
  • 网络pressure relief valve;wastegate;blow off valve
  1. 所有安全泄压阀均应通过工厂试验。

    Each safety relief valve shall pass a factory test .

  2. 库鄯输油管道引进水击泄压阀运行情况分析

    The Operation Analysis of Surge Relief Valve in Korla & Shanshan Oil Pipeline

  3. 符合bpv规范的泄压阀。

    Relief valves shall be in accordance with BPV code .

  4. 高压泄压阀自动升压器的设计应用

    Design and Application of Automatic Booster of High-Pressure Relief Valve

  5. 浮球式泄压阀的研制和应用

    Development and Application of Ball Float Pressure Relief Valve

  6. 新型充氮式快开缓关泄压阀

    A New-Type Nitrogen-filled Quick-opening / Slow Closing Relief Valve

  7. 电磁泄压阀密封结构改进

    Improvement of sealing structure of electromagnetic relief valve

  8. 低压泄压阀保护;

    Protection with low pressure relief valve ;

  9. 所有水击泄压阀及附件的材料必须在数据单上标明。

    Materials of all surge relief valves and accessories must be marked on data sheets .

  10. 长输管道泄压阀水力瞬变分析及瞬变工况测试

    Analysis of hydraulic transient and transient condition test of pressure relief valve on long-distance pipeline

  11. 全启式气瓶泄压阀

    Full-opening relief valve used for gas cylinders

  12. 管道双功泄压阀

    Dual Functional Pressure Relieve Valve for Pipeline

  13. 超高压泄压阀泄压特性研究

    A study of the performance of leak valve when its pressure leaks out under super-pressure

  14. 供货商应在投标技术文件中提供水击泄压阀的开启时间。

    The supplier shall provide opening time of surge relief valve in bid technical documents .

  15. 完成旁路和安全泄压阀。

    Complete bypass and safety relief valve .

  16. 由安全阀和泄压阀泄放

    Discharge from safety and relief valves

  17. 介绍了电磁泄压阀在锅炉过热装置中的应用及其工作原理和密封结构的改进。

    The article introduces the improvement of sealing structure in cushion course of electromagnetic relief valves .

  18. 当需要清洗的时候就可先方便地将过滤网旋转下来后再清洗泄压阀。

    The pressure relief valve can be washed easily by rotating and separating the filter screen first .

  19. 一种用于输油管道安全保护的高、低压泄压阀

    A Kind of High Pressure and Low Pressure Relief Valve Used in Oil Pipeline 's Safety and Protection

  20. 安全泄压阀可将超压气体自动排出再自动关闭。

    Will exceed the safety pressure relief valve can be automatically discharged gas and then shut down automatically .

  21. 如果需要人工越控系统,应采用可调节安全泄压阀防止其超压。

    If a manual override system is required , it shall be protected against overpressure by adjustable safety relief valves .

  22. 丧气电磁阀缩回圆筒并且拿着它被缩回在试验泄压阀的订正气压设置。

    De-energizing the solenoid valve retracts the cylinder and holds it retracted at the reduced pressure setting of the pilot relief valve .

  23. 石油化工行业先导式泄压阀的计算机辅助设计选型系统研制滑阀先导式高压气动减压阀间隙泄漏特性研究

    Study on Computed Aided Sizing Design of Pilot Relief Value Used in Petroleum and Chemical Industry Clearance leakage in high pressure pneumatic relief valve with slide pilot

  24. 对石油化工行业正确、合理、经济的选择先导式泄压阀有着重要的指导意义,并且通过计算机的辅助可以快速、准确的完成该复杂、繁琐的一系列过程。

    Having very important directed sense on the choice of relief valve correctly , reasonably , economically . And this complexed process has been completed quickly , correctly via computer aided .

  25. 为有效地防止密闭输送管道的水击超压,介绍一种具有控制增压速率和限制增压幅值双重功能的泄压阀。

    There is a pressure relieve valve with dual functions of controling pressure increasing flow rate and limiting pressure changing range in order to effectively prevent tight operated pipeline from surge and overpressure .

  26. 本论文通过对石油化工行业先导式泄压阀的计算机辅助设计选型系统的研制,阐述了先导式泄压阀的操作性能、动作原理及选型时的参数选择。

    In this paper , studying on computer aided sizing design system of piloted relief valve , expatiate on the capacity of operation , principle of movement and how to choose the parameter when sizing .

  27. 泄压阀正好解决了这个问题,它在液体被压缩的压力值达到规定值时就开阀,泄放一部分液体,达到消除水击的目的。

    The above mentioned pressure relief valve can help solve the problem . It works in this way : It closes when the compressed liquid pressure value reaches the set value and discharges part of the liquid thus avoiding surge occurance .

  28. 本文根据流体力学的基础理论,提出了超高压系统中泄压阀泄压特性的理论模型(即系统内压力与流量的变化规律)。

    Employing the theory of fluid mechanics , the authors present a theoretical model of the pressure leaked out from the leak valve in the system under super-pressure ( i. e. the variational laws of pressure and flowrate in the system ) .

  29. 综述了国内外控制管道水击增压速率所采用的措施和装置,主要有泄压阀系统、气压缓冲罐系统、电子&液力泄放系统、橡胶套泄放阀系统、飞轮系统等。

    Summarized in the article are the control method and device adopted in foreign designs , such as pressure relief valve system , air pressure buffer system , electronic / hydrolic relief system , rubber sleave relief valve system and fly wheel system , etc.

  30. 对于故障性负水击波,可采用快速调节阀控制,而对于正水击波,除采用反应灵敏的调节系统外,还可采用低压泄压阀泄压,以降低水击幅度。

    As for the control of the negative surge wave , quick opening regulating valves can be used , while the positive surge wave , low pressure relief valves can be used in pressure relieving besides sensitive regulating valve system , in order to reduce surge pressure .