• mud;mire;any paste-like matter;mashed vegetable or fruit

  • cover or daub with plaster, putty, etc;putty;plaster
  • stubborn;bigoted;obstinate
  • 土和水合成的东西:~巴。~垢。~浆。~煤。~淖(泥污的洼地)。~泞。~洼。

  • 像泥的东西:枣~。山药~。印~(盖图章用的印色)。蒜~。

  • 涂抹:~墙。~缝儿(fèngr )。

  • 固执,死板:拘~。~古(拘泥古代的制度和说法,不根据具体情况加以变通)。~守。


(含水的半固体状的土) mud; mire:

  • 刮掉鞋上的泥

    scrape the mud off one's shoes;

  • 泥墙

    mud wall;

  • 我的上衣上全是泥。

    My coat is covered with mud.


(像泥的东西) any paste-like matter; mashed vegetable or fruit:

  • 苹果泥

    apple sauce;

  • 肉泥

    minced meat;

  • 蒜泥

    mashed garlic;

  • 土豆泥

    mashed potato;

  • 印泥

    Chinese ink-pad; red ink paste used for seals;

  • 枣泥

    jujube paste


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 泥坚

    Ni Jian


(用土、灰等涂抹墙壁或器物) cover or daub with plaster, putty, etc.; putty; plaster:

  • 把窗玻璃用油灰泥上

    fix a windowpane with putty;

  • 泥墙

    cover the crevices in a wall with mud or plaster


(固执) stubborn; bigoted; obstinate:

  • 拘泥

    be a stickler for; rigidly adhere to

  1. 先把你靴子上的泥冲洗掉再进来。

    Wash that mud off your boots before you come in .

  2. 马蹄在泥地里留下了深深的蹄印。

    The horse 's hooves left deep indentations in the mud .

  3. 雨水在窗上留下一层泥。

    The rain left a deposit of mud on the windows .

  4. 我们浑身是泥。

    We were covered from head to foot in mud .

  5. 我们浑身上下都沾满了泥。

    We were plastered from head to foot with mud .

  6. 汽车轮子陷到泥里去了。

    The car wheels got stuck in the mud .

  7. 他的外套拖在泥里。

    He was dragging his coat in the mud .

  8. 她手上的泥渍住了。

    The dirt on her hands was ground in .

  9. 汽车陷到泥地里了。

    The car got stuck in the muddy ground .

  10. 别在我干净的地板上踩上泥脚印。

    Don 't track mud on my clean floor .

  11. 他的上衣满是泥点。

    His jacket was covered with spots of mud .

  12. 在城市里,洁白的雪已化为灰色的雪泥。

    In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush .

  13. 车轮渐渐陷进泥里。

    The wheels started to sink into the mud .

  14. 那些运动员很快就浑身溅满了泥。

    The players were soon covered in mud .

  15. 我刷掉了鞋子上的泥。

    I cleaned the mud off my shoes .

  16. 她刮掉了靴子上的泥。

    She scraped the mud off her boots .

  17. 车轮陷到了泥里。

    The wheels were stuck in the mud .

  18. 你的靴子上都是泥。

    Your boots are covered in mud .

  19. 我衣服上溅满了泥。

    My clothes were splashed with mud .

  20. 我跌跌撞撞地趟过泥地来到一个堆满麦秆的场院。

    I stumbled through mud to a yard strewn with straw .

  21. 将混合物打成泥状,然后用滤网滤一下。

    Liquidize the mixture and then pass it through a sieve .

  22. 用漏勺轧土豆做成土豆泥。

    Push the potatoes through a sieve to make a puree .

  23. 地面还散发着雨后的气息,他们把鞋上弄得全是泥。

    The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes

  24. 他的制服皱巴巴的,邋遢不堪,还溅上了泥点。

    His uniform was crumpled , untidy , splashed with mud

  25. 这些炸土豆是土豆泥球做成的。

    The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato .

  26. 盐碱地和泥滩吸引了大量水鸟。

    The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl .

  27. 用一个细筛子将山莓压碎过滤,以制成山莓泥。

    Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree .

  28. 他们在齐膝深的泥地里费了好长时间。

    They spent much of their time knee-deep in mud

  29. 赛场上留下了深深的车辙泥痕。

    The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts .

  30. 他们的货车陷到泥里了。

    Their lorry got stuck in the mud .