
  • 网络Water float;Waterwalk;Flight on water;seaways
  1. 水上漂的是什么东西?

    What is that floating on the water ?

  2. 我们不能水上漂呀。

    We can 't walk across the water .

  3. 他们正在水上漂着。

    They are floating on the water .

  4. 那男孩让他的小船在水上漂着。

    The boy was floating his boat .

  5. 拇指姑娘在水上漂了好久,金龟子飞了过来,用他那粗壮的大腿把拇指姑娘带走了。

    The thumb girl floated on the water for a long time . a dorbeetle flied towards her , using his strong thigh to bring the thumb girl away .

  6. 旋涡把水里上漂的任何东西都卷进了水里。

    The whirlpool sucks down everything floating on the water .