
  1. 流通产业升级是流通产业由低级状态向高级状态演进的一个动态发展过程,是流通产业发展的战略选择。

    The upgrading of circulation industry , a dynamic evolving process , is a strategic choice for the development of circulation industry .

  2. 流通产业升级的实现机制分为市场主导型和政府主导型两种模式,二者的第Ⅲ象限融合则是我国流通产业升级模式的现实选择。

    The realization mechanism falls into two categories : market-guiding and government-guiding . The fuse of the third quadrant of the two categories is the advisable choice for the upgrading of circulation industry in China .

  3. 本文从三种不同的理论分析角度论证了发展流通产业与制造业升级之间的关系。

    This theoretical analysis from three different angles demonstrate the development of circulation industry and manufacturing industry to upgrade relations .

  4. 完善的流通产业组织政策是实现流通产业的合理化、促进流通产业升级的必要保证。

    The rationalization and upgrading of the industry of circulation are based on perfected organizational policies for the industry of circulation .

  5. 流通产业组织政策创新、商品流通模式创新、商品流通技术创新、商品流通组织创新和商品流通管理体制创新成为我国流通产业升级的路径选择。

    Meanwhile the innovation of organization policies of circulation industry as well as the mode , technology , organization and management of commodity circulation is the feasible approach to upgrading China 's circulation industry .