
  • 网络sedimentation tank;Settling tank;settler
  1. BP神经网络在沉淀池费用函数模型中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network to Cost Model of Settling Tank

  2. SD池底阀在卤水斜管沉淀池中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of SD Tank Bottom Valve in Stilt Pipe Settling Tank of Brine

  3. 沉淀池采用斜管,提高了沉降效率

    The precipitation bond adopts a sloped tube to enhance the precipitating efficiency .

  4. 设计了一种浸没式UVC装置,用于自来水厂斜管沉淀池的抑藻、除藻。

    Submerged UV-C technology would be engineered as an alga-killing apparatus in the water works .

  5. V型斜管沉淀池在糖厂污水处理中的应用

    The Application of V-shape Slant Pipe Clarifier in Sewage Treatment of Beet Sugar Factory

  6. CFD模型在污水沉淀池数值模拟中的应用

    Application of CFD model in numerical value simulation sewage sedimentation tank

  7. 常规处理工艺采用机械混合、网格絮凝、平流沉淀池及V型滤池。

    In conventional treatment process , mechanical mixing , grid reaction , horizontal flow sedimentation tank and type V filtering tank are adopted .

  8. 采用LS-SVM的自来水厂沉淀池出水浊度建模

    Forecast Model for Settling Tank Water Turbidity in Waterworks Using LS-SVM

  9. 一起TNT碱性废水沉淀池火灾事故分析

    Analysis on a Fire Accident of Waste Water Processing Pool for TNT

  10. 50m直径预应力混凝土沉淀池施工技术

    Construction Technologies of a 50m Diameter Prestressed Concrete Sedimentation Basin

  11. 基于Camp式理想沉淀池相关理论,分析增设出水堰时沉淀池的工作情况。

    Based on the theory about Camp ideal sedimentation tank , the working status of the sedimentation tank with catchment weirs along the tank is analyzed .

  12. 反应器内颗粒污泥形态和较低的出水SS显示了可调容积式沉淀池对泥水分离效果的有效控制。

    The morphology of sludge in the reactor and lower effulent SS showed that adjustable sedimentation tank could control separation of granule and floe .

  13. 考虑到曝气生物滤池多用于污水二级处理工艺中,本工艺在进水格栅后设置了调节池,之后是强化沉淀池,曝气生物滤池分三级,即CN滤池、N滤池、DN-P滤池。

    On account of BAF is often used in second treatment of wastewater , the water regulator pond was set up after the grid , and after it is strengthen precipitation pond .

  14. 再次,用沉淀池和气浮池实现废水和厌氧污泥的完全分离,使废水的COD降解了92%~94%;

    Then , the effluent and anaerobic sludge is completely separated by sedimentation and air-flotation ponds and 92 ~ 93 % COD of effluent is degraded . Finally aerobic treatment is processed .

  15. 本文采用计算流体力学软件FLUENT对1983年加拿大温莎大学Imam博士建立的二维矩形沉淀池模型进行了流场的数值模拟。

    Based on the computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT , is used to numerically simulate two-dimensional rectangular sedimentation tank model which was established by Dr.

  16. 无粘结纲筋的后预应力直径55m沉淀池无粘结预应力钢绞线施工技术与控制

    The Control of Construction Technology of Non-bond Prestress Steel Wire in a diameter of 55m Precipitation Tank

  17. 将验证后的数学模型应用于设计的平流沉淀池,采用计算流体力学软件Fluent对平流沉淀池进行了三维两相流数值模拟。

    The validated mathematical model is applied to the rectangular sedimentation tank designed , and the three-dimensional numerical simulation of two-phase flow in the rectangular sedimentation tank is performed by the computational fluid dynamics software Fluent .

  18. 运用BP网络的非线性函数逼近功能,以沉淀池的计算表面积与计算体积为网络的输入,沉淀池的费用值为网络的输出,建立单体构筑物沉淀池的费用模型。

    BP neural network is applied in this paper because of its nonlinear approximation function . The settling tank cost model is established by using it . The calculating surface area and volume are respectively used as network inputs , while the cost is used as the network output .

