
shuǐ chǎn dà xué
  • Fisheries University
  1. 上海水产大学学报2005年第14卷总目次

    Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University Vol . 14 , 2005 contents

  2. 对1992~1998年《上海水产大学学报》载文的统计与分析

    On statistics and analysis for the articles of Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University from 1992 to 1998

  3. 通过对东京水产大学研究练习船-神鹰丸主机转速,功率,以及排废气的测定,优化渔船主机操纵主机可以使船舶在各种航行工况下主机NOx的排放率达到最低值。

    By measuring the main engine speed , output power and exhaust gases of TOKYO University of fisheries research and training ship & SHINYO MARU , we is optimize the maneuvering operation of the main engine .

  4. 基于网络的上海水产大学渔业信息系统的设计与实施

    Design and implementation of fisheries information systemof Shanghai Fisheries University based on Internet

  5. 监督该生努力学习并遵守上海水产大学的各项规章制度;

    To urge my ward to exert to study industriously and observe the pertinent rules and regulations of Shanghai Fisheries university ;

  6. 探讨了什么是高水平特色大学的图书馆,并围绕如何建设高水平特色大学图书馆对上海水产大学图书馆的建设提出了若干思考。

    This paper has discussed what a high-level characteristic university library is , and put forward ponderings on how to construct it in the Shanghai Fisheries University .

  7. 这个意大利犹太人的问题需要有个会哄的外交家来处理。负责该生在上海水产大学学习期间发生意外事故的处理工作。

    This Italian Jew situation called for a persuasive diplomat . To handle the accident that my ward meets during his / her study period at Shanghai Fisheries University .

  8. 负责该生在上海水产大学学习期间发生意外事故的处理工作.身上有黏液的鱼;产于美洲大西洋温暖沿海水域。

    To handle the accident that my ward meets during his / her study period at Shanghai Fisheries University . fishes with slimy mucus-covered skin ; found in warm American Atlantic coastal waters .

  9. 介绍了上海水产大学绿色冷藏链教学实验中心的真空预冷实验机数据采集系统,并以纯水、卷心菜和青菜作为实验对象,进行初步研究。

    The article introduced a data collection system of VAC-0.2 vacuum pre-cooling equipment in green and cold storage experiment center of Shanghai Fisheries University , and cooling process of pure water , cabbage and greengrocery was studied .

  10. 为了使高校学报更好地为广大科研人员服务,对国内海洋、水产类大学学报中水产加工类科研论文的发表情况做统计分析与比较研究。

    To serve scientific researcher better , publication in journals of several ocean and fisheries universities of papers correlated to aquatic process technology is statistically analyzed and comparatively studied .