
zhù shū
  • Annotations;notes and commentaries;exegesis;commentary on earlier authoritative commentary
注疏 [zhù shū]
  • [notes and commentaries] 古籍的注和疏的合称

  • 《十三经注疏》

注疏[zhù shū]
  1. 个人的教学和科研成果熔入注疏实践,提高了教材的学术质量;

    The editor combines his teaching and research achievements with the notes and commentaries practice , which improves the quality of the teaching material .

  2. 杨守敬、熊会贞《水经注疏》运用文献学、历史地理学等方法对《水经注》内容作了综合性考订,代表了清代《水经注》研究的最高水平。

    The Notes and Commentaries of Shuijingzhu written by Yang Shoujing and Xiong Huizhen has made comprehensively research in Shuijingzhu through philological and historical geography approaches .

  3. 《孟子》注疏简辩说明模型和医学中的说明

    Debate Mencius Explanatory Note Explanations of the Explanatory Model in Medicine

  4. 《十三经注疏校勘记》中的两类校勘记

    Two Kinds of Collating Note in the Collating Notes on the Thirteen Classics

  5. 需要的注疏之处已经分别列出。

    Commentaries which are needed have been listed separately .

  6. 《孟子注疏》是见于著录的北宋第一部《孟子》注本。

    Mencius Zhushu was the first annotation on Mencius recorded in the North-Song Dynasty .

  7. 这一部分是按原书的顺序对各节所做的注疏与解读。

    I did explanation of every section in the same order as the original book .

  8. 这些观点是否有可信的根据?根据法藏部的律藏与注疏,是否合理?

    Are they reasonable according to the Dharmagupta Vinaya tradition and reliable commentaries belonging to this tradition ?

  9. “十三经”是中华文明成果的组成部分,而注疏是“十三经”流传至今的保证。

    The " Thirteen Classics " belong to Chinese civilization and their spread is due to the commentaries .

  10. 在韩国学术界,至今还没有一部结合历代《肇论》注疏本全面研究《肇论》的著作。

    In Korea , there is no book wholly studying Chao-lun using Chao-lun'snotes and commentaries in different dynasties .

  11. 北宋时期产生了影响极大的《论语》诠释著作,即邢昺的《论语注疏》。

    An annotation bookmaking which had a great influence in North Song Dynasty was LUN YU ZHU SHU by Xing Bing .

  12. 中国历来皆不乏对此一经典的注疏,而《论语》在此过程中则相对的反映了当代学术思潮之脉动。

    There 're many annotations in every dynasty in ancient China and " Lun-yu " reflects the pulses of contemporary academic thoughts .

  13. 李贺诗注疏纠谬&以李诗生命意识的睹木兴叹表达范式为议论角度

    Correction of the Annotations to Li He 's Poetry ── A Discussion from the Perspective of Li He 's Expression of Life Sense

  14. 清代杜诗注疏契合了考镜源流、经世致用的学术背景,反映了当时知识分子的精神寄托。

    The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world .

  15. 2500多年来,仅在中国已有700多部《道德经》的注疏问世,更多的评注还在不断涌现。

    Through more than 2500 years , over 700 commentaries on Tao Te Ching have been come out in China and some are constantly emerging .

  16. 在奥立振(主后253年去世)所写的玛窦注疏中,十分关注玛窦及马尔谷地理资料的重要性。

    In his Commentary on Matthew , Origen ( d.253 ) takes care to stress the importance of the geographical data in Matthew and Mark .

  17. 《老子》一书中使用“善”字达52次之多,但是它的特殊含义一直为历来注疏者所忽视。

    The word " virtue " was used for52 times in the book " Laozi " but commentators and subcommen-tators have been neglecting the special meaning .

  18. 按照注疏,这些显然的事实是推断结生识导致三个十色法聚或三十种物质现象的基础。

    According to the commentary , this obvious fact is the basis for inferring that the rebirth-consciousness at conception leads to three decads or thirty material phenomena .

