
yè tǐ rán liào
  • liquid fuel
  1. 乙醇(ethanol)是一种清洁、可再生的液体燃料。

    Ethanol is an environmentally friendly renewable liquid fuel .

  2. 液体燃料替代物&二甲醚(DME)热力学性质的研究

    Study on the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Fuel Substitute & Dimethyl Ether

  3. 有人偷了我们发射太空船所用的液体燃料的配方。

    Someone has stolen the secret formula for the liquid that fires our new spaceship .

  4. 研究了可控活化热氛围协流中CO2体积分数对中央喷射液体燃料起升火焰的自燃及碳烟排放特性的影响。

    The effect of CO2 concentration in the co-flow on the auto-ignition characteristics and soot emission of central jets flames were investigated .

  5. 利用煤气化多联产装置供给的CO和H2,在催化剂的作用下,可以合成出燃烧性能好、无污染的清洁液体燃料&二甲醚。

    With CO and H2 supplied by coal gasification plant , the non-polluting and good combustion performance liquid fuel & DME can be synthesized .

  6. 水煤浆(CWS)是一种新型煤基液体燃料。

    Coal water slurry ( CWS ) is a new unpolluted liquid fuel replacing petroleum .

  7. 基于该燃烧装置,研究了气体燃料LPG和液体燃料轻柴油在不同氧化剂环境下的稳态燃烧火焰特性。

    With the burner , the characteristics of steady-state combustion flame of LPG and lightweight diesel fuel in different oxidizer environment were studied .

  8. F-T合成液体燃料催化剂

    Catalysts in F - T Synthesis of Liquid Fuel

  9. 介绍了Sasol公司铁催化剂、Shell公司钴催化剂生产液体燃料的产物分布。

    Liquid fuel product distribution in Sasol company by iron catalysts and Shell company by cobalt catalysts have been presented .

  10. 将液体燃料爆炸抛撒和FAE云雾形成全过程分2个阶段处理。

    The whole process of explosive dispersal and liquid air cloud formation was divided into two regimes .

  11. 二甲醚(DME)不仅是一种重要的化工原料,而且在未来能源领域,可以替代柴油和液化气作为洁净液体燃料使用。

    Dimethyl Ether ( DME ) is not only an important chemicals , but also an ideal substitute for diesel or liquefied petroleum gas .

  12. 将合成气(CO和H2)经费托合成过程,制备液体燃料,对于解决当前石油资源短缺和环境污染问题具有重大的意义。

    The synthesis of liquid fuel based on FT synthesis through syngas ( CO and H2 ) has significant meaning in resolving the problems of shortage of oil resource and environmental pollution .

  13. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)是至今研究得最多的用液体燃料的燃料电池。

    The direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) powered by a liquid fuel has been attracting much attention in recent decades .

  14. 作为市场上最轻、最为可靠的燃料泵,其改进型设计能在所有MSR的液体燃料炉头上使用。

    This is the lightest , most reliable pump on the market , redesigned to improve the performance of all MSR liquid-fuel stoves .

  15. 该工艺对液体燃料油深度脱硫非常有效,脱后燃料油硫含量可低于10ppm。

    The process is very effective for ultra-deep desulfurization of liquid hydrocarbon fuels ;

  16. 小型PDE在给定容积下释放能量,客观上希望单位容积燃料的能量更大,因此液体燃料小型PDE的研究具有重要的意义。

    Energy releases from the constant volume in small scale PDE , which expects much more energy in units volume , so it has great significance for researching on liquid fuel of small scale PDE .

  17. 石油资源日益匮乏,以煤/生物质为原料通过费托(FT)反应合成液体燃料是解决目前石油紧缺的重要方法之一。

    With the increasing scarcity of oil resources , coal and biomass as raw material through the Fischer-Tropsch ( FT ) synthesis to generate liquid fuel is one of the most important methods to solve the oil shortage .

