
gǔn zi
  • roller;wheel;running pulley
滚子 [gǔn zǐ]
  • (1) [roller]

  • (2) 可将重物体(如圆木或钢轨)放于其上以便移动的圆柱体

  • (3) 用于减少摩擦力的坚硬钢制圆柱体(如滚柱轴承)

  • (4) [wheel] 〈方〉∶轮车

  • 手摇车是一种正方形的木板车,下面四个滚子放在铁轨上。

滚子[gǔn zi]
  1. 强度:自动差速齿轮,滚子轴承上的刚性车轴。

    RUGGEDNESS . Automotive ring gear differential . Axle shafts on roller bearings .

  2. 如果滚子径向跳不静,则差纸的不张辛有不小有小,致使套印禁绝

    If the roller pulsation , the pressure on paper as cause misregister .

  3. 滚子链传动CAD程序设计

    The program design of roller chains driving CAD

  4. 测量圆锥滚子圆形偏差用V型铁角度的计算

    Calculation on Angle of V Block Used for Measuring Roundness of Tapered Rollers

  5. 第五章为圆锥滚子轴承优化设计CAD系统的实现。

    In chapter 5 , the demand of taper roller bearing CAD system is realized and the design goal is introduced .

  6. 然后采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对滚子-滚圈接触特性进行了数值模拟。

    Then the numerical simulation is used on roller-raceway contact characteristics with ANSYS finite element analysis software .

  7. 最后,以链条滚子为实例验证了管类零件(黑色金属)冷挤压工艺CAD系统的可行性。

    Finally , in the thesis , an example of chain roller is given to validate the feasibility of this CAD system .

  8. 本文综合研究了圆锥滚子轴承优化设计CAD系统开发中的关键技术,包括参数化技术和优化设计理论。

    In this dissertation , the key technologies of taper roller bearing optimized CAD system are researched including of parametric and optimized theory .

  9. 以基本额定动载荷Cr作为初期优化的目标函数,选取4个设计变量,分别采用复合形法、内点罚函数法和外点罚函数法对牙轮钻头圆柱滚子轴承进行了优化设计。

    By taking the maximum normal dynamic load as the objective function , the rock bit roller bearing is optimized with four variables .

  10. 本文介绍滚子链传动CAD系统的程序设计,以及链轮零件图绘制等内容。

    This paper introduces the program desks of the roller chain drive CAD system and the drawing of the chain wheels ' part drawings and so on .

  11. 本文采用计算机辅助编程(CAP)及计算机辅助制造(CAM)的方法,对工业领域中应用广泛的套筒滚子链链轮进行了自动编程和数控加工。

    The method of automatic programming and computer aided manufacturing has been used to make a chain wheel with numerical control mill in this article .

  12. 应用道森&希金森方程推导滚子轴承的弹流(EHD)油膜厚度公式

    The EHD Film Thickness Formula for Roller Bearing Derived from Dowson-Higginson Equation

  13. 用ANSYS软件建立滚柱轴承模型,计算轴承的应力强度,对滚子的应力、应变情况进行分析。

    Create the bearing model in ANSYS . Compute stress intensity of the bearing , analysis the stress and strain of the roller , compared with the results of theoretical .

  14. 介绍DN值2.5×10~6mmr/min圆柱滚子轴承研究课题的情况。

    A studied subject of the cylindrical roller bearing with 2.5 × 10 ~ 6mm · r / min DN is introduced in this paper .

  15. 论述了滚子齿式凸轮减速机构的啮合原理,导出了啮合曲面的方程及有关设计计算公式.在此基础上,完成了CAD应用软件的开发。

    This paper discusses the gearing principle of the roller-gear cam reducer , deduces the equation of the gearing curved surface and some design calculation formulas . Based upon these , an applied CAD software was developed .

  16. 圆锥滚子轴承通常可适用于尺寸方案,根据DINISO355。

    Tapered roller bearings generally fit in the dimensional plans according to DIN ISO355 .

  17. 为了消除滚子冷镦时的粘着现象,采用低温渗硫方法,使中模芯表面形成一层FeS。

    In order to eliminate the adherent phenomenon during cold upsetting of rollers , the low temperature sulphurizing method is adopted for forming a layer of FeS on the surface of middle die core .

  18. 依据拉格朗日定理,在考虑Hertz弹性变形和弹性流体动压润滑的情况下,建立了圆柱滚子轴承旋转过程中的动态刚度模型,并用试验验证了动态刚度模型。

    This paper presents the dynamic stiffness model of cylindrical roller bearings according to the Lagrange theorem considering both the Hertz elastic deformations and the elastohydrodynamic lubrications , and the model is verified by experiments .

  19. IKO卡法创造的四列圆柱滚子重载导轨享誉世界。

    The IKO card law creation four row cylindrical roller heavy load guide rail enjoys a good reputation the world .

  20. 用ANSYS软件对桑塔纳轿车前轮毂轴承进行有限元分析,确定合理的凸度形式及滚子与滚道的最佳凸度匹配关系,给出了滚子、内圈滚道最佳凸度控制方程。

    The crowning of the front hub bearings of Santana car is analyzed by using ANSYS finite element software , and the proper crowning form and optimal crowning match relation between roller and raceway are determined . The optimal crowning control equations of roller and inner raceway is given .

  21. 圆锥滚子基准端面摆动SDW(端面侧摆)是圆锥滚子轴承的一项重要质量指标。

    The roller large end face run-out of tapered roller bearing ( SDW ) is an important quality index for tapered roller bearing .

  22. 滚动轴承中圆柱滚子的线接触长度为有限值,在充分供油情况下,它有其独特的润滑现象&油膜压力分布规律和油膜厚度分布规律,这些是经典线接触EHD所不能揭示的。

    The length of the cylinder roller in the roller bearing is finite on the condition of fully-supplying-oil , it has its special phenomena of lubrication-rules of film pressure distribution and rules of film height distribution , etc. Such are not revealed by the classical line-contact EHD .

  23. 圆柱滚子和推力滚针组合轴承YRT系列具有旋转精度高、可承受较大的径向载荷和双向轴向载荷以及大的倾覆力矩等特点。

    YRT series cylindrical roller and thrust needle roller combined bearings , with high rotation accuracy , can support heavier radial loads , double direction axial load and inclined torque , etc.

  24. XT-12通井机易发生的故障的主要部位是滚筒变速箱传动装置,其主要原因是滚筒变速箱传动系统中的滚子联轴器润滑不当所至。

    The main part apt to troubles is the power transmission unit of drum gears in drifting machine named XT-12 , and the major reason for this is its shaft coupling of roller which is not lubricated properly .

  25. 滚子输送链联接牢固度的可靠性优化设计

    Reliability optimal design of fastness of joints in conveyor roller chains

  26. 圆柱滚子轴承套圈整体强度的实验分析

    Testing and Analysis for the Strength of the Roller Bearing Collar

  27. 预压柔性滚子轴承柔性滚子变形的计算

    Deformation Calculation for Flexible Rollers in Flexible Roller Bearing With Preload

  28. 考虑粗糙效应的航空高速滚子轴承动态模拟

    Dynamic simulation of aviation high-speed roller bearings with surface roughness effect

  29. 双滚子直动共轭凸轮机构设计

    Design of the Conjugate - Cams Mechanism Matched with Reciprocating Rollers

  30. 圆锥滚子贯穿式超精研机理分析

    Analysis on Mechanism of Running - Through Superfinishing of Tapered Roller