
  • 网络mid-qing dynasty
  1. 清中叶避祸心理对白话短篇小说题材的影响

    Influence on Vernacular Short Novels Themes by the Psychology of Refuge from Mishap in the Mid-Qing dynasty

  2. 清中叶以来北京话的被动给及其相关问题&兼及南方官话的被动给

    Passive " Gei " in Peking Dialect since Mid-Qing Dynasty and Related Issues of Passive " Gei " in Southern Mandarin Chinese

  3. 清中叶陕西工商业的合伙经营

    Industrial and Commercial Partnership during Middle Period of Qing Dynasty

  4. 清中叶天主教在华的本土化问题

    The Inculturation of Catholicism During the Mid-Qing Period

  5. 清中叶钱塘梁氏家族文化代际传承研究

    Research on Liang Family Culture Heritage in Qiantang in the Middle of Qing Dynasty

  6. 清代常熟文学分清初和清中叶(晚清属近代文学)两个阶段。

    Changshu literature in Qing Dynasty fell into two periods : early Qing and mid Qing .

  7. 由于清中叶以后农业的北扩,这批基地城市也步步北移。

    As for the enlarging of agricultural belt , cities merchants lived were moving north step by step .

  8. 论明至清中叶滇缅贸易与管理

    On the Yunnan-Burmese Trade and Its Management from the Ming Dynasty to the Middle of the Qing Dynasty

  9. 人口与土地的矛盾是清中叶以来的一个突出现象。

    The contradiction between population and land was a protrusive phenomenon after the middle period of the Qing dynasty .

  10. 吴越地方风物传说不断滋润和丰富的白娘子形象是吴越文化孕育已久,受清中叶个性解放思潮的激扬而形成的;

    It has been gestated by Wu and Yue culture and is finally formed by liberation thoughts in the middle of Qing dynasty .

  11. 本学位论文的研究对象蒋士铨为清中叶著名的文学家和戏曲家。

    Jiang shiquan , the study object of this thesis , is a famous literator and playwright in the middle of Qing dynasty .

  12. 清中叶的湖湘散曲多写身边之事,体现出散曲进一步衰落的态势。

    The middle period of Qing dynasty works , Hunan write the things around . The works reflect the trend of further decline .

  13. 在历史小说与拟话本小说创作均走向衰弱的清中叶,杜纲的小说保持着难得的文人独创品格,也奠定了他在中国通俗小说史上的地位。

    When history fiction and the vernacular classical fiction tended to become decline , his fictions keep the original spirit and established the important status .

  14. 四是中国文化的因循与沉暮,即从元明到清中叶第三文化帝国时期。

    The fourth part is the procrastination of Chinese culture , which is from Yuan dynasty to Qing dynasty , called The Third Empire of Chinese Culture .

  15. 瓷器绘画开始兴起于明末清初,全面兴盛于康熙时期,至清中叶后逐渐式微。

    Porcelain painting began to rise in the late Ming and early Qing , comprehensive flourished in the Kangxi period , to gradually declined after the mid-Qing .

  16. 清中叶以降,由于中央集权的体制开始松动,中央政府式微,中央对地方的控制力度下降;

    After middle Qing dynasty , the centralized system began to lose up , the central government declined , the control of the central to local declined ;

  17. 清中叶是张家口商品经济发展的鼎盛时期,商业市场增多,商品流通频繁,经济上出现了蓬勃生机。

    The middle of qing dynasty has been the period of great prosperity of Zhangjiakou : commercial markets increased , products circulation increased , economic development flourished .

  18. 清中叶前后,广西作家蜂起,在文学史上是一个颇为值得研究的现象。

    Round about the Qing Dynasty , a group of Guangxi writers came to the force and this is a phenomenon worthy of studying in literature history .

  19. 罗聘的人物画以隐晦的艺术形式,辛辣深刻地表现了清中叶社会的黑暗,具有现实主义的特点。

    Luo Pin portraits obscure art form , spicy and deeply the performance of the darkness of the mid-Qing Dynasty society , has the characteristics of realism .

  20. 清中叶,戏曲家的民族意识淡化,作品或者歌功颂德,或者宣扬封建伦理道德;

    In the middle period of Qing Dynasty , their national consciousness was weakened and their works sang the praises of sb and advocated the feudal ethics ;

  21. 大众娱乐、道德劝戒到社会批判&清中叶通俗小说讽世形态的变化

    From Pleasing the Masses and Moral Admonishment to Social Criticism & The Change of the Ways of Social Criticism in the Popular Novels in the Middle of Qing Dynasty

  22. 本文主要是透过研究徽州的地方初级教育,了解从宋到清中叶中国社会的发展。

    This paper , by focusing on elementary education in Hui-chou from the Sung to mid Ch'ing dynasties , examines the development of Chinese society in the late imperial period .

  23. 唐英与蒋士铨并列清中叶戏曲三大家中,在清代戏曲史上占有重要地位。

    Tang Ying and Jiang Shiquan , two of the three masters of Kun Opera in the middle of Qing Dynasty , play important roles in the history of Qing opera .

  24. 论清中叶毗陵诗派与性灵派之差异毗陵诗派重学而性灵派更重才。毗陵诗派持论公允,在一定程度上有纠正性灵派弊端的作用。

    The Differences Between Piling School of Poetry in the Mid-term Qing Dynasty and the School of Disposition Their theories to a certain extent overcome the flaws of the School of Disposition .

  25. 自清中叶以来,东西南北万商云集,盐船漫合,至抗战之始,京、鲁、豫、苏菜麇集盐都,各显神通。

    Self-cleaning since the mid , west , south million of merchants , ship diffuse salt together until the beginning of the war , Beijing , Shandong , Henan , Jiangsu cuisine assemble salt recount .

  26. 民间宗教是生活在社会底层的广大民众共有或相通的宗教情感与心理,秘密结社是清中叶以来不断发展壮大的民间社会团体。

    The folk religion was the religious emotion and psychology shared by mass people living at the bottom of society . The secret mass organizations were the folk organizations developing from the middle of Qing Dynasty .

  27. 清中叶后,由于外国列强的入侵,造成一系列变化,鸦片战争、太平天国战争,长江的战略地位急剧上升。

    After the mid-Qing , due to the invasion of foreign powers , resulting in a series of changes , the Opium War , Taiping war , the strategic position of the Yangtze River risen sharply .

  28. 其戏曲思想表现出缘于独特人生经历的自身的特点,在清中叶时期苏州戏曲作家群体中他对待戏曲、小说的态度有较强的代表性。

    Thinking of opera show due to its unique characteristics of their own life experiences , Suzhou Opera in the mid-Qing period in the group of writers he treats opera , the novel approach has strong representation .

  29. 其产生的原因也是多方面的,清中叶的政治背景、文化风气、传统的小说观念、小说作者的生平经历及创作目的等都是它们产生的重要原因。

    The reasons that they form are complex , just like the political background , culture ethos , the traditional novel concept , the authors ' experience , inditing aims and so on , are very important reasons .

  30. 第二章,以清中叶(雍正&道光)徽州才媛诗人为研究对象,分三节论述41位清中叶的才媛诗人,重在体现盛世之际徽州女性文学的繁盛。

    The second chapter to middle period of Qing dynasty analysises ( Yongzheng - Daoguang ) Huizhou women poets , the three sections discussed 41 Huizhou women poets , focuses the female literature in the time of huizhou prosperity .