
  • 网络pan am;Pan American;American Airlines;Pan American Airlines
  1. 泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。

    Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight .

  2. 旁白:规章制度意味着主要的航空公司,比如泛美航空公司,永远不必和新进入者竞争。

    NARRATOR : Regulations meant that major carriers like Pan Am never had to compete with newcomers .

  3. 第一份航空时刻表是在1928年由泛美航空公司刊印的。

    The first airplane timetable was published by Pan-American Airways in 1928 .

  4. 美国泛美航空公司(panam)在上世纪90年代破产,尽管该公司可能唤起许多美国人孩提时代的记忆,但振兴该公司的努力已经证明是失败的。

    While Pan am , the US flagship international airline that collapsed in the 1990s , may evoke childhood memories for many Americans , attempts to revive the brand have proved abortive .

  5. 他要一些泛美航空公司客户档的资料。

    He would like some information on the Pan-American Airlines account .

  6. 泛美航空公司有一架波音-747在上午九点三十分起飞。

    PAN AM has a Boeing 747 leaving at 9:30 AM .

  7. 成为一名泛美航空公司的真正的在职飞行员。

    Is to become a real Iive pilot for Pan American airways .

  8. 第一份航空时刻表是在1928年由泛美航空公司刊印的。

    The first air timetable was published by Pan American Airways in 1928 .

  9. 后来,他成为了泛美航空公司专业的摄影师。

    Later , he became a professional photographer for Pan American World Airways .

  10. 美国环球动力开发公司乙:泛美航空公司,282航班。

    B : Pan American Airlines . Flight 282 .

  11. 泛美航空公司112航班一小时后到达。

    PAN-AM Flight 112 is due after two hours .

  12. 泛美航空公司的航班在夏威夷和东京停。

    PAN AM stops over in Hawaii and Tokyo .

  13. 泛美航空公司的售票柜台在哪里?

    Where 's the Pan American Ticket Counter ?

  14. 泛美航空公司16:15的航班(航班号:PA763)现有座位。

    The16:15 flight by carrier Pan American Airways ( Flight No.PA763 ) has seats available .

  15. 乙:泛美航空公司,282航班。航班事务部〔民航处〕

    B : Pan American Airlines . Flight 282 . Air Services Division [ Civil Aviation Department ]

  16. 泛美航空公司101航班在八点三十分从洛杉矶起飞。

    Pan Am Flight 101 ( one o one ) takes off from Los Angeles at eight thirty .

  17. 不过我也很愿意为您在泛美航空公司或者联合航空公司预订机票。

    But I 'll be glad to make a reservation for you on Pan am or United airlines .

  18. 他几乎是独自建立了一个世界性的航空公司&泛美航空公司,但他的言行仿佛他拥有整个世界。

    He almost single-handedly built a world airline , Pan American , but often acted as if he owned the world .

  19. 入境检查完后请到位于机场大楼东侧的泛美航空公司行李领取处。

    After you 've cleared Immigration , please proceed to the Pan American baggage claim area , located in the East Wing of the Terminal Building .

  20. 空中好莱坞,是位于洛杉矶的一个电影工作室,已经制造了一架模拟1970年代初的泛美航空公司飞机。

    Air Hollywood , a film studio located in Los Angeles , has created a set that emulates a Pan Am jet of the early 1970s .

  21. 就连在放弃违禁核武器项目、对1988年泛美航空公司爆炸案的受害人进行赔偿以后,卡扎菲上校也从不是美国的盟友。

    Even after giving up an illicit nuclear-weapons programme and compensating victims of the Pan Am bombing of 1988 , Colonel Qaddafi was never America 's ally .

  22. 早期拓荒者们富于冒险的创业精神随着越来越多的航空公司飞机直耸入云霄仍然在继续。泛美航空公司凭借喷气式飞机和宣传服务开辟跨越大西洋的新航线。

    The entrepreneurial spirit of risk taking spawn by the earlier pioneers continued as more and more airlines took to the skies . Pan American world airways blaze the trail across the Atlantic with jet aircraft and trumpeting service .

  23. 泛美(航空公司)的柜台在哪里?

    Where is the counter of Pan-American ?

  24. 他的作品已被视为美国广播公司世界新闻周六,早安美国,泛美和环球航空公司的飞行计划。

    His artwork has been seen on ABC 's World News Saturday , Good Morning America , and Pan Am and TWA 's in-flight programs .