  18. 在卡塔尔,Pearl工厂将把天然气转换为液体燃料;Qatargas4项目将生产超冷液化天然气,用于出口。这些项目计划在2010年底前投入运营,在2011年实现量产。

    In Qatar , the Pearl plant to convert natural gas to liquid fuels , and the Qatargas 4 project to produce super-cooled liquefied natural gas for export , are scheduled to come on stream by the end of 2010 and ramp up production in 2011 .

  19. 将天然气转化为液体燃料(GTL),在战略上可为石油的接替准备一条途径,目前也可用于边远廉价天然气的开发利用,因此这一工艺的开发具有重要意义。

    As one of the strategic alternatives of liquid petroleum , gas to liquid ( GTL ) has already witnessed the development and utilization of remote and cheap gas resources .

  20. 以煤和天然气为原料经合成气通过费-托(F-T)反应合成洁净液体燃料用以缓解能源环境污染问题已引起世界各国的广泛关注。

    The synthesis of liquid fuel based on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis through the coal or natural gas-derived syngas would have significant meaning in resolving the problem of the energy and environment protection in the world .

  21. 我国煤的储量巨大而原油的储量有限,发展煤基合成气的F-T合成制取液体燃料技术具有重要的现实意义。

    The production of liquid fuel from coal via syngas through Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is of great significance based on the energy framework of abundance in coal and scarce in crude oil reserve of our country .

  22. GTL产品中液体燃料基本上由直链烷、烯烃组成,具有无硫、无氮、无金属、无芳烃等特点,是对环境友好的燃料油和化学品。

    The products from GTL include fuel oil , base oil for lubricant , and other chemicals , which are environmentally friendly due to its lower S , N , metal content and aromatic hydrocarbon .

  23. 按南非Sasol公司的经验,开展资源综合利用是降低液体燃料生产成本的有效途径。

    According to the experience from Sasol Company of South Africa , comprehensive utilization for the resources is an effective measure to reduce production cost of synthetic liquid fuels .

  24. 本文主要对新研制的YLF-6-10型液体燃料过滤分离器的工作原理、用途、结构及其性能作一简要的介绍。

    Here is briefed the operating principle , use , structure and other performances the newly-made YLF-6-10 Liquid Fuel Filtering Separator .

  25. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)具有能量密度高、操作温度低等优点,尤其是使用液体燃料更能够降低DMFC系统装置的复杂性,因此被认为是便携式移动移动电源的首选。

    Direct methanol fuel cells ( DMFC ) are the most suitable for mobile and portable electronic applications because of their high energy density , relatively low operating temperature , and the convenience of a liquid fuel that , thereby , enables a greatly simplified system design .

  26. 论述了以C5为主的轻烃液体燃料,采用鼓泡法按比例混入空气的制气工艺,将液态烃置换为优质轻烃混空燃气的物理原理,为设计、制造气化装置提供了理论依据。

    This article describes the light hydrocarbon liquid fuel , mainly C5 , mixed into the air in proportion through the method of bubbling , high-quality light hydrocarbon gas mixed with air displacing the liquid hydrocarbon , which provides theory basis for designing and manufacturing gas-forming equipment .

  27. 费-托(F-T)合成技术是以合成气(H2+CO)经催化反应转化为洁净的液体燃料的重要途径,该技术对于保障能源安全和缓解环境污染等问题具有重大的经济和现实意义。

    Fischer-Tropsch ( F-T ) synthesis is an important way of transferring syngas into pure liquid fuel via a catalytical reaction . This process could be of great significance both practically and economically , especially when it comes to the maintenance of energy security and alleviate of environmental pollution .

  28. 秸秆分层多级转化液体燃料新工艺的研究进展

    Studies on multi - level conversion of liquid fuel with straw

  29. 液体燃料爆炸抛撒及云雾形成的实验研究

    Experimental study on explosive dispersion and cloud formation of liquid fuel

  30. 加热条件下液体燃料射流不稳定性的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Instability of Liquid Jets under Heating Conditions