
  • Jiangsu Province;NANJING
  1. 常州隶属江苏省。

    Changzhou is under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province .

  2. 本文用恒温改变电压电超滤、恒温恒电压电超滤及生物(黑麦草)耗竭试验等动态方法对江苏省几种不同土壤K素供应状况进行了研究。

    This study deals with the potassium supply of some different soils from Jiangsu Province .

  3. GIS在江苏省实时水情图形显示分析系统中的应用

    The Application of GIS in Graphic Displaying and Analyzing System of Jiangsu Real-time Water Regime

  4. GIS空间分析支持下的城市地价分布研究&以江苏省镇江市为例

    City land price distribution researching in GIS spatial analysis & A case study of Zhenjiang City

  5. 基于SD的江苏省城市化与生态环境耦合发展情景分析

    Scenarios Simulation of Urbanization and Ecological Environment Coupling in Jiangsu Province by System Dynamic Model

  6. 1978一2000年,江苏省人均GDP总体上不存在u一收敛;

    From 1978 to 2000 , there was not σ - convergence of the PGDP growth in Jiangsu province ;

  7. 对江苏省1991&2004年经济增长与环境质量关系的分析表明,江苏省的环境库兹涅茨曲线不同于一般的倒U型形状而呈现出N型,环境质量有经过改善后再次恶化的倾向。

    This paper investigates the relationship between economic development and environmental quality with environmental Kuznets curve during the period of 1991 to 2004 for Jiangsu province .

  8. 江苏省GDP占我国1/10以上,是能源消费大户、典型的能源输入型地区。

    Jiangsu Province , whose GDP accounts for more than 1 / 10 in China , is the major energy customer and typical energy-importing area .

  9. 为了实现海域使用的规范化管理,引入了地理信息系统技术,在可视化开发环境Visualc++下,开发了江苏省海域管理信息系统。

    According to realize the standard management of marine uses , GIS technique and the maritime management information system of Jiangsu province based on Visual C ~ ( + + ) were introduced and developed .

  10. 从产出规模来看,江苏省四大支柱产业中只有化学工业对GDP贡献较大,其余规模偏小;

    In light of input and output scale , only chemical industry out of the four pillar industries in Jiangsu Province has a big contribution to its GDP while the other three have not ;

  11. 分别在北京和江苏省连云港市对携带Btcry基因的荧光假单胞菌工程菌进行了田间残留与扩散的追踪检测。

    Biosafety detection of the remnants and diffuse of engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens strains with Bt cry genes in small scale field test was carried in Beijing and Lianyungang , Jiangsu Province .

  12. 为制定SCL-90江苏省大学生常模,通过随机整群抽样,从江苏省5所高校中抽出1350名大学生进行SCL-90测试。

    To formulate SCL-90 norm of college students in Jiangsu . Through random cluster sampling , SCL-90 test was given to 1,350 college students from 5 colleges and universities .

  13. 本文在江苏省经济信息中心的血站综合管理信息系统项目资助下,对基于UML的面向对象建模方法进行了深入研究,对其建模环境进行扩展,并应用于南京市红十字血液中心的血站管理系统。

    In this thesis , we do much research on Object-Oriented Modeling Method based on UML , and extend the modeling environment , and finally applied to a blood station management system for Nanjing Red Cross Blood Center .

  14. 通过研究,本文认为:江苏省吸引FDI在总量规模大幅度上升的同时,也存在诸如区域和产业布局不合理、来源地和进入方式单一等问题;

    Through the research , the author finds some problems accompanying with FDI increasing , i.e. , the district and industry layouts of FDI in Jiangsu Province are irrational and the source and entry method of FDI is very limited , etc.

  15. 另外,还对江苏省送检的从患儿血培养基培养的细菌毒株进行了鉴定,对其16SRRNA基因进行了基因扩增及序列分析,序列测定和分析提示为A组M3型化脓性链球菌。

    In addition , one bacteria strain cultured from the blood of a patient was identified belonging to A group type M3 pyogenic streptococcus using 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing analysis .

