
  • 网络water project planning
  1. 遥感技术是进行海岸带资源调查的有效技术手段,对水利工程规划、防灾减灾、滩涂开发利用等方面有较大的实用价值。

    Remote sensing technology is one of the most effective means in the coastal resource surveying , and it is of practical value in water resources development , such as water project planning , wetland development , and natural disaster reduction .

  2. 浅谈城市水利工程规划的特点

    On Character of City 's Water Project Plan

  3. 地形图是水利工程规划设计和施工中的重要地形资料。

    The topographic diagram is the hydraulic engineering plan designs and constructs the vital ground material .

  4. 新疆农牧灌区建设与水利工程规划设计

    Optimization Configuration of Water Conservancy Works and Construction of Irrigation Zone in Farming and Pastoral Area in Xinjiang

  5. 山西省水利工程规划沙盘模型的电子演示系统软件的功能扩充与完善

    Perfecting and Expanding the Functions of the Electronic Demonstration System of Shanxi Province Hydraulic Projects ' Planning Sand Table Model

  6. 水利工程规划是水利投资科学决策的重要程序。

    The project layout of water conservancy is an important process in the scientific decision - making for investments in water conservancy items .

  7. 现代水利工程规划设计中,在决定江河开发和治理方案时,河工模型试验是极重要的手段之一。

    In modern hydraulic engineering physical model experiment is one of the most important approaches for the decision of river development and training policy .

  8. 工程水力学、通航建筑物关键技术、水利工程规划、计算机应用技术及软件开发、工程设计技术咨询。

    Engineering hydraulics , key technology of navigation structures , planning of hydraulic engineering , application technology and software exploing of the computer , consulting services of Engineering design .

  9. 应用这种系统可以不断地输入新信息,预测水资源和水环境的变化,指导水资源管理、水利工程规划和水环境治理。

    By use of this system , the new information can be inputted continually to predict the evolution of water resource and water environment , and guide water management , water conservancy planning and water environment control .

  10. 结合新沂河河道工程规划设计实践,对设计过程中如何应用现代科学管理理论和投资决策方法,科学地进行水利工程规划设计进行初步探讨。

    Based on the project layout for the Xinyi River Watercourse , this paper makes an elementary investigation on the scientific design of water conservancy projects according to the modem theories of scientific management and methods of investment decision - making .

  11. 在水利工程规划中,有些基础资料由于保存不当而造成残缺不全,如库区地形图高程系统不明确等,给此类水库规划工作带来一定的难度。

    In planning of waterworks , some problem exist such as some basic materials were amiss for not properly preserving , that made any reservoir area altitude system of topography unknow , and made it formidable to plan these sorts of reservoir .

  12. 主要研究结果如下:本论文在第3章综合水利工程规划方案决策应考虑的四项基本影响,即社会影响、环境影响、生态影响、经济影响。

    The main research results are as follows : This paper proposed in the third chapter of water conservancy project planning decision should be integrated into the four basic effects , social effects , environmental effects , ecological effect , economic effect .

  13. 要在水利工程规划、设计、施工的全过程中强化生态意识和环保意识,尽量发挥其保护和改善生态的正面影响,限制和减免其负面影响。

    Ecological consciousness and environment protection consciousness shall be stressed in the course of planning , design and construction of water conservancy works , so as to bring into play to the most extent its positive impact in protecting and improving ecology , limit and alleviate its negative impact .

  14. 因此,研究水利工程规划方案多属性决策问题,不仅有利于决策者对水利工程的方案选定提供客观依据,也对工程建设区乃至整个社会的发展起到积极的作用。

    Therefore , water conservancy project planning scheme for multiple attribute decision making problems system research , not only helps decision makers to water conservancy project selected to provide the objective basis , also on the construction area and the development of the whole society to play an active role .

  15. 本研究利用MODIS遥感数据对洪涝灾害进行监测,可作为水利水电工程规划建设及防洪减灾的决策依据,因而具有较大的应用价值。

    This study is provided with great application value , for the flood disaster monitoring based on MODIS data is the basis of layout and construction of hydraulic engineering and hydropower engineering and the basis of decision-making of flood prevention and disasters decrease .

  16. 桂林市水利工程宏观规划与信息管理系统

    WR project macroscopic plan and information management system of Guilin city

  17. 山区田间水利工程的规划设计

    Planning and Design of the Field Water Works in the Mountain Areas

  18. 川中丘陵区微型水利工程的规划设计

    Programme and Design of Mini-water Works in the Hilly Areas of Middle Sichuan Province

  19. 基于保证社会需求来进行水利工程的规划和建设,使我们在应付一轮又一轮水资源和水环境危机的循环中越来越被动。

    The planning and construction of water projects , which are based on guaranteeing social demand , made us more and more passive in dealing with the cycles of water resources and water environment crisis .

  20. 但由于受淮河流域特殊的自然地理条件、复杂的气候条件、人口稠密、土地集约度高等因素制约,以及前期水利工程在规划设计上的不足,淮河的防洪形势依然复杂而严峻。

    But due to the natural geographical conditions of Huaihe rive basin , complex climate condition , dense population , restricting land intensive degree higher and the insufficient water conservancy projects , flood control situation is still complicated and grim .

  21. 设计洪水是指水利水电工程规划、设计、施工中所指定的各种设计标准的洪水,合理分析计算设计洪水,是水利水电工程规划设计中首先要解决的问题。

    " Design flood " means the flood of various design standards that are prescribed in the course of the planning , designing and construction of the hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering . The problem of analyzing , calculating and designing rationally of the design flood takes the first place .

  22. 水利水电工程的规划、设计、施工与管理过程都是极其复杂的。

    The whole process of hydropower engineering including planning , designing , construction and management are very complex .

  23. 大坳水利枢纽工程的旅游规划

    The tour plan of DAAO hydraulic engineering

  24. 河道浅滩演变研究是河流动力学的重要组成部分,是水利学科的基础性课题,也是进行水利、水运工程规划、设计、管理和工程可行性研究的基础工作。

    Studying on river shoal evolution is a fundamental work in the science of water conservancy , water conservancy projects and waterways planning , designing , management and engineering feasibility .