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  • fluoride
  1. 氟化物可以强化生长中的牙齿,这是已证明的事实。

    It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth .

  2. 现在美国大部分城市供水中都存在含量不一的氟化物。

    Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts .

  3. 过多的氟化物可能产生骨硬化,其第一个征兆出现在脊椎。

    Excess fluoride produces osteoscherosis , the first signs of which appear in the vertebrae .

  4. 这是因为牙膏中含有氟化物。

    This is because toothpaste contains fluoride .

  5. 有些人会用漱口水来作为变通之法,但是这个主意也不算太好,因为牙膏的氟化物浓度比漱口水要高得多。

    Some people rinse with mouthwash as a workaround — but that may not be such a great idea either , since toothpaste has a significantly higher concentration of fluoride than mouthwash does .

  6. 如果你在刷牙后立刻用水漱口,你会将氟化物也冲洗掉,此时氟化物还未来得及发挥作用。

    If you rinse4 your mouth with water immediately after a brush session , you 're also rinsing5 away the fluoride , which doesn 't give it much time to work its magic .

  7. 氟化物熔盐中B(Ⅲ)的电化学还原

    Electrochemical Reduction of B (ⅲ) in Molten Fluorides

  8. 氟化物对不同类型DNA紫外吸收光谱的影响

    The effects of sodium fluoride on the UV absorption spectrum of different types of DNA

  9. 地下水超标项目主要为pH值、氟化物及细菌个数。

    The overweight items of groundwater are pH , fluoride , and bacteria number .

  10. Al2O3含量对氟化物乳浊玻璃微观形貌的影响

    Influence of Al_2O_3 Amount on Micro morphology of Fluoride Opaque Glass

  11. G蛋白与氟化物

    Correlation of G protein and fluoride

  12. Ba(1-x)EuxMgF4复合氟化物的发光性质与结构

    Luminescent Properties and Structure of Ba 1-x Eu x MgF 4 Complex Fluorides

  13. 结论:氟化物可导致L-02细胞DNA损伤,并呈现一定的剂量-反应关系。

    Conclusion : Fluoride exposure can cause DNA damage of human embryo hepatocytes , and there exists a good dose - effect relationship .

  14. 不含氟化物及化学制泡剂SLS。纯草本配方。

    No fluoride or sodium lauryl sulphate ( SLS ) . Pure herbal formulations .

  15. “我们发现从出生开始用氟化物具有更多的益处。”H说道,圣弗朗西斯加利福尼亚大学的牙科临床教授。

    " We know that the benefits of fluoridation are greatest from birth ," said Howard Pollick , a professor of clinical dentistry at the University of California , San Francisco .

  16. 稀土氟化物PrF3的磁光效应与磁性

    A theoretical study on the Faraday effect and magnetism of crystal prf_3

  17. 报道了氟化物激光晶体Cr∶LiSAF的坩埚下降法生长工艺。

    The growth process of fluoride laser crystal Cr ∶ LiSAF by Bridgman method was reported in this paper .

  18. 讨论了封孔液中镍离子含量、氟化物含量、封孔添加剂含量、杂质离子以及封孔液的pH值、温度对封孔质量的影响。

    The influences of the Ni ~ + content , F ~ - content , sealing additive content , impurities , pH value and temperature of sealing solution on the sealing quality were discussed .

  19. 氟(fluorine,F)是电负性最强的非金属元素,广泛分布于自然界,人可通过各种来源如水、土壤、空气接触到氟化物。

    Fluorine is the most electronegative metallic element widely distributed in nature , people exposure to fluoride through a variety of sources such as water , soil and air .

  20. 膜混凝反应器(MCR)制备饮用水和去除氟化物的研究

    Study on Membrane Coagulation Reactor ( MCR ) for Drinking Water Production and Removal of Fluoride

  21. 氟化物晶体BaF2Y8的生长研究

    Exploration on Crystallization Habit of Fluoride Crystal BaF_2Y_8

  22. LAS玻璃的晶化行为研究结果表明,氟、磷化合物促进LAS玻璃的相分离,特别是氟化物在较低的浓度下就能诱导玻璃的相分离;

    The result of crystallization action research to LAS glass shows that fluoride and phosphide promoted the phase seperation of LAS glass , especially with the low concentration .

  23. 结果表明,随着氟化物和母材类型的不同差别很大,其中以KF和KHF2的综合效果较好。

    The results show that the difference can be observed obviously , in which the general effects of KF and KHF 2 are best .

  24. 800nm激发下AlF3基氟化物玻璃中高掺杂Er~(3+)的上转换光谱性质

    Upconversion Fluorescence Spectroscopy in AlF_3-Based Fluoride Glass with High Erbium Dopant Level Under 800 nm Excitation

  25. 含AlF3和ZrF4氟化物玻璃的分相与析晶

    Crystallization of Fluoride Glasses Based on AlF_3 and ZrF_4

  26. 研究并建立了测定水中痕量氟化物的氟试剂(ALC)-流动注射分光光度法。

    An alizarin complexone ( ALC ) flow injection spectrophotometric method for determination of trace fluoride in water has been studied .

  27. 如果安装一套反渗透水处理装置,比如FreshlySqueezedWater,可去除生水中约90%的矿物质和化学物质,消溶污染物及沉淀物,包括纳和氟化物。

    Installing a reverse osmosis system , such as Freshly Squeezed Water , should remove some 90 per cent of minerals and chemicals from raw tap water , dissolving contaminants as well as particles , including sodium and fluoride .

  28. F原子小的原子半径和强电负性导致了含氟有机物的化学和动力学惰性。有机氟化物目前被广泛的应用于各种药物、农药、聚合物、军事设备和其他材料领域。

    Because of the chemical and kinetic inertness of fluorinated compounds caused by the small size and high electronegativity of fluorine atom , fluorinated compounds are of current interest as valuable pharmaceuticals , agrochemicals , polymers and some other advanced materials .

  29. 同时也观察到软骨基质中GAG含量的明显升高,这些结果一致地表明,过量氟化物引起动物慢性中毒时软骨组织PG合成代谢受到抑制而其分解代谢增强。

    The GAG content in cartilage matrix significantly increased at the same time . The results showed that over - fluoride can inhibit the PG anabolism and promote the PG catabolism .

  30. 本文用平百铺展试验和T型接头试验,研究了6063铝合金采用AI-St钎料和氟化物钎剂(QF钎剂)钎焊时的钎焊性和钎缝质量。

    The brazing-ability and quality of brazed seam of 6063 aluminum alloy brazed by Al-Si eutectic filler metal and QF flux is discussed by means of test of spread-ability and test of T joint .