  16. 基于此,本文运用OLS回归法对江苏省肉鸡行业主要垂直协作形式的绩效进行了比较分析。

    Therefore , this essay compares and analyses the performance of main vertical coordination forms of meat chicken industry in Jiangsu Province by making use of OLS theory .

  17. 以江苏省盐城市X村老年人照料现状为个案,在农村老年人照料过程中存在着家庭照料功能弱化;

    This article takes X village in Yancheng , Jiangsu province in China as a case , and draws the conclusions that there are many problems in the old care in countryside : firstly , the functions of family care for the senior citizens have been declining ;

  18. 以1987~2002年期间作为分析研究的主要时段,选用了GDP、人口、固定资产投资总额等反映经济发展的主要因素指标,对江苏省耕地面积变化与经济增长的关系进行分析研究。

    Based on the major economical indexes such as GDP , population , total investment of fixed assets of Jiangsu Province during the period of 1987 ~ 2002 , this paper makes an analytical study on the relationship between land area variation and economic growth .

  19. JF水泥集团位于江苏省经济最发达地区&苏南地区,地处长江三角洲核心区域。

    JF Cement Group lies in south of Jiangsu Province , one of the most developed regions in China , located in the core of Yangtze River Delta region .

  20. 方法采用按容量比例概率抽样(PPS)方法,在江苏省常住人口中抽样,对其中≥10岁的6854人进行眩晕问卷调查、纯音测听和耳科检查。

    Methods A total of 6854 persons aged 10 years and over were selected by the methods of probability proportional to size ( PPS ) and had a questionnaire survey about vertigo , pure tone audiometry test and ear examination .

  21. 根据江苏省泗阳县境内南方型杨树杨粮间作林内土温及水分因子4a定位观测资料,系统地分析了杨粮间作林中土温及水分因子的变化规律。

    According to the soil temperature and water date of farmland from forest of the southern type poplars located in Siyang county , Jiangsu province , the changing rules of soil temperature and water have been analysed systematically .

  22. 目的分析江苏省1996~2000年肾综合征出血热(HFRS)疫情及宿主动物、一般人群等监测资料,探讨HFRS流行因素。

    Objective To analyze the incidence rate , animal hosts , and human inapparent infection rate from surveillance data collected in Jiangsu province from 1996 to 2000 and the risk factors of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS ) .

  23. 不解决这些问题就难以保证实现较好的经济发展,也无法实现中央、江苏省所提出的率先发展具体要求,因此经济转型发展迫在眉睫,创建绿色GDP势在必行。

    Do not solve these problems are difficult to maintain high economic growth , can not achieve the central , Jiangsu Province , the proposed " first to develop " specific requirements , so the development of economic transformation around the corner , creating a green GDP is also imperative .

  24. 以新古典经济增长理论、人力资本理论为基础,以柯布&道格拉斯生产函数模型(C-D模型)为主要分析工具,分析江苏省就业人口的人均受教育程度对江苏经济增长的作用。

    According to the neoclassical economics and HR theory , and by using Cobb-Douglas function ( C-D function ) as the main analytical tool , the paper analysed the effect that employees ' education level has made on the economic growth in Jiangsu province .

  25. 半个世纪来江苏省丹阳县儿童生长的长期趋势

    Secular growth trend of children in Danyang county , Jiangsu Province

  26. 江苏省人口变化对耕地保护的影响

    Effect of Population Change on Cultivated Land Protection in Jiangsu Province

  27. 江苏省人口城市化与空间组织研究

    A Study on Population Urbanization and Spatial Organization in Jiangsu Province

  28. 江苏省城市垃圾分类回收管理方案

    The Managing Schemes for Urban Rubbish Classifiable Retrieval in Jiangsu Province

  29. 江苏省科技-经济-社会系统动态模型分析与研究

    Study on SD Model of Science and Technology-Economy-Society of Jiangsu Province

  30. 江苏省农田环境杂草水花生分布及危害

    Distribution and Damage of Alternanthera philoxeroides in Agro-environment of Jiangsu Province