
  • 【地名】【中国】Wenzhou B ay
  1. 温州湾水流及其与地形的关系

    The Relationship between Current and Topography in Wenzhou Bay

  2. 2003年11月至2004年8月,在温州湾天河潮间带按季节取样对大型底栖动物群落进行了研究。

    From Nov. 2003 to Aug. 2004 , the authors studied the macrobenthic community on the tidal flat of Tianhe , Wenzhou Bay .

  3. 北口对瓯江北汊的分流,湾内盐淡水混合以及周围岛屿对风浪的屏蔽作用,使温州湾北片发育有拦门沙(刀子沙、三角沙等)。

    There are river bars also developed in the north part of Wenzhou Bay , because of the current seperation in north mouth , mixing of fresh water and saline water and the protection screen of the islands around the north part from the wind waves .