
fàn zhōu
  • go boating
泛舟 [fàn zhōu]
  • [go boating] 船行水上;坐船游玩

  • 泛舟洞庭湖

  1. 从前的夏天,我们经常泛舟湖上。

    We used to go sailing on the lake in summer .

  2. 10.Boatingorkayaking去泛舟划艇秋天要想在水里扑腾两下是不太可能了,但是要泛舟划艇却是好时候。

    It may be unlikely to stretch some time to spend moments on the water in autumn , but many sailors actually recommend doing some boating or kayaking at this time of the year .

  3. 他可以参加家庭聚会而泛舟莱茵河。

    He can join a family party to go down the Rhine .

  4. 他带她去河上泛舟。

    He took her for a ride on the river .

  5. 是一些列各种各样的人类活动,包括挖沙和驾船泛舟。

    Silting from a variety of human activities including dredging and boating .

  6. 你能想象你自己泛舟河上的情景吗?

    Can you picture yourself on a boat , on a river ?

  7. 重点讲解:从前的夏天,我们经常泛舟湖上。

    We us ed to go sailing on the lake in summer .

  8. 凌波荡桨,泛舟湖上,其乐无穷。

    Undulator oar , boating on the lake , Fun for all at .

  9. 早上在湖中泛舟使我思绪清晰。

    Rowing ? On the lake in the morning helps clear my mind .

  10. 泛舟伊甸园,天海万里遥;

    Rowing in Eden - Ah , the sea !

  11. 泛舟日内瓦湖上同样令人愉快。

    Cruises on Lake Geneva is also enjoyable .

  12. 夏天我们在湖上泛舟。

    We sail on the lake in summer .

  13. 雍正皇帝最喜泛舟。

    Boating was Emperor yongzheng 's favourite pastime .

  14. 儿童公园亭台曲桥,碧波泛舟,宛若水上世界;

    Quqiao children 's park pavilions , boating blue , like water in the world ;

  15. 还可以在遇龙河上泛舟。

    and kayak on the Yulong River .

  16. 马哈茂德希望有人来湖上泛舟并营救他。

    Mahmood had hoped that someone might come boating on the lake and rescue him .

  17. 他们在河上泛舟欣赏两岸美丽的风景。

    They rowed a boat on the riverto view the beautiful landscape on both sides .

  18. 泛舟河上,你能感受到水乡的风俗民情。

    Boating on the river , you can experience the custom of the waterside town .

  19. 游客泛舟流畅体验对参与后感受正面影响具有明显的预测能力。

    There is powerful predicting of rafting flow experience on positive effect after finishing the activity .

  20. 我越来越老了,也累了,想去泛舟去放松一下。

    I am sad and getting old . I want to go sailing to relax myself .

  21. 世界级的滑雪、登山、健行和白水泛舟便是其中几样。

    World-class skiing , mountain climbing , mountain hiking , and white-water rafting are among them .

  22. 横跨湖面的一座座拱桥为欣赏这泛舟水上的悠闲景象提供了最佳视角。

    The arched bridges across the pools provided the perfect vantage point for observing their water-borne enjoyment .

  23. 第24单元激流泛舟

    Unit 24 White Water Rafting

  24. 如果是中国的这样一条河流,那么你肯定不介意泛舟河上。

    You certainly wouldn 't mind a slow boat to China if you were bobbing along this river .

  25. 那男孩已长大成人,不再有那么多时间泛舟湖上。

    The boy , who is now a man , no longer find much time for idle drifting .

  26. Mecklenburgian湖区的一个傍晚,泛舟于Zotzensee湖上。

    Windeck castle ruin , near Buhl . Canoe at sunset on Lake Zotzensee , Mecklenburgian Lake District .

  27. 是的,我们可以绕着湖边散步,也许还可以在湖上泛舟。

    Yes , we can go fop ma walk around the lake , maybe even ag boat Pay trip .

  28. 乐曲描绘了渔人泛舟江上,摇棺荡桨,陶醉于山水之间的情态。

    The tune describes a fisherman who steers his boat on a river as fascinated with the surrounding landscape .

  29. 来次冒险吧&非洲的野生之旅,科罗拉多的白水泛舟,或是印度的寺庙之旅。

    Make it adventurous-a safari in Africa , white water rafting in Colorado , or exploring temples in India .

  30. 到尚比西河来个激流泛舟,这条河拥有全世界最顶级的激流冒险之旅。

    Go white-water rafting on the Zambezi River , the river that provides the world 's greatest whitewater adventure .