
yóu jī duì
  • guerrilla detachment;partisan troop
  • guerrilla force;Guerrillas
游击队 [yóu jī duì]
  • [guerrilla force] 执行游击作战任务的武装组织。通常组织简单,装备轻便,行动灵活,同当地群众有紧密的联系

  1. 代表们还讨论了把他们从游击队武装改造为正规军的问题。

    Delegates also discussed transforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army .

  2. 绝对劣势,例如游击队袭击白军大队伍,仅仅是袭击其一小部分,同样适用上述的原则。

    The same principle also applies when we go into battle with an absolutely inferior force , for example , when a guerrilla force makes a surprise attack on a large White army force , but is attacking only a small part of it .

  3. 他们的目的是封锁游击队的供给线。

    Their aim was to block guerrilla supply lines .

  4. 游击队在夜间发动袭击。

    The guerrillas attack at night .

  5. 政府用步兵和空袭击退了游击队。

    The government drove the guerrillas off with infantry and air strikes

  6. 住在那里的大多数人支持游击队。

    Most of the people living there sympathized with the guerrillas .

  7. 游击队攻占并短暂控制了一个重要首府。

    Guerillas captured and briefly held an important provincial capital .

  8. 游击队击落了一架飞机,并俘获了飞行员。

    The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot

  9. 这可能是游击队进攻的主要目标。

    It could be a prime target for guerrilla attack

  10. 在那些易守难攻的大山里,游击队可以坚持很多年。

    In those impregnable mountains , the guerrillas could hold out for years .

  11. 游击队发起攻击后,激烈的战斗一直持续不断。

    Heavy fighting has been going on after the guerrillas had launched their offensive

  12. 有报道称上月游击队和指挥官之间的谈判失败。

    There were reports last month of unsuccessful negotiations between guerrillas and commanders .

  13. 游击队突袭了银行,摧毁了一处警察驻地和一个变电站。

    The guerrillas raided banks and destroyed a police barracks and an electricity substation .

  14. 游击队用手榴弹袭击了巡逻队。

    Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades .

  15. 游击队在该省很活跃。

    Guerrilla groups are active in the province .

  16. 部队的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。

    The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods .

  17. 这些基地训练营被库尔德工人党游击队用于对土耳其实施突袭行动。

    These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey .

  18. 这些村民拥护游击队。

    These villagers are guerrilla sympathizers .

  19. 游击队避免打部署严密的战斗。

    Guerrillas avoid fighting set-piece battles

  20. 密林掩护了游击队的行动。

    The dense forest hid the guerrilla 's movements .

  21. 游击队放火烧了敌人的仓库。

    The guerrillas burned down the enemy 's depot .

  22. 这支神出鬼没的游击队搞得侵略者疲于奔命。

    This guerrilla detachment which mysteriously appeared and disappeared kept the invaders constantly on the run .

  23. 游击队在敌人后方神出鬼没地活动,敌人无奈他何。

    The guerrilla units mysteriously appear and disappear in operation behind enemy lines , without the enemy 's being able to do anything about them .

  24. 游击队利用青纱帐作掩护。

    The guerrillas used the green curtain of tall crops as cover .

  25. 游击队战士神出鬼没地打击敌人。

    Partisan fighters fought in secret against the enemy .

  26. 游击队截获了敌人一辆卡车。

    The guerrillas intercepted an enemy truck .

  27. 甚至,他们曾设法与FARC和ELN游击队建立柔性联盟。

    Indeed , they have sought alliances of convenience with the FARC and the ELN .

  28. Pa的新合作伙伴Bataglia先生,因为在内战期间给游击队提供过食物,而与一些游击队成员熟识。

    Mr Pa 's new partner , Mr Bataglia , also knew the guerrillas from having supplied them with food during the civil war .

  29. 莫伊塞斯来到村子附近的游击队营地,要求见指挥官,一个身穿迷彩服的高个子FARC战士。

    Moises went to the guerrilla camp near the village and asked to meet the commander , a tall FARC fighter in fatigues .

  30. 军方表示,军队占领了ELN的营地&ELN是哥伦比亚两个游击队组织中较小的一个。

    The army said troops captured a camp belonging to the ELN-the smaller of Colombia 's two guerrilla groups .