  19. 闪速炉炼铜炉渣中含Fe3O4较高,这是渣含铜高和沉淀池结瘤的主要原因。

    The slag of copper flash smelting contains high Fe 3O 4 , which is the main reason for high copper content in the slag and nodule formation in a settler .

  20. 生活污水经SBR池、缺氧池、混凝沉淀池、砂滤池处理后出水,污染物去除率达到90%,达到回用标准,可以回用于生活杂用水等。

    After the treatment through SBR pond , anoxic pond , coagulation sedimentation pond and sand filter tank , the pollutant removing rate reached 90 % , which satisfies the reuse standard , and can be reused as household water and so on .

  21. 在以压强连接的隐式修正法压力速度校正方程基础上,采用雷诺平均N-S方程以及标准k-ε湍流模型,对水厂沉淀池的三维水流动进行数值模拟和求解。

    Based on the scaled pressure-velocity equation set up by pressure-jointed , the 3-D stream flow properties of the deposition pond in water plant was numerically simulated by Renault N-S equation and standard k - ε turbulence model .

  22. 在模拟平流式沉淀池、竖流式沉淀池及SBR反应器中,通过放置短管填料可以使浊度去除率提高20%~30%,减少泥水分离的时间。

    Some conclusions are drawn from laboratory tests : the laying of short-tube filling in the horizontal-flow sedimentation basin , vertical-flow sedimentation basin , and SBR reactor raises the turbidity removal ratio by 20 % ~ 30 % and reduces the water-soil separation time ;

  23. 在数值模拟污水处理单元的基础上,研究开发出一套处理溢流污水的一级化学强化处理工艺,并且对反应池和斜板斜管沉淀池进行CFD流态评估,证明新开发工艺是可行的。

    Based on the above simulations for wastewater treatment units , a new Chemically-Enhanced Primary Treatment Process for Combined Sewer Overflows is developed and the flow pattern in reactor and the inclined-tube clarifier is assessed with CFD technology , results show that the process is feasible .

  24. SZN中心传动刮泥机适用于辐流式二次沉淀池污泥的排除浮渣。

    SZN Central transmission mud scraper and sucker applies to the radial flow secondary sedimentation tank for removal of sludge and scum .

  25. 阐述了高炉煤气洗涤污水处理系统存在的问题,分析了24m沉淀池溢流水浊度高的原因,探讨了采取的措施及产生的效果。

    Problems of the washing sewage handling system for blast furnaces were presented . The related measures were adopted in the light of the problem of high turbidity of overflow in the depositing tank and the effect was discussed .

  26. 计算表明,反应器每立方米填料水平投影面积相当于直径为6.3m的沉淀池的面积。

    The calculation shows , the horizontal projection area of every m ~ 3 filter is equal to the settling area of the settling tank which the diameter is 6.3m .

  27. 采用FX2N-128MR可编程控制器,实现了自来水生产工艺中排泥除砂自动控制系统,介绍了自来水厂沉沙池、反应池和沉淀池的方案设计,硬件组成及软件实现。

    This paper achieved the automatic control of mud-and-sand elimination in waterworks through the use of FX2N-128MR PLC , and introduced project design , hardware composing of the water plant .

  28. 牡丹江市污水处理厂直径45m的二次沉淀池,施工中底板采用设置加强带取代后浇带,保证了混凝土连续浇注的质量;

    In construction of the second deposition pond , whose diameter is 45m , of Mudanjiang Waste Water Processing Factory , strengthening zones was adopted in the bottom board to substitute late grouting zones to ensure the quality of continuously grouted concrete .

  29. 调试期间的运行结果表明,ACTIFLO高效沉淀池对密云水库的低浊、高藻原水有稳定且良好的处理效果。

    The records during commissioning period show that ACTIFLO ~ High Efficiency Settler has a good performance in treatment of the raw water with low turbidity and high algae content .

  30. 现场动态试验中还发现,水中污泥浓度较高,沉淀池的负荷很大,即使污泥的沉降性能很好,但沉淀时间仍需确保有1.2-1.5h。

    The study indicates the mud consistency remains very high in the water in the biochemistry pond . The load of precipitating tank keeps larger . The precipitating time needs 1.2-1.5h , even the subsiding capability of mud being very good .