慢波

    Precipitation forecasting of short and diabatic slow wave of land-atmosphere coupling

  29. 用气候因子预报江西省早晚稻产量

    Rice yield forecast in Jiangxi Province according to climatic factors

  30. 检验它(气候模拟预报)的方法就是预测。

    The proof of the pudding , though , is in the forecasting .