
qiú suǒ
  • seek and explore
求索 [qiú suǒ]
  • (1) [seek]∶寻找;搜寻

  • 求索新的路子

  • (2) [ask for]∶索取;要求

  • 求索无厌

  1. 我在吃的方面一向很爱探究求索。

    I have always had an enquiring mind where food is concerned

  2. 然而,要根本解决电J文件的可读性保障问题,还需要一个不断求索的过程。

    However , the ultimate solution to the electronic document readability security problem , also need a constant search process .

  3. 似乎并不存在什么银弹,我们需要继续求索构建新的更好的SOA实现的方法。

    It seems like there is no " silver bullet " and we will need to continue experimenting with building new and better SOA implementations .

  4. Sohae愿跟朋友们一道用思维的触角进行地球村的自然观光之旅和心灵的人文求索之旅!

    Sohae is ready to go on a journey of sightseeing over the earth village as well as exploring over our soul together with friends by the antennas of our thoughts !

  5. 中国教育学科的百年求索

    A Review of the 20th-century History of Educational Science in China

  6. 法国以及加拿大都正在类似的路途中求索。

    France is pursuing the same path , as is Canada .

  7. 学者求索而艺术家发现。&A。纪德。

    The scholar seeks , the artist finds . & A.Gide .

  8. 奉献和求索&我所认识的黄秉维先生

    The benefaction of Professor Huang bingwei : contribution and exploration

  9. 心灵的哲学求索与科学探索

    The Seeking of Mind Philosophy and the Quest of Science

  10. 百年社会主义历史难题的四次求索及其启示

    Four Quests for the Century - Aged Socialist Problem and Their Enlightenment

  11. 现代化求索与现代性反思

    The Longing for Modernization and the Reflecting on Modernity

  12. 解读《独角兽》:在偶然世界里对真和善的求索

    The Unicorn : Pursuit of Truth and Beauty in a World of Contingency

  13. 中国近代建筑文化环境与近代建筑发展求索

    Views on Chinese architectural culture environment and development of architecture in early twenty-century

  14. 对于罗姆尼来说,提名之路漫漫而修远,仍需上下求索。

    His long , hard march to the nomination continues

  15. 农业规模化产业化途径求索

    Discovery Of The Path Of Agricultural Dimension And Industrialization

  16. 理想主义者的人生求索历程&评张洁的三篇爱情小说

    Life Journey of an Idealist & On ZHANG Jie 's Three Love Stories

  17. 诚信是智慧,随着博学者的求索而积累。

    The good faith is a wisdom , accumulates along with sophists seeking .

  18. 黑暗中上下求索的尽头还未见光明吗?

    The dark at the end of the tunnel ?

  19. 文明枷锁下自由人性的求索

    Freedom Insuppressible Humanity under the Shackles of Civilization

  20. 这个活力来自于他艺术上的善于思考、不断求索的精神。

    And this vigor comes from his artistic spirit of endless thinking and seeking .

  21. 我想我求索爱情的时间比别人都长。

    What about our stories , those of us who fall in love alone ?

  22. 我需要向我求索之手。

    I need hands outstretched to take it .

  23. 原来自己一直在求索的那个疑团,解答就在这里。

    So it was the answer to the riddle he had been asking himself .

  24. 类型的变奏舞蹈&杜琪峰电影30年的上下求索

    The Variation Dance of Typehood : An Exploration of Johnnie 's 30 Years Films

  25. 中华民族魂之求索及现代城市之神圣使命

    Exploration of the Essence of Chinese Peoples and the Saint Missions of modern City

  26. 美国作家保罗·塞罗克斯一直过着求索不息的文化人生活。

    American writer Paul Theroux has lived the life of a culturally restless man .

  27. 同时,在教学中要实现感性呈现和理性求索,语文知识是非常合适的载体。

    Chinese knowledge is a proper carrier for proceeding from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge .

  28. 苗族:神州土著华裔美国人的身份求索

    Miao People : " Shen Zhou " s Natives Chinese Americans ' Searching for Identity

  29. 这里是一个有趣的报价,希望能在你心中留下求索。

    Here is an interesting quotation that will hopefully leave a quest in your mind .

  30. 求索与碰撞&20世纪初俄国寻神运动的社会根源浅析

    The " God Pursuit " Movement of the Russian Intellectuals in the Early 20th Century