
  • 网络car design;automotive design;vehicle design;catia
  1. 汽车设计专业实践教学改革的探讨与实践

    Discussion and Practice on the Reform of the Practical Teaching for the Major of Automotive Design

  2. 汽车设计作为工业设计中的一个高级的复杂的领域,具有多学科交叉、多角色参与、多进程交互的特点。

    As an advanced and complex area of the industrial design , automotive design is characterized by its multi-disciplinary and multi-process interaction .

  3. 这辆汽车设计完美,工艺精良,开起来过瘾。

    The car is beautifully engineered and a pleasure to drive .

  4. 状态空间梯度投影法在汽车设计中的应用

    Application of State Space Gradient Projection Algorithm to Vehicle Designs

  5. 多学科优化设计及其在汽车设计中的应用

    Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and It 's Application in Vehicle Design

  6. 15吨沙漠专用汽车设计

    Design of A 15 Ton Truck Special for Desert Application

  7. 汽车设计是汽车产业发展的重要推动力和掌舵手。

    Automobile design is the impetus and steering of the automobile industrial development .

  8. 这个模型在汽车设计中名列第一。

    This model is a first in car design .

  9. 灵敏度方法在汽车设计中的应用

    Application of Sensitivity Methods to Designing Vehicle Dynamic Systems

  10. 包容原则在汽车设计中的应用及经济性分析

    On the Application of Envelope Principle for Auto & Parts Designs and Its Economical Efficiency

  11. 汽车设计的技术经济分析

    Technical - economic analysis in automobile desig

  12. 今天上午老师们带我们训练营的同学去参观了林芝山阳的工厂和无锡的汽车设计中心。

    This morning we went to the Motocycle manufactory factory in Wuxi and Wuxi Auto design center .

  13. 雷诺汽车设计中的建筑手法

    Architectural Methods in Renault Design

  14. 他说:无论是现代建筑、产品设计还是汽车设计都似乎对游艇设计有所启发。

    He said : ' It seems that modern architecture , product design and car design have no influence on yachts .

  15. 车身断面设计作为国内外汽车设计公司的一项核心技术,多年来一直是汽车车身设计中的一个重点和难点问题。

    As a core technology , automotive companies all over the world have used body section design as a key technology for many years .

  16. 现代汽车设计愈来愈趋于轻量化和高速化,由此增大了汽车振动及车内噪声,特别是低频噪声。

    The design of contemporary automobile inclines to be lighter and high-speed , which increases the vibration and internal noise , especially the low-frequency noise in the car .

  17. 可以利用所建模型在汽车设计初期对其制动性和操纵稳定性进行预测和有关指标的评价,缩短研发周期。

    The model can be used to pre-estimate braking ability and direction stability of vehicles in the early days of design , shorten the periods of research and development .

  18. 由此对汽车设计提出了新的标准,而其中更多的功能与使用性方面的诉求将体现在汽车的内部空间的设计上。

    Because of this , it is putting forward the new standard to the car design , and among them , more functional and using claims will be embodied on the design of interior .

  19. 福龙先生没有接受过专门的汽车设计培训,上完小学就没读了,但是他依然有能力建造这么一辆汽车,在充满电的情况下,最高时速可达20英里。

    Mr Fulong has no formal training in car design and gave up on education after primary school , but still had the skill to build a car that can reach almost 20mph when fully charged .

  20. 在汽车设计制造的整个周期中,车身模具特别是汽车覆盖件模具的设计制造水平,一直是制约汽车产品开发速度与品质的核心因素。

    During the automotive design and manufacture period , it is the main factor of auto product development speed and quality that the design and manufacture level of the auto body die especially auto panel die .

  21. 文章对这一现象的出现和发展趋势,从设计的角度加以分析,并提出作为设计师如何在汽车设计中体现设计师的社会职责。

    Faced with this phenomenon and the trend of development , this article analyzes the disadvantages from the angle of the design and suggests that a designer should bear social responsibility in the process of the car design .

  22. 在此基础上,结合转向系统的功能要求,应用汽车设计和液压传动理论,提出了电动液压助力转向系统及其与整车匹配的设计方法。

    According to the study result and with the function requirement of steering system , and by using automobile design and fluid drive theory , the design method of this system and its matching with the whole car are presented .

  23. 在这个以消费者为导向的时代,能够迎合消费者需求的汽车设计,符合消费者口味的汽车形态,必然受到消费者的喜爱,从而拥有更多的销售市场。

    We are now in a new era directed by consumer , the automobile design that can cater to consumer demand , and the automobile model accord with consumer 's taste , must take the fancy of consumer , and occupy more selling markets .

  24. 有限元法已经成为现代汽车设计的重要工具之一,与传统的设计方法相比,它的优势在于提高汽车产品的质量、降低产品开发与生产制造成本,提高汽车产品在市场上的竞争力。

    FEA , compared with traditional methods , has became an important tool in modem automobile design , its advantage lies in improving the quality of car products , reducing the cost of product-developing and production , and increasing the competition of car products in the market .

  25. 这种汽车的设计回到了20世纪60年代。

    The car 's design is a throwback to the 1960s .

  26. 的确,汽车的设计和性能都有所改进,但发动机盖下面的部件却未曾改变。

    Yes , the design and the performance have improved , but what happens under the bonnet hasn 't.

  27. LED简介及其在汽车灯具设计中的作用

    Some Introduction of LED and its Role Playing in Automobile Lights Designs

  28. 汽车视野设计CAD系统开发及应用

    The Development and Application of a CAD System for Automotive Visual Field Design and Check

  29. 虚拟油泥造型系统(VirtualClayModelingSystem)是西北工业大学开发的一种新的汽车外形设计系统。

    A new kind of computer aided modeling , Virtual Clay Modeling ( VCM ) System , is developed in Northwestern Polytechnical University .

  30. 汽车车身设计CAD/CAE信息集成系统中Oracle数据库的设计研究

    Study on Oracle Database Design in Integrate CAD / CAE System of Car-body Design