
zhù rù
  • inject;injection;implant;pump;infuse;infusion;pour into;feed into;breath into;empty into;transfusion;inpouring;inculcate
注入 [zhù rù]
  • (1) [inject;pump;feed into]∶泵入、灌入或流入

  • 油注入发动机

  • 注入大谷中。--明. 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》

  • (2) [breath into]∶以气息传送

  • 向运动注入新的生命

  • (3) [inculcate]∶使产生对某物的印象或得到逐渐灌输

  • 家庭教育可给子女注入基本道德观念

注入[zhù rù]
  1. CdSe量子点和金之间的能带结构相匹配,所以金岛薄膜中激发态的电子隧穿注入CdSe核区,增加了量子点激发态的电子密度,从而导致荧光增强。

    The energy band structure matches between the CdSe QDs and Au , therefore the excited electrons in the Au island thin film can pour into the CdSe nuclear area . It increases the excited state electron density in QDs , thus causes the fluorescence enhancement .

  2. 结构化理论为欧洲一体化理论的建构注入新的动力,并拓展研究思路。

    Structural theory pour into new motive power and broaden research thoughts for European integration theory .

  3. 尽量注入更多的感情!

    Try to put a little more expression into it !

  4. 我们需要给这个地区的经济注入新的活力。

    We need to reinvigorate the economy of the area .

  5. 水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。

    Chemicals are injected into the fruit to reduce decay .

  6. 水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。

    The fruit is injected with chemicals to reduce decay .

  7. 她给那个角色注入了她自己的诠释。

    She stamped her own interpretation on the role .

  8. 由于汽缸中注入了冷水,蒸汽迅速凝结了。

    The steam was condensed rapidly by injecting cold water into the cylinder .

  9. 莱茵河注入北海。

    The Rhine empties into the North Sea .

  10. 她把热水注入桶里。

    She ran hot water into the bucket .

  11. 这些订单将给英国的造船厂注入一线生机。

    The orders will throw a lifeline to Britain 's shipyards .

  12. 汤米·图恩在编排的舞蹈中注入其一贯的优雅和活力。

    Tommy Tune gives the choreography his usual class and zip .

  13. 是艾伦为这场较量注入了激情。

    It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion

  14. 其结果可能为未来的谈判注入更多的理性。

    The result might inject more sense into future bargaining .

  15. 沃舒格尔河在波特兰附近注入哥伦比亚河。

    The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland .

  16. 这正是我们所需要的,为团队注入新鲜血液。

    That 's what we need , some new blood in the team .

  17. 李先生说中国的改革给其经济注入了活力。

    Mr Li said China 's reforms had brought vitality to its economy .

  18. 这个消息给电信部门注入了一针强心剂。

    The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector

  19. 感染病毒的蚊子叮咬人之后,孢子便被注入血液中。

    When an infected mosquito bites a human , spores are injected into the blood

  20. 他希望能把这个想法注入阿布拉莫夫的头脑,但要让他相信这是他自己的念头。

    He hoped that he could plant the idea in such a way that Abramov would believe it was his own .

  21. 密西西比河注入墨西哥湾。

    The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico .

  22. 塑料被注入模子后,便放在一边让它慢慢凝结硬化。

    The plastic was poured into the mold and left to set until it was firm .

  23. 两条支流汇注入河。

    Two tributaries converge and flow into the river .

  24. 他的热情给这个部门注入了新的生命。

    His enthusiasm breathed new life into the department .

  25. 英国东部所有的河水都注入北海。

    All the rivers on the east side of England drain into the North sea .

  26. 牛奶冒着泡沫注入桶中。

    Milk foamed into the pails .

  27. 静脉注入降血钙素的结果表明,它是一个潮红促进剂。

    Calcitonin , when administered intravenously , turns out to be yet another flush promoting agent .

  28. 对于杜鲁科瓦而言,高等数学很重要,并且它可以在美国教室里使用的方法是注入孩童般的惊奇。

    For Droujkova , high-level math is important , and what it could use in American classrooms is an injection of childlike wonder .

  29. 然后把通电时发光的气体注入这些玻璃管中。

    They fill these tubes with gases that glow when electrified .

  30. 为了查明真相,我们把细菌注入到方砖、地毯或木制品上。

    To find out , we introduced bacteria to squares of tile , carpet or wood .