
  • 网络Negative liberty;negative freedom;freedom from
  1. 自由是主体免于干涉或强制的一种积极主动的自我实现,是消极自由和积极自由的统一。

    Freedom is the self-realization of subject avoiding from interference and coercion , it is the unity of negative freedom and positive freedom .

  2. 同时,通过比较分析,伯林指出,与消极自由相比,积极自由更容易堕落为自由的反面。

    Simultaneously , by comparative analysis he concludes that positive freedom is easier to fall into the opposite of freedom compared with negative freedom .

  3. 个人自主以消极自由和积极自由为其必要条件。

    Individualism takes both negative liberty and the positive one as its prerequisite condition .

  4. 自由与道德、能力、市场&消极自由主义者与积极自由主义者的论战

    Liberty & Morality , Capacity and Market

  5. 但是消极自由本身是有发展界限的。

    Negative liberty has its evolutionary boundary .

  6. 个人对价值的选择必须要具有自主性,而不是要求消极自由的优先性。

    The author holds that we must be autonomic not to prioritize negative liberty for value choice .

  7. 伯林试图解答的主要政治难题为消极自由和积极自由这两种自由概念;

    The political problems Berlin tries to solve are two concepts of negative liberty and positive liberty .

  8. 消极自由不仅值得捍卫,也是我们生活在这个价值多元世界背景下的无奈之举。

    Negative liberty is not only worth defending , but also is upset because we live in a multi-value world .

  9. 只有把消极自由与包含个人自主的积极自由相结合,才能克服上述两个极端。

    Only combining negative liberty with the positive one containing individual autonomy , could we overcome the two extreme poles .

  10. 消极自由与积极自由两种理论的冲突是深入研究消极自由理论的一条重要渠道。

    The contradiction between these two liberal theories is an important channel of having a deep research on the negative liberty .

  11. 消极自由是自由主义的核心概念,我们在一般意义上所说的自由主义就是消极自由的自由主义。

    Negative liberty is a core concept of liberalism , which is the liberalism we are referring to in general sense .

  12. 近代以来关于自由的观念形成了两种基本的学说:消极自由与积极自由。

    There are two main theories about the viewpoint of liberty in modern society : the active liberty and the passive liberty .

  13. 消极自由权与行政警察权冲突的原因是多方面的,二者相异的品性是其中的根本原因。

    Many reasons lead to the conflictions between negative liberty and police executive power while the basic reason is their different natures .

  14. 消极自由&不被限制,不需要别人告诉你去做什么的自由。

    Negative liberty is " freedom from " & freedom from constraint , freedom from being told what to do by others .

  15. 仅仅有消极自由而没有人自身能力的发展,其结果是人们以各种方式逃避获得的自由。

    If there is only freedom from , without the development of our own capability , man will try any means to escape from freedom .

  16. 通过区分消极自由和积极自由,格林把自由同它所服务的道德目的,即社会共同福利联系起来。

    Green bridged the freedom and its moral concerns , the common social welfare , namely , by distinction of negative freedom from positive freedom .

  17. 伯林以其积极自由与消极自由的思想闻名于世,但他个人却非常重视自己的浪漫主义研究。

    Berlin was well-known for his thought about positive freedom and passive freedom , but he pays much attention to his own study about romanticism .

  18. 在王小波的杂文世界中所凸现的对“消极自由”的向往和智慧的追求,其底色是英美经验主义的理性思辩力。

    Wang Xiaobo shows his pursuit of " passive freedom " and wisdom based on the mental analyses of British & American empiricism in his essays .

  19. 仅仅强调消极自由会纵容盲目、非理性的个人行为,而仅仅强调积极自由则会走向专制主义。

    Partial emphasis on negative liberty will lead to unrestrained aimless and irrational individual behavior , and an over strengthened positive liberty will be driven toward despotism .

  20. 消极自由有别于积极自由的核心在于,它具有确保个人享有不受外力侵犯而免于奴役地位的防御性功能。

    What makes negative freedom different from positive freedom is that the former has defensive function that guarantees a person not to be enslaved by external forces .

  21. 两种自由都容易堕落到其反面,因此伯林告诫我们应该认真警惕积极自由,尽力维护消极自由。

    This two liberty are easily fallen into their opposite , therefore Berlin warned that we should carefully guard against positive liberty , and maintenance of negative liberty .

  22. 自由关涉国家与社会的基本关系,有效市场要求消极自由、私法自治,社会优位国家,免于国家干预。

    Freedom concentrates on the relationship between the nation and the society . Effective market requires negative freedom , private autonomy and the society prior to the nation .

  23. 在积极自由与消极自由的关系上,弗洛姆认为消极自由是实现积极自由的条件,积极自由是消极自由的目的。

    Between freedom to and freedom from , Fromm considered that freedom from is a condition of freedom to while freedom to is the aim of freedom from .

  24. 共和主义所欲求的自由,不同于柏林所阐发的消极自由和积极自由,而是第三种自由,即佩迪特宣称的无支配自由。

    Republican freedom is different from the negative freedom and positive freedom that elucidated by Berlin , but a third freedom , which Pettit alleged the freedom as non-domination .

  25. 这种方法的另一个积极意义是能够相对顺理成章地推导出消极自由之于法律的价值,这正是本文研究的最终目的。

    A positive significance in such a means is to conclude smoothly the legal values of the negative liberty , which is rather the ultimate end of this research .

  26. 在张君劢看来,消极自由和积极自由不仅不存在紧张和矛盾关系,相反地,它们是内在和谐、不可分离的。

    Mr. Zhang thought that the negative freedom and the positive freedom do not have intense and the contradictory relations , on the contrary , they are intrinsic harmonious and inseparable .

  27. 并介绍了政府全能理论、消极自由理论、有限政府论和合作治理理论以及利益相关者理论等,对二者之间的博弈进行理论分析。

    The government the Almighty theory , the theory of negative liberty , limited government theory and cooperative governance theory , stakeholder theory and theoretical analysis of the game between the two .

  28. 第二章主要是介绍柏林思想的主要内容&对积极自由和乌托邦思想的批判,以及他关于消极自由和积极自由相区分的创造性观点。

    The second chapter introduces the main elements of thinking in Berlin & utopian ideas of positive freedom and criticism , and his negative freedom and positive freedom of distinguished creative ideas .

  29. 小说中的主要人物在意识到自己处在消极自由状态后利用各种逃避机制摆脱精神上的枷锁,但结果却适得其反。

    After realizing their negative freedom , the characters in the novel use all kinds of mechanisms to get rid of their mental burdens , but all that they did were in vain .

  30. 同一政治生活中同时存在着积极自由与消极自由,它们要实现必定会受制于一定的条件。限制或者实现自由的条件主要有外在的客观因素、法律等制度、道德与自由本身。

    Positive freedom and negative freedom coexist in the political life , and their fulfillment is sure to be restricted by some conditions which external objective factors , constitutions and systems , moralities and freedom itself .