
  • 网络lake tourism
  1. 而作为常见的旅游开发形式,湖泊旅游具有较强的环境敏感性和生态脆弱性。

    As the familiar tourism exploitation mode , lake tourism has particular environmental sensitivity and ecological frangibility .

  2. 这是一种自成体系的湖泊旅游度假区开发理论,是一种综合性的可持续的开发方法。

    In all , the theory is integrated developing system for the lake tourism resort , is also one comprehensive sustainable method of exploration .

  3. 安徽巢湖地区旅游资源丰富,湖泊旅游优势突出,水文化特色显著。

    The area of Chaohu Lake is abundant in tourism resources .

  4. 湖泊旅游区安全管理问题的探讨

    A Discussion on Safety Precautions in the Lake Tourist District

  5. 高原湖泊旅游资源的生态可持续利用评价研究

    Evaluation of ecological sustainable utilization of plateau lakes tourism resource

  6. 人工湖泊旅游开发利用研究的意义

    Research on the Exploitation of Artificial Lakes in Tourism

  7. 经过11年的发展,大部分湖泊旅游度假区现已处于停滞阶段,少部分仍处于良性发展阶段。

    After 11 years'development , many lake tourist holiday resorts have been at stagnant stage , only some resorts are still at development stage .

  8. 针对这些特征,可以对如何影响和引导度假旅游者行为以及湖泊旅游区度假旅游产品如何开发与经营管理提出可行的建议。

    According to the consumption behaviors of the vacation travelers , we 'd like to give some suggestions on how to guide the holiday travelers ' behavior and how to develop the lake tourism products .

  9. 我国现有旅游度假区数量的1/3以上为湖泊型旅游度假区,它是我国度假区开发类型的典型代表。

    The lake tourism resorts are typical representative which national tourism resorts are developed .

  10. 目前,关于湖泊岛屿旅游开发规划研究还处于相对空白阶段。

    But so far , the study on the planning of its exploitation is on the initial stage .

  11. 湖泊型旅游度假区是中国度假区中一种重要的类型,占有较大的比重。

    The lake tourism resort is one important kind of resorts in China and is in a large proportion .

  12. 湖北省大型湖泊水库旅游资源开发利用价值评价

    Evaluation on the development and utilization value of the tourist resources of the large lakes and reservoirs in Hubei Province

  13. 而营造高质量的度假环境,提供多样化、高档次的康体度假旅游产品和舒适周到的旅游服务,以及塑造鲜明的文化特色将成为湖泊度假旅游区发展的新趋向。

    The new tendency of the lake resorts is to provide beautiful surroundings , diversified and high-level healthy tourist products and services , and distinguished lake culture .

  14. 湖泊型旅游生态社区的建设不仅对湖泊保护有重要意义,而且也会使社区居民生活质量全面提高。

    The lake-tour eco-community building is not only important for the protection of the lake , but also will comprehensively improve the quality of life for community residents .

  15. 最后分析了安徽岱山湖旅游营销对湖泊型旅游营销的启迪作用以及论文的不足之处。

    At last , it analyzes that Anhui Daishan Lake Tourism Marketing serve as lake type Tourism Marketing inspiration , as well as the inadequacies of the paper .

  16. 因此,对抚仙湖流域的地质旅游资源进行科学评价,并以湖泊地质旅游资源特色为卖点,开发湖泊旅游产品,将湖泊地质旅游资源、地质旅游精品推介入旅游市场,具有积极地意义。

    Hence , it 's worthwhile of assessing scientifically the geological tourist resources in Fuxian Lake area for market , to develop lake tourist products as highlights of lake geological tourism .

  17. 主要结果如下:(1)城市湖泊生态旅游潜力系统景观资源质量、环境保障条件和开发条件三部分组成。

    The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) System of eco-tourism potential of Urban lakes include three parts : quality of landscape resources , environmental conditions and development conditions .

  18. 在这些因素中,对湖泊度假旅游消费的主要影响因素是目的地魅力、消费者自身条件、硬件因素、软环境、度假产品和服务、旅游资源、行业管理、支持系统等。

    Among these elements , destination charm , individual traits , physical factors , software environment , holiday tour products and services , tourism resources , industry administration and supporting system are main factors influencing holiday tour consumption .

  19. 在文中首先分析了湖泊型旅游景区的相关性研究和营销理论研究,给出了国内知名湖泊型景区的发展特点和国外湖泊型旅游景区的发展概述。

    First , this article analyzes the research of relevance and marketing theoretical of the lake tourist attractions , also presents the developed characteristics of the domestic well-known lakes attractions and the development overview of foreign lake tourist attractions .

  20. 接着阐述了湖泊湿地生态旅游开发的价值取向,并比较了两种不同价值取向的开发模式。

    Then it describes the value of lake-wetland ecotourism development and comparison of the two development models .

  21. 本章首先介绍了我国目前湖泊湿地生态旅游开发的总体格局、经典案例和发展趋势。

    First it introduces the configuration of lake-wetland ecotourism , the classic case and the development trend in our country .

  22. 肮脏的绿色湖泊还影响了旅游业、物业价值和渔业。

    Nasty green lakes have also damaged tourism , property values and fisheries .

  23. 高原湖泊成为云南省旅游开发的热点,但是日益严重的湖泊生态环境问题成为制约湖泊旅游开发的瓶颈。

    The plateau lakes in Yunnan have became the focus of tour exploration , but the increasing severe ecological problems of lakes have prevented the development of lake tourism .

  24. 本文共包括六个部分的内容,即导论、云南主要湖泊概况、湖泊旅游环境效应分析(定性)、旅游环境质量评价(定量)、湖泊旅游环境调控与规划和结论等。

    There are totally six parts in this paper . They are preface , general introduction of main plateau lake of Yunnan , analysis of lake tourism environmental impact , control and adjustment of lake tourism environment , and conclusion .

  25. 素有百湖之市美誉之称的武汉,拥有丰富的湖泊资源,然而优越的湖泊旅游资源并没有给武汉市的GDP带来多大的贡献率。

    What is called " the city of hundreds of lakes ", with sufficient lake recourse , the GDP of lakes tour in Wuhan is worse than other lakes .