
  1. 治大国若烹小鲜。(这是老子说的,我又给翻回来了)

    Governing a large country is like frying a small fish .

  2. 同时,老子思想中治大国若烹小鲜对现代管理方面也有积极地借鉴作用。

    At the same time , laozi thought , " If the governing powers is cooking a small dish " of modern management , there are positive reference .

  3. 从顺德饮食文化的精致细腻,有条不紊,反映出一种治大国若烹小鲜的泱泱风度。

    From the refinement and great orderliness of the Shunde cooking culture , we may see the grand demeanor described as " ruling a great nation just like cooking a small delicacy " .

  4. 中国哲学家老子曾经说过:“治大国若烹小鲜。”他的意思指统治一个国家需要正确的“作料”和调节才能获得成功的结果。

    The Chinese Philosopher Laotse once said : " Governing a great nation is much like cooking a small fish " He meant that governing a country required just the right " seasonings " and adjustments for successful results .