
hǎi xiào
  • tsunami;tidal wave;seismic sea wave;seaquake;bore
海啸 [hǎi xiào]
  • [tsunami;seismic sea wave] 海水的一种剧烈波动,起因于海底地震或风暴,常殃及陆地

  • 山呼海啸

海啸[hǎi xiào]
  1. 地震引起的海啸袭击了沿海地区,导致灾难性的破坏。

    A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage

  2. 海啸对航海来说是一大威胁。

    Tidal wave is a danger to navigation .

  3. 1346年的飓风引起海啸并摧毁了城镇。

    In 1346 a hurricane whipped up the sea to destroy the town .

  4. 海啸造成的收入损失达到2000万美元。

    The tsunami has cost $ 20 million in lost revenues .

  5. 官员们担心那一地区可能会发生海啸。

    The officials were fearful that a tsunami might hit the area .

  6. 那一地区发生海啸,数千人罹难。

    Thousands perished when the tsunami hit that area .

  7. 这些难民的房屋在海啸中被毁,看上去真可怜。

    The refugees whose houses were ruined in the tsunami were a pitiful sight .

  8. 海啸发生后,该国紧急请求提供国际援助。

    That country made an urgent request for international aid after the tsunami happened .

  9. 面对金融海啸,国家减税以扶持企业发展。

    The government encourages the growth of enterprises through tax cut in this financial tsunami .

  10. 大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。

    Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami .

  11. 这通常意味着海啸即将来临。

    This normally means a tsunami is coming .

  12. “银发族海啸”就要来了。

    The " silver tsunami1 " is coming .

  13. 大地震触发了日本的海啸预警。

    Powerful quake sparks tsunami warning in Japan .

  14. DoctorOz.com网站报道,有时压力会化为常见的梦境,比如没赶上飞机或即将发生海啸。

    Sometimes , stress can manifest itself as common dream themes like missing a plane or an oncoming tidal wave , according to DoctorOz.com .

  15. 这一现象被斯坦福大学的校长比作“一场数字海啸”,称有可能将传统大学教育全部“冲走”。

    The phenomenon has been likened by the president of Stanford University to " a digital tsunami2 " , threatening to sweep aside conventional university education .

  16. 基于GIS的海啸预警信息系统集成框架

    Integrated frame of tsunami warning information system based on GIS

  17. 在周五,B夫人解除了海军海洋学服务部门的领导干部的职务,因为没有提供很明确的海啸警报!

    On Friday , Mrs Bachelet dismissed the head of the navy 's Oceanography Service for failing to provide a clear warning of the tsunami .

  18. DMC卫星影像在海啸灾情土地覆盖类型变化分析中的应用

    Investigation on land cover change after tsunami : based on DMC images

  19. Q.我可以通过沉入地表游泳池的水面的方法躲过海啸并活下来吗?

    Q. Could you survive a tidal wave bysubmerging yourself in an in-ground pool ?

  20. 国际海啸预警系统(ITWS)

    The International Tsunami Warning System ( IT WS )

  21. 美国NOAA的海啸预测模型也用来测试这个诡谲的事件。

    NOAA 's tsunami forecast models were put to the test for this perplexing event .

  22. 当海啸袭击欧洲的时候,世界将会看到如此重大频繁的板块运动,以至于除了行星X在近旁之外,没有其它的理由足以对其进行解释了。

    By the time the tsunami strikes Europe , the world will have seen so much plate movement that no explanation will suffice except the presence of Planet X nearby .

  23. 现在在那些遭受海啸破坏的农田里已经开始使用耐盐性的水稻物种,以此恢复农业生产(参见遭受海啸打击的农民将种植耐盐性水稻(seeTsunami-hitfarmerstogrowsalt-tolerantrice)。

    Salt-tolerant varieties of rice have already been used to restore agriculture to lands that were destroyed by the tsunami ( see Tsunami-hit farmers to grow salt-tolerant rice ) .

  24. 日本经历了“失落的十年”,但即便如此,在大海啸之前的2010年,日本也是零通胀,失业率仅为5%,GDP增速超过3%。

    Even though Japan had this lost decade , in 2010 , before the tsunami struck , Japan had no inflation with only 5 % unemployment and over 3 % GDP growth .

  25. 本例使用的数据包括一些城市的地理数据和Oregon州的海啸影响范围。

    The data for this example is geographical data about the cities and the tsunami inundation line in the state of Oregon .

  26. DMC遥感小卫星1G级数据产品虽然经过了波段配准、辐射校正和系统几何校正处理,但尚不能作为海啸灾害解译和评估的基础图像。

    Level 1G data product of DMC remote sensing mini-satellite has been processed by band registering , radiometric correction and systematically geometric correction .

  27. MMF还将在12个受海啸影响的国家提供关于该地区红树林分布的最新评估信息,并恢复生态系统。

    MMF will also provide an updated assessment of mangrove distribution in the area and restore ecosystems in the12 nations affected by the tsunami .

  28. GE正是福岛核反应堆的设计者,这一反应堆在上周五的海啸中受到破坏,自此又经历了一连串爆炸事件。

    E.was the designer of the reactors at the40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi plant in Okuma , Japan , that was damaged by last Friday 's tsunami and has had a series of explosions since then .

  29. 这是在法国东边山脉所形成的叫“MassifDeLaChartreuse”的超奇特岩石,它的形状就像是大海浪或者海啸翻腾时的样子。

    A super unique of rock formations called Massif De La Chartreuse at the eastern mountain of France . Rock formations look like a big wave or tsunami .

  30. 对夏威夷Hilo湾1960年Chilean海啸进行了模拟和计算,给出了淹没面积和流速场分布。

    The inundation area , water free surface profile , velocity distribution for Hilo Bay , Hawaii , 1960 Chilean tsunami are calculated and visualized .