
diān wén huà
  • Dian Culture;Dian/Tien culture
  1. 论古代滇文化的民族属性

    On the Ethnic Attribution of the Ancient Dian Culture

  2. 滇文化青铜器具象装饰初步研究

    An Initial Study of the Concrete Decoration of the Bronze Wares in Dian Culture

  3. 古滇文化与民族传统体育

    Ancient Dian Culture and Traditional Ethnic Sports

  4. 当代云南工艺美术品设计中的古滇文化元素

    The Cultural Element of Ancient Yunnan in the Design of Modern Arts and Crafts of Yunnan

  5. 滇文化青铜器上的动物装饰,因其异于中原及周边地区的独特风格而引起了学者的关注。

    The Animal-shaped decoration of Dian Bronzes attracts the attention of scholars because of its special style .

  6. 抗战时期中国文化精英的生活状况及其报国途径&以迁滇文化精英为分析案例

    The Livelihood of the Knowledge Elites and Their Roads of Serving the Country during the Anti-Japanese War

  7. 期间,以中原文化为代表的华夏文明曾对以滇文化为代表的云南文化施以过全方位的重大影响。

    During this period , the central plains culture had been influence to yunnan ancient sports in every respect .

  8. 首先,笔者指出滇青铜文化发展的滞后性与技术的先进性之间存在矛盾,这种矛盾是由于滇国特殊的历史地理因素造成的。

    First , The author pointed out a contradiction that exist between the Bronze cultural development of backward and advanced Production technology of the Bronze .

  9. 建水,位于云南省南部,是滇南边地区文化与江南汉文化紧密结合的一座城市,历史上文风盛行,古有文献名邦、滇南邹鲁之誉。

    Jianshui city , located in southern of Yunnan Province , is a Combining city which southern Yunnan culture and Chinese culture including in , it is a city of culture history .

  10. 青铜扣饰是滇国青铜文化中最为重要的装饰品,对于青铜扣饰造型的研究是滇国青铜艺术领域的一个重要方面。

    It is the most important ornaments of Dian Kingdom bronze culture researching . Bronze ornament decorated with the design of the study is the country Dian Kingdom bronze in the field of art is an important aspect .

  11. 提出滇西北自然&文化板块是经过长期的地质历史和人类历史交互作用形成的自然文化耦合体。

    The Northwest Yunnan plate is the coupled body of nature and culture which has been forming through a long geological history and human development history .

  12. 而且,它更是描述滇云独特地域文化较早的作品,成为人们了解滇云风物人文的重要渠道。

    Moreover , the ci , which was among the early literary works to exhibit the unique regional culture of Yunnan , has become an important means for people to know the scenery of humanities of Yunnan .

  13. 在泛亚铁路东线建设进程加快的大背景下,滇越铁路面临着部分路段即将改扩建以及新线建成之后如何经营管理原有铁路、如何保护开发原滇越铁路历史文化资源的问题。

    With the quickened steps of the construction of the east section of the Pan-Asian Railroad , there appear such problems as the reconstruction of some sections of Yunnan-Vietnam Railroad and its management as well as the historical and cultural protection of Yunnan-Vietnam Railroad .