  19. 但是,亚伯拉罕传统内部的“经文辩读”或许忽略了另一种丰富的资源,那就是基督教传教士对中国经典进行的翻译和注疏。

    However , the " scriptural reasoning " inherent in the Abrahamic tradition may have overlooked another rich resource , namely Christian missionaries translations and annotations of the Chinese classics .

  20. 另外本文对《孟子注疏》在《孟子》学史上的价值与影响以及孙的《孟子》研究成就也做了论述。

    This article also elaborates on Mencius Zhushu 's value and influence in the study history of Mencius , as well as the accomplishment of Sun Shi 's study on Mencius .

  21. 历史上的礼学实际上是注疏学,这是一种以对礼仪程式和名物制度进行考订注疏为主的学问。

    Learning of ritual in history is actually the textual criticism which is regarded mainly as learning of critical annotation and explanation of " ritual " pattern and naming and system .

  22. 中华文明一脉相传没有中断,一个重要原因是中华民族对文明成果不断归纳总结,补充完善,中国古代经书的注疏充分显示了这一特点。

    Having been summarized and replenished , Chinese civilization came down in one continuous line without any break , which could be seen through the commentary and subcommentary of the ancient classics .

  23. 如果对古籍的注疏进行分析和研究,就可以理清各个时期学者的语言学观点,从而丰富和完善中国语言学史。

    Once we start to analyze and study these notes and commentaries , we can put their linguistic ideas in good order and then enrich and develop the history of Chinese linguistics .

  24. 以义理之学为特征的宋学取代汉唐训诂注疏之学,与经典文本重心的转换有着直接的关系。

    The Song classic study featured by the exploration of truth substituted for the explanations of notes to the texts predominant in Han and Tang dynasties , which bore a direct relation with the focus shift .

  25. 在我国历史上先后被五位皇帝注疏的《老子》蕴含着丰富的经邦治世管理思想和政治伦理思想,这些思想为历代君臣推崇备至。

    In our country history has been doing nothing discusses the emperor of " Lao zi " contains the rich nations the sameness management ideas and political ethics , these thoughts for the long-time admirer Robinson .

  26. 郑玄是汉代注释领域里成就最高、影响最大的一位学者,他把随文而释的注疏之学推向了极致。

    Zheng Xuan is in the Han Dynasty annotation domain the achievement is highest , affects a biggest scholar , he " According to article explanation " the explanatory notes and commentaries studied pushed to has been best .

  27. 在前贤研究的基础上,从清人小学注疏五种的材料着手,总结了今人利用清人词源研究成果开展现代词源学研究可能存在的障碍。

    Summarize the possible obstacles that modern people develop modern etymological research when they make use of the etymological research results from the materials of five annotations of philological classics in Qing Dynasty on the base of former scholars .

  28. 南北朝至唐宋时期没有方言学专著传世,这一时期一些学者的方言学研究成果散见於他们的注疏或笔记杂谈中。

    From the South and North Dynasties to Tang and Song Dynasties , there was no Chinese dialectology monograph and the research productions of Chinese dialectology by some scholars were dispersed in their notes to old scriptures , essays or other works .

  29. 另外鉴于目前时贤对班昭的历史散文和文学注疏方面的贡献的研究尚显不足,因此在下篇,笔者就这方面的相关内容集中进行了初步的归纳和探索。

    In addition , in view of the fact that present research still obviously insufficient to the history achievement and contribution to Zhu-Shu literature of Ban Zhao , the author has carried on a preliminary induction and exploration in the fifth chapter on this aspect .

  30. 因为正是基于这种学风,宋人才对传统的治《诗》方法、汉唐的《诗经》注疏提出怀疑,从而创立新说,推动了宋代《诗经》学的发展。

    It was because of this study trend that scholars of Song brought out suspicion about the tradition methods of treating Poetry and the annotations of Poetry in Han and Tang , so they established new theories and promoted the development of study on Poetry in Song .