
shuǐ shàng fēi jī
  • seaplane;hydroplane;water plane;airboat
水上飞机[shuǐ shàng fēi jī]
  1. 水上飞机浮筒外形设计的微机系统

    A Microcomputer Program System for Seaplane Float Contour Design

  2. 当我在水上飞机的时候,我必须把我的朋友交给你。

    I must leave my dear friends with you while I am in the seaplane .

  3. 即使是成功的水上飞机最终也未能盈利。

    Even the successful flying boats proved , in the end , uneconomical .

  4. 本文介绍了一个水上飞机浮简外形设计的微机系统FCDS。

    This paper introduces a microcomputer program system for seaplane float contour design system & FCDS .

  5. 电动飞机由一架有62年历史的六座DHC-2德哈维兰海狸水上飞机改造而成,由海港航空的创始人和总裁格雷格·麦克杜兰(GregMcDougall)驾驶。

    The e-plane -- a 62-year-old , six-passenger DHC-2 de Havilland Beaver seaplane retrofitted with an electric motor -- was piloted by Greg McDougall , founder and chief executive of Harbour Air .

  6. 克劳德·道尼尔博士(ClaudiusDornier)是Dornier-WerkeG.m.b.H公司背后的天才设计师,他创造了一系列成功的飞机,特别是在水上飞机领域。

    Prof Dr Claudius Dornier was the genius behind the famous company of Dornier-Werke GmbH , and he had established a long line of successful aircraft , notably in the field of flying-boats .

  7. 使飞机平稳着陆;将水上飞机降落于湖面上。

    Land an airplane smoothly ; land a seaplane on a lake .

  8. 水上飞机像一只受伤的小鸟一样坠落。

    The seaplane was falling like a bird which has been shot .

  9. 上海:水上飞机撞桥,5人死亡

    Seaplane hits bridge in Shanghai , killing five : media

  10. 水上飞机自航模型的耐波性试验综述

    A comprehensive description of seakeeping test of a free sailing seaplane model

  11. 莫丽塞特看着水上飞机曾经待的地方。

    Mauricetter was looking at the place where the seaplane had been .

  12. 水上飞机已经在游艇旁的水里。

    The seaplane was on the water near the yacht .

  13. 什么东西从水上飞机掉到游艇上。

    Something fell from the seaplane on to the yacht .

  14. 人们也可以乘坐摩托艇或水上飞机去大陆旅游。

    People could also travel to the mainland by motorboat or water plane .

  15. 水上飞机又一次飞向了天空。

    The seaplane went up again into the sky .

  16. 改装来运送水上飞机的一艘法国客轮。

    A French passenger ship converted to carry seaplanes .

  17. 水上飞机的引擎开始转动。

    The engine of the seaplane began to turn .

  18. 它能用轻便的抛射推车发射水上飞机。

    She would be able to launch seaplanes by using light jettisonable trolleys .

  19. 水上飞机在水上滑行。

    Glide on the water in a hydroplane .

  20. 他看着水上飞机在海面上降落。

    He watched the seaplane landing on water .

  21. 介绍水上飞机玻璃钢浮筒制备及工艺。

    The preparation and manufacture process of FRP float bowl of seaplane are introduced .

  22. 水上飞机自由飞模型起飞与降落性能的综合试验

    The comprehensive test for take-off and landing characteristics of free flight model of a seaplane

  23. 水上飞机玻璃钢浮筒的研制

    Development of FRP float bowl of seaplane

  24. 如果水上飞机先联系上,我马上就要他们回来。

    I want to recover them fast , in case the pbys make contact first .

  25. 然后他们去了水上飞机。

    Then they got into the seaplane .

  26. 支持水上飞机的漂浮物。

    A float supporting a seaplane .

  27. 某水上飞机升降舵调整片操纵杆腐蚀裂纹分析

    Analysis of corrosion induced cracking for a control rod of elevator tab for a water plane

  28. 搭乘水上飞机美妙绝伦的下龙湾有近2000个石灰岩小岛,它们散落在越南沿海。

    Stunning Halong Bay features almost 2000 limestone islands jutting out of the sea off the coast of Vietnam .

  29. 这一切都始于1914年在佛罗里达州坦帕湾水上飞机的23分钟飞行。

    It all started with the 23 minute flight in a flying boat across Tampa Bay , Florida in 1914 .

  30. 水上飞机试验对三种不同的减小喷溅的方法进行了对比试验。

    By using the water-based aircraft test results , three different methods for reducing the spray are compared in this paper .