
  • 网络Chinese
  1. 直到第11名才开始出现一些社会科学类专业,比如汉语言文学、外国语和新闻学专业。

    It 's not until No. 11 that some social science majors such as Chinese language and literature , foreign language studies and journalism1 appear .

  2. 地方高校汉语言文学专业就业现状及对策分析

    On the Employment and Strategies of Chinese Literature Majors in Local Colleges

  3. 英国伯克郡独立学校威灵顿学院(WellingtonCollege)去年斥资50万英镑,在一座配有中式水榭的塔式建筑中开设了一家汉语言中心。

    Wellington College , an independent school in Berkshire , last year opened a & # 163 ; 500,000 Mandarin language centre housed in a pagoda complete with Chinese water garden .

  4. 实验2-A考察了初中级水平的汉语言学习者偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 2-A studies the modifier + the modified / verb + object ambiguous phrases reading patterns by Chinese learners of elementary and intermediate levels .

  5. 塑造汉语言文字学学科新形象之我见

    Personal Views of Molding a New Image of the Chinese Philology

  6. 汉语言文学专业学位论文的英文摘要写作

    English Abstracts Writing for the Thesis in Chinese Language and Literature

  7. 越南义静民歌纺纱曲中的汉语言文化

    The Han Culture Revealed in the Nghe Spinning Ballad of Vietnam

  8. 现代汉语是汉语言文学专业的一门专业基础课。

    Modern Chinese is a required course for Chinese literature specialty .

  9. 汉语言文字与中医药学的审美思维

    On the Aesthetic Approaches of Chinese Language and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  10. 汉语言研究与少数民族语言结合的一些理论方法问题

    Some Theoretical Methods of Combining Chinese Studies With Minorities ' Languages

  11. 论网络环境下教师汉语言教学资源的整合利用

    The Exploitation of Chinese Language Teaching Resources under the Network Environment

  12. 关于汉语言文学专业教改的几点思考

    Several Ideas on the Reform Research of Chinese Literature Teaching

  13. 蒙元时期丝绸之路汉语言文学研究

    The Study of Chinese Literature of the Silk Road in Yuan Dynasty

  14. 语文学习是学生学习汉语言的具体的实践活动。

    Chinese learning is the concrete practice of language learning .

  15. 汉语言文学专业学生毕业论文的问题与对策

    Chinese Majors ' Problems in Writing Graduate Paper and Countermeasures

  16. 英、汉语言在日常生活中的语用差别

    The Pragmatic Differences between English and Chinese Languages in Our Daily Life

  17. 英、汉语言文化中的礼貌套语

    Politeness Expressions in Chinese and English Situation and Cross-cultural Communication

  18. 百年来汉语言文字的现代化运动

    Exercise . Centennial Progress of China Spoken and Written Language Towards Modernization

  19. 写作不仅是汉语言文学专业的“专利”;

    Writing is not the " patent " for only Chinese majors .

  20. 加强汉语言专业学历教育,推进对外汉语教学学科发展

    Promoting Undergraduate Degree Program Education in the Major of the Chinese Language

  21. 汉语言文学专业双语教学初探

    First Exploration on Bilingual Teaching in the Chinese Language and Literature Specialty

  22. 基于对应语料库的英译汉语言特征分析

    A parallel corpus-based study of Chinese as target language in E-C translation

  23. 汉语言文学专业学习八法及其辨证

    Eight Ways and Its Dialectics of Learning for the Chinese Literature Speciality

  24. 声律:汉语言文学的听觉美感

    Sound Rate : Acoustic Sense of Beauty about Chinese Language and Literature

  25. 英译汉语言特征探讨&基于对应语料库的宏观分析

    A Parallel Corpus-based Study of General Features of Translated Chinese

  26. 汉语言文字对日本古代文明进程的影响

    The Impacts of Chinese Characters on the Evolution of Ancient Japanese Civilization

  27. 汉语言文学专业教师教育实践性课程的构建

    Construction of Practical Education Curriculum In Teachers of Chinese Language and Literature

  28. 论翻译对汉语言文学的影响及其限度

    The Influence of Translation on Chinese Language and Literature

  29. 汉语言文学专业课教学中审美教育的研究与实施

    Study and Practice : Aesthetic Education in the Chinese Language and Literature Class

  30. 汉语言文学专业课程体系创新的初步探索

    The Preliminary Research on Curriculum System Innovation of Chinese Language and Literature Specialty