
  • 网络depocenter
  1. 宝洁公司在中国论中国油气盆地的沉积中心问题

    On the depocenter of petroliferous basins in China

  2. 在该时期,湖盆不断扩大,沉积中心不断南迁。

    The basin was expanding and the depocenter was moving to southward all the time .

  3. 目前的沉积中心位于盆地的南东侧。

    The deposit center is in the southeast of the basin .

  4. 沉积中心在不同构造幕发生了明显的变化。

    The important variations occurred in depocenters of different tectonic episodes .

  5. 不同时期和地区的化石与岩相分布特征反映侏罗纪沉积中心由西向东迁移。

    Fossils and sedimentary facies reveal the eastward transportation of the depocenter .

  6. 2轴向倾斜运动控制沉积中心的迁移;

    Circum-axis tilt controls the migration of the depositional center .

  7. 平面上,靠近各洼陷沉积中心部位是过剩压力的高值分布区。

    On plane , strong overpressure zone mainly close up sedimentary center of each sag .

  8. 盆地边缘构造升降活动以及湖盆的构造升降共同决定了沉积中心的迁移。

    Both tectonic activity in boundary of the basin and in basin ensure migration of depocenter .

  9. 这个盆地有两个最厚的沉积中心;

    The basin has two depocenters ;

  10. 沉积中心和聚煤作用随之自北向南迁移,因此在华北南部集中了丰富的煤炭资源。

    The result of this is the concentration of abundant coal resources in the south of North China .

  11. 沉积中心在侏罗纪和早白垩世早期皆偏于西北部,此后,向东南部迁移。

    Sedimentary center located in northwest in Jurassic and early Cretaceous , while transferred to southeast part later .

  12. 因此,柴达木盆地新生代沉积中心的迁移受深部地质构造控制,而边界活动性的变迁也是受大地构造背景影响。

    The tectonics dynamics which control migration process of depocenter during Cenozoic is the lateral shortening and strike extension of deep-seated structure .

  13. 受构造运动的影响,塔里木盆地志留系可容空间发生变化,沉积中心随之迁移,地层厚度发生变化。

    Influenced by tectonic movements , the accommodation , the center of sedimentation and the formation thickness changed in the Silurian of Tarim Basin .

  14. 分布于造山楔前缘的盆地沉降与沉积中心也不断地向北东克拉通方向迁移。

    The centres of subsidence and deposition of the basin once in front of the thrusting orogenic wedges gradually migrated northeastwards ( cratonwards ) .

  15. 沉降中心的不断迁移与沉降中心和沉积中心的偏移现象普遍。

    However , during the whole process , the migration of depression center and the excursion between depression center and deposition center are common .

  16. 潜江凹陷蚌湖向斜是下第三系潜江组的沉积中心,是江汉盆地油气最富集的生烃中心。

    Banghu syncline in the Qianjiang sag is a depocenter of Paleogene Qianjiang Formation , and is the richest hydrocarbon generation center in Jianghan Basin .

  17. 盆地沉积中心由东向西迁移,沉降中心却一直由西向东迁移。

    The depocenter had been moved from east to west , while the center of subsidence had been migrated from west to east as time gone .

  18. 凹陷的沉降、沉积中心位于控制断层附近,形成了丰富的油源;

    The sedimentation and subsidence centers of the half graben-like basin are all close to the major fault , near which rich oil source was generated .

  19. 它们的进展说明,随时间推移,在我国新生代东部近海盆地和陆架盆地普遍存在沉积中心向外转移的现象。

    The recent exploration progress shows that the deposition centers nearby offshore basin and continental basin in the Cenozoic age had been moved outwards with the time .

  20. 金昌坳陷生储盖条件有由边缘向沉积中心由差变好的趋势,具备较好的圈闭条件,油气侧向运移距离短,有效烃源岩分布范围基本上控制了油气的平面分布。

    Regional study shows that the source reservoir sealing conditions lie the trend from bad to good from depression edge to depocenter , and trap condition is good .

  21. 不同演化时期,凹陷内各级断层的活动性及强度的差异致使盆地沉降或沉积中心的侧向迁移。

    In different evolution periods , Sag faults at all levels within the activity and intensity of the difference resulted in deposition of basin subsidence or lateral transfer center .

  22. 北部陡坡断层沉降速率大,使得该区霍恩和冬屋地区成为持续发育的沉积中心。

    The largest subsidence rate of the fault on the steep slope make Huoen area and Dongwu area , both locate on the northern abrupt slope to be sustained depocenters .

  23. 利用金纳米溶液进行活化,金纳米粒子吸附在陶瓷表面,为化学镀铜及镀镍提供沉积中心。

    Gold nanoparticle solution was use (?) for activation , and the nanoparticles were adsorbed on the surface of ceramic to provid nucleation centers for the electroless plating copper and nickel .

  24. 河流沉积中心转移、流域来沙减少、河口水动力变异是废弃三角洲和现代三角洲侵蚀的重要条件;

    The shift of sedimentation is focussed in the estuary , the decrease of sediments from drainage and the change of estuarine dynamics are important conditions for the erosion in abandoned and modern deltas .

  25. 吐鲁番坳陷是一个挤压构造背景下形成的浅水湖盆,盆地具有沉降速度快,湖水面变化较频繁,地层层序边界明显,并且具有多物源、物源近、多沉积中心等特点。

    Turpan Sag is a shallow lake basin under the compressed structural background , characterized with rapid subsidence , frequently-changing lake level , evident sequence stratum boundary , nearby and multi-material source and multi-sedimentary center .

  26. 盆地的沉积中心在时空上呈自西向东的迁移,造成下第三系厚度西厚东薄,而上第三系的厚度则反之。

    The sedimentary centres of the basins migrated from west to east during the Tertiary , resulting in thinning of Palaeogene strata from west to east , and the thickness of Neogene strata is on the contrary .

  27. 伴随着湖盆的演化,第三系沉积中心不断迁移,大体具有由西向东、由南向北迁移的趋势。

    Accompanying with the evolution of the basin , the deposition center of the tertiary continuously migrated and has the following trend of migration : from the west to the east , from the south to the north .

  28. 应用此方程分析盆地的主要演化周期,总结沉积中心迁移规律,识别不整合面并计算剥蚀量,划分成藏旋回,识别波动转换带。

    Applying the equations , we can also analyze the main cyclic evolution , summarize the transferred rule of a depocenter , recognize planes of unconformity , calculate amount of erosion , subdivide accumulation cyclothems , and define wave transform zone .

  29. 这些断裂系统控制了柴达木盆地的展布方向、盆地内次级断裂的形成和分布、沉积中心的迁移及油气聚集带的分布。

    It is indicated that the fault systems have great control over the orientation of the Qaidam basin , the formation and distribution of secondary faults within the basin , the migration of sedimentary center and the distribution of hydrocarbon accumulation belts .

  30. 由于构造演化史的变化,沉积中心不断向南转移,在南区沉积了上白垩统优质的厚层泥岩,形成了大油田的区域盖层,控制油气的分布与富集。

    Because of the changes of structural evolution history , sedimental center continuously moves southerly , good thick upper Cretaceous mudstone deposited in south area , and forms regional caprock of giant oil field which controls the distribution and accumulation of oil and gas .