
  • 网络laser-guided missile;LGM
  1. 烟幕干扰激光制导导弹的有效性研究

    Study on Validity of Smoke-screen-jam for Laser-guided-missile

  2. 本文叙述了激光制导导弹四种制导方式的原理、应用、现状及发展趋势。

    The principle , applications , recent state and advances of four guidance modes for laser-guided missiles are described .

  3. 利用激光制导导弹光电干扰弹道仿真软件,仿真研究了激光指示器有效制导距离对激光制导导弹作战效能的影响。

    Based on the trajectory simulation software of the laser-guided-missile ( LGM ), the relation between the efficiency of the LGW and the effective-guided-range of the laser indicator is studied .

  4. 激光制导系统使导弹击中目标的概率急剧上升。

    The laser guidance system dramatically increases the likelihood that the missile will strike home .

  5. 激光对红外制导反舰导弹的干扰与损伤分析

    Analysis of laser disturbance and damage to IR homing anti-warship missile

  6. 激光半主动寻的制导导弹发展综述

    A Review on Semi 0 Active Laser - Guided Missiles

  7. 对激光/红外复合制导导弹的干扰方法研究

    Research into The Jamming Method to Laser / IR Composite Guided Missiles

  8. 利用机载激光来对抗红外制导导弹,可以有效提高飞机在遭受红外导弹攻击时的生存能力。

    The viability of airplane can be effectively enhanced when airborne laser system is equipped to counterattack IR guided missile .

  9. 综述了激光半主动寻的制导导弹的发展与现状,分析了激光半主动寻的系统的组成与技术关键,介绍了几种典型的激光半主动寻的制导导弹。

    Current situation and future development of semi active laser guided missiles were reviewed . Two components and the key technologies of semi active laser homing head were analysed .