
  • 网络Telugu language;Indo-Dravidian
  1. 该装置艺术利用母语面临失传的族群的录音和影像,如华族的客家话和潮州话、印族的马拉亚拉姆方言和泰卢固语等,与观众进行互动。

    The piece features interactive images of speakers whose languages are becoming obsolete here , such as the Chinese dialects Hakka and Teochew and the Indian languages of Malayalam and Telugu .

  2. 他的艺名迪帕克来自于泰卢固语电影。

    He used screen name Deepak for the Telugu movies .

  3. 英语、华话和各方言,泰米尔语、泰卢固语,Malayalam,旁遮普语和泰语也被广泛使用。

    English , Mandarin and Chinese dialects , Tamil , Telugu , Malayalam , Punjabi and Thai are widely used in the country .

  4. 她几乎注销后,她的第一部电影,动臂的崩溃,并做了泰卢固语电影时,萨勒曼决定给予在缅因州Pyar均馆木屋梅刺激作用,她的职业生涯动摇。

    She was almost written off after the debacle of her first film Boom and was doing a Telugu film when Salman decided to give a boost to her shaky career with a plum role in Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya .

  5. 卡弗里杰哈是印度泰卢固语电影演员。

    Kaveri Jha is an Indian Telugu cinema actress .

  6. 说泰卢固语的东南印度民族的人。乌拉尔阿尔泰语族的一个语系。

    A member of the people in southeastern India ( Andhra Pradesh ) who speak the Telugu language . a family of Ural-Altaic languages .

  7. 各地区电影对于印度电影业的影响举足轻重,语言多种多样,包括泰米尔语、泰卢固语、马拉地语、马拉雅拉姆语、孟加拉语、旁遮普语,甚至还包括比哈尔方言。

    Indian cinema is equal to Bollywood . Be it Tamil , Telugu , Marathi , Malayalam , Bengali , Punjabi or even Bhojpuri , the contribution of regional films to Indian cinema is immense .