
  • 网络Stabilizer;Horizontal stabilizer;THS
  1. 以水平安定面铰链磨损检查的转化和简化工作为例,说明了方法的有效性。

    The method is used in a hinge wear inspection example of Horizontal stabilizer to testify its efficiency .

  2. 大型飞机水平安定面作动器是飞机的关键部件之一,其疲劳失效直接影响到飞机的安全飞行,因此开展长寿命、高可靠性设计技术的研究具有重要的现实意义。

    The horizontal stabilizer actuator is one of the key components of an aircraft , whose fatigue failure directly affects the security in aviation , so it has important practical significance to carry out the research about improving structural fatigue life and reliability .

  3. 海相碳酸盐岩锶同位素及微量元素特征与海平面变化水平安定面配平手轮

    Strontium isotope and trace element characteristics of marine carbonate and sea level fluctuation

  4. 与水平安定面相连的是两个称为升降舵的可动操纵面。

    Attached to the stabilizers are two movable surface called " elevator " .

  5. 尾翼-安装水平安定面、垂直安定面。

    Empennage-Install Stabilizer and Vertical Fin .

  6. 为验证该算法,给出了一个飞机水平安定面翼肋设计实例。

    To test this algorithm , one design example , one rib of an aircraft wing , is given .

  7. 鸭式飞机的水平安定面和升降舵:从一架飞行器伸出的一个短的翼状控制平面,如航天飞船的机身,被安在飞机翼前方,作为水平稳定器。

    A short , winglike control surface projecting from the fuselage of an aircraft , such as a space shuttle , mounted forward of the main wing and serving as a horizontal stabilizer .

  8. 水平和垂直安定面、驾驶舱门、方向舵以及升降舵组件目前正在组装和安装。

    The assembly and installation of the vertical and horizontal stabilizers , cabin door , rudder and elevator assemblies are being concluded .

  9. 提高延迟焦化装置生产技术水平的对策水平安定面致动装置

    Measures to raise the technical level of delayed coker production

  10. 从飞机一侧通向另一侧的水平轴或横轴。升降舵控制机头绕此轴作上下的运动。(水平安定面则用以配平。)

    Horizontal or lateral axis , passes through the airplane from one side to the other-nose up and nose down control is by elevators ( and stabilizer for trim ) .