
  1. 也可承包海关核销,并严格为客户保密。

    Can also be contracted customs and strict confidentiality for clients .

  2. 可同厂方长期合作承包工厂废品废料,物价咨询及办理海关核销业务。

    Long-term cooperation contract with the factory to factory waste scrap , price verification consulting and custom services .

  3. 报关后海关退还核销单,报关单的收汇联与核销联。

    Declaration Customs refund after the write-off single , declaration of foreign exchange in conjunction with the write-off together .

  4. 其中使用的进口料件,属于国家规定准予保税的,应当向海关办理核销手续;

    If the imported raw materials or parts are bonded goods specified by the State , the enterprise shall verify cancellation of the bond at the Customs office .

  5. 确因特殊情况无法出口的,移交地方药品监督管理部门按规定处理,海关予以核销。

    Those unable to be exported for special reasons shall be delivered to the local administrative department for drugs in accordance with the relevant regulations , and shall be verified and written off by the customs office .