
yóu jī zhàn zhēnɡ
  • guerrilla warfare;partisan
  1. 五抗日游击战争的战略地位

    The strategic role of guerrilla warfare against Japan

  2. 他们的组织胜利地进行了游击战争。

    A guerrilla warfare was carried on successfully by their organization .

  3. 反叛者自2001年以来一直进行游击战争。

    The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 2001 .

  4. 国共抗日游击战争之比较

    Comparison between the Anti-Japanese Guerrilla War of KMT and that of CPC

  5. 第七章游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻

    Chapter VII the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive in guerrilla war

  6. 游击战争是一般地用袭击的形式表现其进攻的。

    Offensives in guerrilla warfare generally take the form of surprise attacks .

  7. 这是游击战争战略原则的最中心的问题。

    It is the key problem in the strategy of guerrilla warfare .

  8. 第三章抗日游击战争的六个具体战略问题

    Chapter III six specific problems of strategy in guerrilla war against Japan

  9. 哥伦比亚为结束持续了50年的游击战争所做的努力取得了进展。

    In Colombia for its end-up 50-year-old guerrilla war is making progress .

  10. 游击战争的主动权问题,是更加严重的问题。

    The question of the initiative is even more vital in guerrilla warfare .

  11. 这种武装斗争的总概念,在目前就是游击战争。

    In general , armed struggle at the present time means guerrilla warfare .

  12. 现在来说游击战争的主动性、灵活性、计划性的问题。

    Now let us discuss initiative , flexibility and planning in guerrilla warfare .

  13. 游击战争的根据地是什么呢?

    What , then , are these base areas ?

  14. 非法斗争的最高形式是武装斗争,是游击战争的开展。

    Armed struggle and guerrilla warfare are the highest forms of illegal struggle .

  15. 这就是游击战争的战略任务。

    This is the strategic task of guerrilla warfare .

  16. 为人父母的报价:提高孩子们是快乐和游击战争的一部分。

    Parenting quotes : Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare .

  17. 然而游击战争不是不要任何的集中指挥就能够顺利地发展的。

    However , guerrilla warfare cannot be successfully developed without some centralized command .

  18. 较大工业的建设,则因为游击战争的环境的限制,几乎是不可能的。

    The building of bigger industries is practically impossible under conditions of guerrilla warfare .

  19. 在这个地球上没有一个地方百人能够赢得游击战争。

    Nowhere on this earth does the white man win in a guerrilla warfare .

  20. 游击战争在战略上的伟大的配合作用,是不容忽视的。

    The great role of guerrilla warfare in strategic co-ordination must not be overlooked .

  21. 内政部长称,“敌人开始了游击战争。”

    The interior minister says , " The enemy has started a war . "

  22. 略论皖南事变前新四军的抗日游击战争

    On the anti-Japanese guerrilla war of the new fourth army before the south-anhui incident

  23. 游击战争在抗日过程中起着伟大的战略作用,就是说的这一点。

    Herein lies the great strategic role of guerrilla warfare in the War of Resistance .

  24. 游击战争的主动性是什么呢?

    What is initiative in guerrilla warfare ?

  25. 游击战争战略问题的第二个问题,是和正规战争相配合的问题。

    The second problem of strategy in guerrilla warfare is its co-ordination with regular warfare .

  26. 现在我们知道:游击战争不是在一个固定的一个地方打。

    Now we know : Guerilla war is not fought in a fixed single place .

  27. 论项英在南方三年游击战争中的地位和作用

    On Xiang Ying 's Status and Position during the Three Years of Guerrilla in South China

  28. 不但如此,游击战争还有其战役的配合作用。

    In addition , guerrilla warfare performs the function of co-ordination with regular warfare in campaigns .

  29. 当然,游击战争中不但战略上有防御,战术上也是有防御的;

    Of course , guerrilla warfare includes not only the strategic but also the tactical defensive .

  30. 第一个,国内游击战争和国内正规战争之间的转变。

    The first was the change from guerrilla warfare to regular warfare in the civil war .