
  1. 正常地,潜水人员会用到这个。

    Normally , we 'd have to use divers for this .

  2. 潜水人员脑血流和神经心理学的相关性

    The correlation between cerebral blood flow and neuropsychology in divers

  3. 潜水人员防御方式与身心健康关系的研究

    A study on the relationship between defense style and psychosomatic health in divers

  4. 结论防御方式对潜水人员身心健康可能有一定的影响。

    Conclusion Defense style may exert some influence on divers ' psychosomatic heath .

  5. 目的了解海军潜水人员的防御方式特点和身心健康状况,并探讨二者的关系。

    Objectives To explore the characteristics of defense style and the status of psychosomatic health as well as the relationship of them in divers .

  6. 这种鱼长相如此怪异,以至于拍摄它的潜水人员为它起了个和大热动画电影《怪物史莱克》中那个怪物名字一样的绰号。

    The particular specimen is so odd-looking that scuba divers who videoed him instantly christened him after the famous animated ogre from the hit films .

  7. 用179名潜水人员的测验结果进行5次模拟测验,考察计算机化测验方法的效率及其信度和效度。

    In order to test its efficiency as well as reliability and validity , 5 simulation tests were conducted using the test results of 179 divers .

  8. 方法用防御方式问卷和康奈尔医学指数对海军某部177名潜水人员进行团体测验。用等级相关系数分析二者的相关关系。

    Methods 177 divers are tested in group with Defense Style Questionnaire ( DSQ ) and Cornell Medical Index ( CMI ), the relationship are analyzed with rank correlation coefficient .

  9. 结果潜水人员防御方式与身心健康状况密切相关,不成熟防御方式和中间型防御方式对身心健康的影响较大,身心健康问题较多者应用不成熟防御方式的频率较高。

    Results Divers ' defense style is highly correlated with psychosomatic health status , both immature and intermediate defense style have an influence on psychosomatic health , the divers with poorer health are prone to adopt immature defense style .

  10. 2012年2月11日,马尼拉(菲律宾首都),一名潜水人员装扮成波塞冬(希腊神话中的海神),另一名装扮成小美人鱼在海洋公园水族箱中提前庆祝14日的情人节。

    A diver dressed to look like Poseidon ( R ) , and another dressed as the mermaid Marina , swims during a Valentine 's day event inside an aquarium at the ocean park in Manila Feb 11 , 2012 . Valentine 's day is celebrated on Feb 14 .

  11. 措施包括:部署了20个顶尖的潜水专业人员,这些人员装备了推进设备;前100米还安装了水下GPS系统——因为前100米往往是最危险的阶段。

    Measures included deploying 20 top-notch diving professionals and equipping them with propulsion equipment and underwater GPS systems for the first 100 meters , known to be the most dangerous stretch .

  12. 本节所称船员,包括船长、轮机长、驾驶员、轮机员、无线电人员、引航员和水上飞机、潜水器的相应人员以及其他船员。

    The term " crew members " as mentioned in the present section includes the captain , chief engineer , driver , engineer , radio and telephone operator , pilot , the corresponding personnel of the seaplanes and submersibles , as well as other crew members .

  13. 本文结合笔者的亲身经历叙述了几起潜水事故及有发生潜水事故苗头的情况,简要分析了事故发生的原因,以引起潜水从业人员的警惕,提高潜水作业的安全性。

    Combined with firsthand experience of the author , this paper narrates several diving accidents and cases with accidental symptoms , analyzes causes of accidents , in order to call special attention of staffs engaged in diving operation , and enhance safety in diving operation .