
  • 网络exchange rate fluctuation;fluctuation
  1. 人民币实际汇率波动的源泉&基于长期约束结构VAR的实证研究

    The Sources of RMB Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations : An Empirical Study Based on Structural VAR under Long-term Restrictions

  2. 苏南地区的FDI流入量与汇率波动正相关,苏中苏北则与汇率波动负相关。

    FDI of Southern Jiangsu is positively associated with exchange rate fluctuations , the other two regions are negatively related with exchange rate fluctuations .

  3. 汇率波动与FDI区位分布&基于辖区间财政竞争视角的研究

    Exchange Rate Fluctuation and Regional Distribution of FDI : From the Perspective of Local Fiscal Competition

  4. 在方法上,本文介绍了目前适合建立汇率波动预测模型的两种时间序列模型&ARMA模型和ARCH模型。

    This paper introduces two time-series models-ARMA model and ARCH model , which are adapt to the fluctuation forecast .

  5. 要建立能够适应WTO挑战的货币供给机制,必须考虑资本流动和汇率波动对本国货币供给的影响。

    The inflow of foreign capital and the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate and other factors like these will give high impact on domestic money supply .

  6. 基于小波消噪GARCH模型的汇率波动序列研究

    An Analysis of Exchange Rate Fluctuation Based on the GARCH Model with Wavelet Denoising

  7. 检验的结果说明,人民币汇率波动序列是非正态的,具有尖峰厚尾性,且其具有两阶自相关性。其残差序列是非独立同分布的,同时汇率波动序列还存在ARCH效应。

    The tests prove that the sequence of fluctuant exchange rate is non-normal , two-stage autocorrelation , non-independent and identically distributed and it has ARCH effect .

  8. 我国AB股双重上市公司经营业绩变化的实证分析汇率波动对我国跨国经营企业经营业绩的实证分析

    An empirical study on operating performance of dually-listed firms in China A Study on the Effect of Changes of Exchange Rate on Multinational Enterprises ' operating performance

  9. 20世纪80年代后期欧洲单一市场建立之初,欧盟已有了一种限制汇率波动的汇率机制(erm)。

    When the single market was built in the late 1980s , the EU already had an exchange-rate mechanism ( ERM ) limiting currency movements .

  10. G-3汇率波动对中国内外资企业出口影响比较

    The Impact of G-3 Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports from Both Domestic-Funded and Foreign-Invested Enterprises in China

  11. 帝亚吉欧首席执行官伊万梅内塞斯(IvanMenezes)表示:在新兴市场上,汇率波动和有关GDP增长前景的担忧,对商业和消费者信心有不利影响。

    Ivan Menezes , chief executive , said : In the emerging markets currency volatility and caution about the outlook for GDP growth are negatively impacting business and consumer confidence .

  12. 今年是美世第21年发布这一排行榜。美世咨询师凯特•菲茨帕特里克(KateFitzpatrick)表示:汇率波动总是会对排名产生很大影响,但今年它的影响格外突出。

    Currency movements will always play a really big part in the rankings but the impact this year has been particularly acute , said Kate Fitzpatrick , a consultant at Mercer .

  13. 自布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,G-3汇率波动成为世界经济不稳定的一个重要原因。

    Since the collapse of Bretton woods system , G-3 exchange rate volatility has become one of the important reasons of the world economy instability .

  14. 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)分析师们表示,汇率波动意味着中国消费者到巴黎、而不是在国内购买奢侈品将会便宜39%,而去年的价差是26%。

    Currency swings mean a Chinese consumer would save 39 per cent on luxury goods by flying to Paris instead of buying at home , compared with a saving of 26 per cent last year , according to analysts at Bernstein .

  15. 此后,本文利用PVAR方法实证检验了汇率波动通过国际收支、资本流动以及资产价格波动渠道对金融稳定的影响。

    Thereafter we use panel-VAR method to test that exchange rate fluctuation affects financial stability by means of international trade , capital flow and asset price .

  16. 人民币汇率波动对船舶工业的影响&与中船重工经济研究中心季建伟博士一席谈

    The effect of RMB exchange rate fluctuation on the shipbuilding industry

  17. 如此剧烈的汇率波动可能加剧金融市场的不稳定性。

    Such abrupt currency movements could fuel instability in financial markets .

  18. 第一章,汇率波动理论及汇率制度。

    Chapter one is exchange rate change theory and exchange rate system .

  19. 通过以上研究,本文得出了以下结论:人民币汇率波动对房地产价格有着重要的影响。

    RMB exchange rate has an important impact on real estate prices .

  20. 汇率波动下的中国远洋控股公司财务筹划

    The Financial Planning of China Cosco under Exchange Rate Fluctuations

  21. 欧元汇率波动研究

    The Study on the Fluctuation of European Dollar Exchange Rate

  22. 造船业汇率波动风险的应对措施

    Measures to deal with exchange rate risk in shipbuilding industry

  23. 借外币的人要应对汇率波动的问题。

    Foreign-currency borrowers may have exchange-rate fluctuations to cope with .

  24. 宏观经济信息影响汇率波动的微观传导机制

    Research on the Transmission System of Macro-news ' Effect on Exchange Rate Volatility

  25. 试论汇率波动对世界贸易价格的影响

    To what extent the flucturation of exchange rates influence pricing in World Trade

  26. 诚然,大多数公司通常会采取措施,应对汇率波动。

    To be sure , most companies generally prepare for fluctuating exchange rates .

  27. 汇率波动是影响数据的另一个因素。

    Currency volatility is another factor affecting the figures .

  28. 汇率波动影响下的国际物流动态模型研究

    Research on International Logistics Dynamic Model in the Impact of Floating Exchange Rate

  29. 如何应对汇率波动风险

    How to deal with the Exchange Rate Variability Risk

  30. 第三部探讨了影响汇率波动的因素。

    The third part discusses the factors that affect the exchange rate fluctuations .