
  • 网络Asphalt mixture;bituminous mixture;HMA;SMA;OGFC
  1. 热态沥青混合料压实过程变形特性研究

    The Research on Deformation Characteristic of the HMA Compacting

  2. 沥青混合料的永久变形(车辙)是柔性路面体系最重要的几种破坏类型之一。

    Permanent deformation ( rutting ) of HMA is one of the major structural failures of flexible pavements .

  3. 水对沥青混合料影响的CT图像熵值分析

    CT Image Entropy Analysis for Influences of Moisture on Asphalt Mixtures

  4. 本文主要通过三轴试验对沥青混合料抗剪指标C、φ值的影响因素进行分析。

    This paper mainly analyse the influence factors of the asphalt mixture shear index C 、φ through the triaxial test .

  5. 全面控制SBS改性沥青混合料的生产工艺和SBS改性沥青混合料的运输、摊铺、碾压等施工工艺。

    Control the SBS modified asphalt 's production technology and the mixture 's transportation , spreading and rolling technology .

  6. 试验结果表明,调整AC型级配范围后的沥青混合料,高温稳定性能得到提高。

    According to the test results , it was concluded that the bituminous mixtures , which use the modified AC gradation range , can improve its high temperature stability .

  7. 研究表明:混合料饱和度和空隙率对K值,即沥青混合料疲劳寿命有较大影响;

    The results show that percent air voids and percent of voids filled with asphalt in asphalt mixtures have great influence affect K value which indicates the extension of fatigue life .

  8. 最大理论密度线邻近级配沥青混合料的VMA变化分析

    Analysis on VMA variation with gradations of asphalt mixture

  9. 浅谈TLA改性沥青混合料施工质量控制

    On the TLA modified asphalt mixture construction quality control

  10. 基于X-CT技术的多孔排水沥青混合料空隙竖向分布特性

    Characteristic of vertical distribution of porous asphalt based on X-ray computed tomography imaging techniques

  11. 以GTM为成型方式的AC-16型沥青混合料级配优化

    Study of asphalt mixture 's optimization gradation of AC - 16 with GTM

  12. 采用SGC法设计的沥青混合料的抗车辙能力要优于采用马歇尔法的;

    The asphalt mixture designed by SGC method has superior resistance to rut to the one by Marshall method ;

  13. 改进的AC-20级配沥青混合料抗车辙性能研究

    Research on the anti-rut performance of modified AC-20 graded asphalt mixtures

  14. 该文采用CT技术研究了混合料的径向非均匀性,通过恒高度频率扫描试验和恒高度重复剪切试验研究了径向非均匀性对沥青混合料抗剪能力的影响。

    The article uses CT technology to study the radial un-uniformity of the mixture , carries out the constant height-frequency scanning test and the constant height repeating shear test to study the influence of the radial un-uniformity on the shear performance of asphalt mixture .

  15. AC-13I型聚酯纤维沥青混合料的配合比设计

    The Mix Proportion Design of AC-13I Asphalt Mixture with Polyester Fiber

  16. 使用相关软件的非线性拟合功能,得到原混合料与纤维加强沥青混合料的粘弹性参数,证明Burgers模型和改进的Burgers模型可以较好的表征纤维沥青混凝土粘弹性方面的性能。

    With the help of software , the paper gets the viscoelastic parameters and Burgers model and modified Burgers model are proved that can well describe the viscoelasticity of fiber reinforced asphalt concrete .

  17. 最后通过LB沥青混合料的生产和工程应用实例分析,总结归纳了一套可直接用于路面坑槽修补的LB路面修补技术。

    At last , through analysis on production and project application of LB mixtures , a set of LB mending technique that can be directly applied in pavement pit mending was summarized .

  18. 通过大量路用性能试验,得到AC-16密级配沥青混合料集料的体积分形维数与路用性能指标之间的相关变化规律。

    The correlations between road performance and the fractal dimension of aggregate volume of AC-16 are obtained from road tests .

  19. 结果表明,由GTM设计出的沥青混合料抗车辙及水稳性能较之大马歇尔设计方法有明显的提高。

    As a result , the resisting rut performance and moisture susceptibility of asphalt admixture which is designed by GTM contain obvious exaltation than that is designed by marshall .

  20. 采用马歇尔试验配合比设计方法分别对TLA改性沥青混合料和基质沥青混合料进行了配合比设计并对其路用性能进行了检验。

    Marshall test design methods of asphalt mixtures are used to design the TLA modified asphalt mixture and its base asphalt mixture respectively and their road performances are tested .

  21. 高性能沥青混合料路用性能检验结果表明,其高温稳定性高于国内常用的AC-I沥青混合料。

    The high temperature properties of asphalt mixture of high performance were better than that of traditional AC-I.

  22. 针对应力吸收层沥青混合料的特点,提出高温贯入试验和SCB疲劳试验方法,用以验证其高温变形能力以及低温疲劳性能。

    For the features of the Stress Absorbed Mixture , it proposes the High-temperature penetration test and SCB ( Semi-Circular Bending ) test to confirm the deformation at high temperature and the fatigue at low temperature .

  23. 试验结果表明:沥青混合料中RAP材料质量分数小于20%时,对沥青混合料疲劳性能影响不大,而RAP材料质量分数为30%时,疲劳性能明显下降。

    The result of tests shows that the influence of RAP material to the fatigue characteristics of mixture is smaller when the RAP content is lower than 20 % , and the fatigue characteristics of RAP mixture drop down rapidly when the RAP content is 30 % .

  24. 马歇尔试验残留稳定度(MS0)与冻融劈裂试验残留强度比(TSR)结果显示,无添加剂玄武岩沥青混合料的水稳定性不一定能够满足规范要求;

    Results of retained Marshall Stability ( MS0 ) and Tensile Strength Ratio ( TSR ) indicate that without additive , the moisture damage resistance of basalt asphalt mixture may not meet the specifications .

  25. 通过贯入法,本文确定了四种不同机理温拌沥青混合料的施工温度,并通过旋转压实仪(SGC)以空隙率为指标验证了贯入法的科学性和适用性。

    Based on Penetration Test , the construction temperatures of the four Warm Mix Asphalts are determined . And then , the author uses the gyratory compactor ( SGC ) to verify the science and applicability of the Penetration Test with the indicator of Porosity .

  26. 热力学和物理力学分析表明,该模型满足热力学准则和物理条件,证明文中提出理论的合理性。其次,对AC-13、AC-20沥青混合料进行了动态蠕变试验。

    By thermodynamic and physical mechanics analyzing the model of damage evolution , results show that model satisfy thermodynamic laws and physical requirement , which verifies the rationality of the proposed theory . Then , dynamic creep experiment for AC-13 , AC-20 asphalt mixture is carried on .

  27. 采用两种聚酯纤维来改善AC-16I沥青混合料性能,通过马歇尔试验、高低温性能试验、水稳定性试验以及疲劳试验作对比分析,并对纤维加筋沥青混合料的作用机理和贡献作研究。

    Two polyester fibers were used to modify asphalt mixture of AC-16I , on the basis of Marshall test , high and low temperature performance test and water stability and fatigue test . The results were contrasted and the strengthening mechanism and contribution of fibers were studied .

  28. 石灰添加剂对沥青混合料水损害性能的影响分析

    Impact of Additive , Lime on Water Injury of Asphalt Mix

  29. 沥青混合料搅拌设备搅拌器减速机的选用

    Selection and Usage for Mixer Reducer of Asphalt Mixture Mixing Equipment

  30. 沥青混合料摊铺时材料离析的成因及对策

    Causation of material segregation in hot-mix asphalt pavement and the countermeasures