  • source;cause;fountainhead
  • 水流所从出的地方:河~。泉~。发~。~远流长。~头。

  • 事物的根由:来~。资~。渊~。能~。起~。策~地。

  • 姓。


(水流起头的地方) source (of a river); fountainhead:

  • 饮水思源

    when drinking water think of its source; remember where one's happiness comes from;

  • 木有本, 水有源。

    Every tree has its roots and every river has its source.


(来源) source; cause:

  • 病源

    cause of a disease;

  • 财源

    source of income;

  • 货源

    source [supply] of goods


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 源乾曜

    Yuan Qianyao

  1. 拥护者认为开放源代码软件安全性更高。

    Supporters say open source software is more secure .

  2. 在上面的例子中,电压源是非理想的,所以没有发现什么困难。

    In the foregoing example , the voltage source is nonideal and hence presents no difficulty .

  3. 有人说钱或爱钱是万恶之源。

    Money , or love of money , is said to be the root of all evil .

  4. 源于纸牌游戏。如果玩牌者将手放在桌上,其动作就会被其他玩牌者看得一清二楚。

    If card players keep their hands above the table , other players can see what they are doing .

  5. 用来指称波尔多葡萄酒的词claret可能源于法语单词clairet。

    The term ' claret ' , used to describe Bordeaux wines , may come from the French word ' clairet ' .

  6. 发胖至少有一部分是源于遗传。

    The tendency to become obese is at least in part hereditary

  7. 我的灵感源于像波德莱尔和雅克·普雷韦这样的诗人。

    My inspiration comes from poets like Baudelaire and Jacques Pr é vert

  8. 学者们就弥源太是否皈依进行过辩论。

    Scholars have debated whether or not Yagenta became a convert

  9. 改革的想法源于1985年的一篇论文。

    The inspiration behind the reforms was a paper written in 1985 .

  10. 史蒂文斯遭谋杀源于深仇宿怨。

    Stevens 's murder was the result of a deep-seated and intense hatred

  11. 他的观点源于他卑微的出身。

    His views come from his own humble beginnings .

  12. 严格的职业道德源于清教主义。

    Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic .

  13. 他的分析源于对法国历史带有一定偏见的解读。

    His analysis was rooted in a somewhat tendentious reading of French history .

  14. “红毛”的绰号源于他的红头发。

    Red got his nickname for his red hair .

  15. 那本书的灵感源于一个真实人物,即塔玛拉·德特罗。

    The book was inspired by a real person , namely Tamara de Treaux .

  16. 普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。

    Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders ' inflated assessments of mortgaged property .

  17. 他的负疚感源于他在童年失去了妹妹。

    His sense of guilt had its roots in his childhood loss of his younger sister

  18. 我所有的问题都源于酗酒。

    All my problems stem from drink

  19. 抛弃了犹太主题就等于完全抛弃了这个剧本的激情与活力之源。

    The rejection of the Jewish theme meant the rejection of everything that gave the script passion and life

  20. 他们的数制源自古巴比伦人,以数字6的倍数为基数。

    Their numerical system , derived from the Babylonians , was based on multiples of the number six .

  21. 她的政治意识源于她的成长经历,那时因为父亲生病,家境窘迫。

    Her political consciousness sprang from her upbringing when her father 's illness left the family short of money .

  22. 开始读这本书之前,你一定已经了解到:你身体的不适症状是源于焦虑。

    In order to start reading this book you must have had some idea that the physical symptoms you were experiencing were due to anxiety .

  23. 这一概念性理论源于实践经验。

    This conceptual theory comes from practical experience .

  24. 骄傲乃万恶之源。

    Pride is the parent of all evils .

  25. 他的病根源于营养不良。

    His illness originates in malnutrition .

  26. 无论是自源的或他源的,在湖泊与河流的总代谢系统中都可能是重要的。

    Whether autochthonous or allochthonous may be important in the total metabolic system of lakes and streams .

  27. 去年12月,加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺市两名袭击者杀死了14人。周二,联邦法院下令要求苹果公司协助联邦调查局的调查,解锁其中一名袭击者曾用过的iPhone手机,政府的行动正是源于这个法令。

    The action stems from a federal court order issued on Tuesday requiring Apple to help the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( F.B.I ) to unlock an iPhone used by one of the two attackers who killed 14 people in San Bernardino , California , in December .

  28. 这种不一致很大程度上源于一种无力感。

    This inconsistency largely stems from a feeling of powerlessness .

  29. 除了南极洲协议,开采这些贲源的巨大障碍仍然存在,例如,漂流的冰川可能会危机海上平台。

    Beyond the Antarctic treaties , huge obstacles persist to tapping these resources , like drifting icebergs that could jeopardize offshore platforms .

  30. 这些团队主要源于东欧培养年轻人才的传统,教授在放学后或周末教授有前途的从幼儿园到12年级的学生研习高等数学。

    In these groups , which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent , professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends .