首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络Binhe Road;Riverside Road
  1. 示例:告诉你一个喜大普奔的消息,滨河路大塞车啊。人艰不拆

    Example : Here is the news for celebration : Binhe Road is completely jammed up .

  2. 那都是七八年前在滨河路的事了。

    That was seven or eight years ago , in the Strand .

  3. 张家口市清水河滨河路南环至洋河南岸段工程路基施工质量控制

    Measures for construction quality control for subgrade of South Ring Road in Zhangjiakou City to South Bank of Yanghe River

  4. 兰州市南北滨河路道路横断面布设探讨现在是开往横滨的吗?

    A Probe into the Lay-out for the Roads at North and South Sides of the Yellow River in Lanzhou ; ` On the way to Yokohama ? '