
hàn xué
  • Sinology;the Han school of classical philology
汉学 [hàn xué]
  • (1) [the Han school of classical philology]∶汉代人研究经学着重名物、训诂,后世因称研究经、史、名物、训诂、考据之学为汉学

  • (2) [sinology]∶对中国的研究,尤指关于中国语言、文学、历史和风俗习惯的研究

汉学[hàn xué]
  1. 汉学拥有广泛的学术基础,并在某些方面取得了新的进展,依旧占据传统学术的主流;

    The Han school of classical philology was still the mainstream of traditional learning for its extensive academic foundation and made some progress ;

  2. 这里选登的主要是对传统汉学(Sinology)与中国学(ChinaStudies)及其关系的不同见解,以及对中国文化学术传统的较新看法。

    The paper selected some different opinions and new attitudes about Sinology and China Studies . China Studies originated and is different from Sinology .

  3. 力拓(riotinto)与中国之间的关系,需要用一种全新的专属汉学来解读。

    The relationship between Rio Tinto and China requires an entire branch of Sinology to itself .

  4. 汉学家史景迁(JonathanD.Spence)作为美国中国学界一位极具影响力与代表性的研究者,半个多世纪来所努力进行的正是这样一种对异质文化的认知工作。

    Jonathan D. Spence , as an influential and representative scholar in US Sinological field , has been working on the foreign cultural study for more than half a century .

  5. 澳门和中西文化交流及汉学的形成

    Macao , Culture Communion Between China and West and the Sinology

  6. 数控线切割汉学的CAD/CAM

    CAD / CAM for cutting Chinese character on NC wire-cut EDM

  7. 这一思维方式的转变也对西方汉学的发展产生了影响。

    This transition has exerted influence on the development of Sinology .

  8. 俄国驻华宗教使团及其汉学研究综述

    Study on the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in China and its Sinology

  9. 苏联汉学家瓦?米?阿列克谢耶夫是苏联汉学的奠基人。

    The Soviet sinologist V.M.Alekseyev is a founder of Soviet sinology .

  10. 比较文化视野中的汉学和汉学研究

    Sinology and Sinology Study in the Vision of Comparative Culture

  11. 法国汉学界对丝绸之路的研究

    Research on the Silk Road by French Scholars of Sinology

  12. 那么,我们还有别的老师,他是语法呀,汉学这个方面的教学。

    Other teachers may focus on the grammar or the Sinology , etc.

  13. 对汉学论著翻译规范的探讨

    A Research on the Translation Criterions of the Sinological Literatures

  14. 美国汉学兴起于19世纪中叶,起步虽晚,但发展迅速。

    American sinology formed in the middle of 19th century .

  15. 汉学心态:林语堂文化思想透视

    Sinological Mind : Perspective of Lin Yutang 's Cultural Thinking

  16. 中国学脱胎于、基础于汉学并且扩及现代社会政治经济的研究,实际上是跨学科和多层面的,这渐成共识;

    China Studies touchs upon the study of social politics and economy .

  17. 解读的衰落:美国汉学的哲学转向

    Eclipse of Reading : On the " Philosophical Turn " in American Sinology

  18. 一部英国汉学史同时也是一部中英交流史。

    The history of British Sinology is also a history of Sino-British communication .

  19. 英国似乎被排除在欧洲汉学圈之外。

    Britain seemed excluded from this European Sinology circle .

  20. 意大利汉学的贡献国际研讨会综述

    Summary of the International Symposium of " the Contribution of Italian Sinology "

  21. 乾嘉时期,钱大昕对汉学、宋学和清代学术进行了较为系统的评论。

    The Official Compiling History Books and Han Song Learning during Kang-Qian Period ;

  22. 论美国早期汉学研究

    On the Study of Sinology in the Early America

  23. 新批评派与美国汉学界的中国现当代文学研究

    New Criticism and American Research on Modern Chinese Literature

  24. 但是,针对这些西方汉学文献中汉语词类问题的研究还是凤毛麟角。

    However , research on Chinese word class in Western Sinology is still inadequate .

  25. 性别理论与美国汉学的互动研究

    The Interaction of Gender Theory to American Sinology

  26. 日本汉学界的宋诗研究

    Japanese Sinologists ' Studies on Chinese Song Poems

  27. 密执安大学硕士,汉学,中国哲学。

    Master 's Degree ( M.A. ) in Chinese Studies , University of Michigan .

  28. 汉儒与王莽:评述西方汉学界的几项研究

    Han Confucianism and Wang Mang : A Commentary on some Important Western Sinological Researches

  29. 但早期美国汉学也存在着缺乏专职性和研究群体单一性的严重不足。

    However , the early American sinology was insufficient in professional groups of studies .

  30. 润物细无声&论对外汉语教学与汉学

    Moistened Quietly by Drizzle & On Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and Sinology