
  1. 随着全球资源外包的迅猛发展,人力资源管理活动外包作为一种特殊的外包形式,越来越受到公司管理层和人力资源主管们的青睐,已成为世界范围内的管理变革趋势。

    With the development of global outsourcing , human resource management outsourcing are more and more attractive to companies and are becoming a new trend in management reform .

  2. 如果企业将部分生产活动外包,虽然减轻了管理负担,但是同时也产生了扼制问题,导致所有者的部分租金被接包商分享。

    Outsourcing of some production activities mitigates the managerial overload , but creates a holdup problem , causing some of the rents of the owners to be dissipated to the supplier .

  3. 随着信息技术的发展,新的物流服务形式不断出现,企业可以更专注于其具有竞争力的核心业务,而将其他的商业活动外包给物流服务提供商来完成。

    As the development of information technology and the new logistics service forms appear , enterprise can be absorb in competitive key business and give others to logistics service provider to finish .

  4. 为保持竞争力,许多这些大公司越来越全球化,把大量的产品制造与研发活动外包或者迁移到中国和印度。

    In order to remain competitive , many of these corporations have become increasingly globalised by outsourcing and offshoring much of their manufacturing and R & D activity to China and India .

  5. 同时,为参与世界性竞争,企业必须确立核心竞争力,加强供应链管理,把不属于核心业务的物流活动外包出去。

    And the corporation must establish the core competence , enhance the management of the supply chain , and outsource the logistics which are not belong to the core business , to participate in the worldwide competition .

  6. 物流活动的外包有利于企业加强自身的核心竞争力及提高物流能力的弹性。

    The logistics outsourcing can improve the core competence of the company as well as the flexibility of its logistics capability .

  7. 大脑正在成为组织的核心,其他活动都可以外包。

    Brains are becoming the core of organizations – other activities can be contracted out .

  8. 此外,研究表明对部分业务流程或活动的虚拟外包通常由公司高层进行决策。

    Additionally , this virtual outsourcing related study also revealed that the decision to virtually outsource some type of business process or activity is made at the highest levels of the innovative firm .

  9. 具有知识密集与创新意识特征的商业/B2B服务活动,通过外包将服务嵌入到产品整个价值链的不同片段中,对产品的价值创造作出了巨大的贡献。

    The Business / B2B service activities with the characteristics of knowledge-intensive and innovation were embedded the " service " in the different " segments " to the product value chain throughout by outsourcing . made a great contribution to the creation in value of the product .

  10. 正如这项研究和其它研究所表明的那样,这种不平衡程度将加剧未来的移民活动和其它像外包那样的劳动力流动形式。

    As this and other research shows , the magnitude of imbalances is such that migration and other forms of labor mobility such as outsourcing are likely to intensify in the future .