
shuǐ liú zǔ lì
  • flow resistance;resistance to water flow
  1. 同时对SPAC连续体系中的水分势能和水流阻力的分布规律进行了分析。

    We also analyzed water potential and the distribution of water flow resistance in consecutive SPAC systems .

  2. 黄土坡面细沟侵蚀中的水流阻力规律研究

    Study of Flow Resistance Law in Rill Erosion on Loess Slope

  3. 探明了SPAC中水流阻力主要以节点阻力存在,土-根阻力是决定作物水分状况的主要因素。

    It was proved that the water flow resistances in SPAC existed largely as node resistances , and the resistance between soil and root was the major factor that determines the water status in crop .

  4. 明渠水流阻力系数计算公式分析与比较

    Analysis and comparison of calculating fomulas about resistance coefficient of open-channel flow

  5. 推移质对水流阻力影响的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Effect of Bed Load on Flow Resistance

  6. 根区不同灌溉方式对苹果幼苗水流阻力的影响

    Effects of different root zone irrigation modes on apple seedlings hydraulic resistance

  7. 粗糙管中均质高含沙水流阻力试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Flow Resistance of Homogeneous Hyperconcentrated Flow in Rough Pipes

  8. 植物根系轴向水流阻力的研究

    A study on the axial hydraulic resistance to water flow in plant roots

  9. 黄河高含沙水流阻力特性与计算

    Resistance Characteristics of the Hyper-concentration Flow on the Huanghe River and Its Calculation

  10. 土壤-植物-大气连续体水流阻力分布规律的研究

    Distribution of hydraulic resistance in soil - plant-atmosphere continuum

  11. 复式河槽水流阻力及泥沙输移特性研究

    Flow Resistance and Sediment Transport in Compound Channels

  12. 生物接触氧化源水预处理工程的水流阻力试验研究

    Experimental research on flow drag in biological contact aeration process for water supply source pre-treatment

  13. 不同生育期土壤-苜蓿系统水流阻力和水容变化规律研究

    Dynamical Changes of Hydraulic Resistance and Capacitance in the Soil-alfalfa System at Different Growth Stages

  14. 固定式填料系统的水流阻力大于悬浮式填料系统。

    The flow resistance infixed packing system is greater than that in suspended packing system .

  15. 冬小麦、夏玉米叶水势、蒸腾和液态水流阻力的田间试验研究

    Field researches on water potential , transpiration and resistance to water flow for wheat and Maize

  16. 纳米吸附法降低岩石微孔道水流阻力的实验研究

    Experimental research on drag reduction of flow in micro channels of rocks using nano-particle adsorption method

  17. 水流阻力和水头损失

    Fluid drag and head loss

  18. 并对淹没与非淹没植被水流阻力进行了理论分析;

    Has carried on the theoretical analysis with the submerged and non-submerged vegetation resistance to water flow .

  19. 湿地非淹没芦苇水流阻力的试验研究潜波及透浪式建筑物反射系数的计算

    Roughness coefficient of non - submerged reed The Calculation of Reflection Coefficient on Submerged Slope and Permeable Works

  20. 穿越四面六边透水框架群的水流阻力特性试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Resistance Characteristic of Water Flow through the Permeable Frames of Tetrahedron with Six Sides

  21. 水容是继水流阻力之后反映土壤&植物系统中水分动力学性质的又一重要水力学参数。

    Hydraulic capacitance is a important hydraulic parameter to describe hydraulic dynamics of soil plant system after hydraulic resistance .

  22. 船闸口门外连接段航道船队推轮推力与水流阻力关系

    Relationship Between Current Resistance and Thrust Push of Push Tug at the Transitional Reach Outside Entrance of Navigation Locks

  23. 植物根系吸水过程中根系水流阻力的变化特征

    Variational Characteristics of Resistance to Water Flow in the Plant Root in the Course of Water Uptake by Plant Roots

  24. 计入水流阻力的等空化数曲线计算凹槽中的旋涡及初生空化数的估算

    Calculation of ECN Curve in consideration of the influence of friction losses Vortex flow and cavitation inception in a slot

  25. 按不同流态及流区对明渠水流阻力系数的计算公式进行了归纳和总结。

    The calculation formulas of the resistance coefficient in open channel flows were summarized according to different flow patterns and flow regions .

  26. 冲积河流非均匀沙表层床沙粒径组成是影响水流阻力、输沙及河床冲淤的重要因素。

    The size distribution of non-uniform sediment on alluvial stream bed surface greatly affects the flow friction , sediment transport and fluvial processes .

  27. 提高模拟精度的重点是水力学模型中内、外边界条件的处理及水流阻力项的计算。

    To increase modeling accuracy , some treatments of interior and exterior boundary conditions , and calculations of variable resistance terms are discussed .

  28. 采用加宽的水道设计,加大进出口水道,使水流阻力大大减小,发动机的冷却效果得到了很大提升。

    The engine use the design of widening water channel , enlarge imput and output water channel , enhance the engine cooling effect .

  29. 这些现象说明,水流阻力是蒸腾波动产生的重要前提条件,而蒸腾波动则可能是气孔开合波动的直接结果。

    All the phenomena show : water flow resistance is the important prerequisite to cause transpiration fluctuation , and the latter can be the result of stomatal oscillation .

  30. 本文应用船舶阻力经验公式,对三峡工程明渠施工通航船队,进行了航行阻力计算分析,并建立了水流阻力与航速;

    By using the empirical formulae of the ship resistance , the sailing resistance computation of the ship team for Three Gorges Project open channel navigation has been conducted .