
  • 网络V-PSCAN;Casting;perfusion
  1. 以健康Wistar大白鼠为材料,对微波快速内源性过氧化物酶染色与灌注法显示微血管的方法进行了对比研究。

    In this paper rapid microwave-promoting endogeneous peroxidase staining technique was compared with perfusion one in microcirculatory study of wistar rats .

  2. 微波快速过氧化物酶染色法与灌注法用于微循环形态学研究之比较

    Rapid Microwave Peroxidase Staining Technique Compared with Perfusion One in Microcirculatory Study

  3. 结肠低张灌注法提高结肠癌CT成像质量的临床研究

    Clinical study on low-tension enema to promote CT imagery quality of colon cancer patients

  4. 采用人工胆汁胰管逆行灌注法制作ANP模型。

    ANP was introduced by infusion of artificial bile into biliopancreatic duct .

  5. 体外灌注法分离大鼠肝脏Kupffer细胞及原代培养

    Isolation of rat Kupffer cells by ex vivo perfusion and their primary culture

  6. 采用ABS灌注法对30例新鲜胎儿尸体(6~10月)的胃壁内动脉的微血管进行了观察和测量。

    , Oriental ingredients ( 10 spp. ) We injected ABS to the arteries of 30 fetuses to study the arteral microvascular of stomach .

  7. [结论]结肠低张灌注法为结肠癌的CT诊断提供了良好的影像学基础,为结肠癌的治疗前CT分期提供了诊断依据。

    Conclusion : colon low-tension enema may provide a good imagery basis for CT diagnosis of colon cancer patients . It could provide a diagnostic basis for pre-therapeutic staging of colon cancer patients as well .

  8. 方法:采用双侧颈总动脉结扎、再灌注法,制作小鼠VD模型;

    Methods : The mice were subjected to repeated reperfusion on bilateral common carotid arteries to establish the VD models .

  9. 本试验以健康的21日龄雄性AA肉仔鸡为试验材料,采用原位灌注法分离培养肉仔鸡原代肝脏细胞。

    The health 21-day-old male broilers were used as the test materials , and the hepatocytes of broilers were isolated and cultured by situ perfusion .

  10. 方法采用甲基硝基亚硝基胍(MNNG)直肠灌注法对Wistar大鼠每日灌肠,定期取材。

    Methods By rectal perfusion , Wistar rats were given MNNG every day , and samples were collected periodically .

  11. 实验首先用原位灌注法获得小鼠肝细胞、树鼩肝细胞,继而在含10%的胎牛血清的DMEM细胞培养基中建立相关细胞培养体系,细胞贴壁效率高,生长状况良好。

    Then cells were cultured in DMEM medium with 10 % fetal bovine serum , with the result of high plating efficiency and excellent function maintenance .

  12. 所有病人术前均行全面检查排出手术禁忌,采用气管插管全麻,CO2灌注法建立及维持手术空间,行经胸乳入路腔镜甲状腺切除术。

    All the operations were adopted the method of endoscopic thyroidectomy via chest-breast approach . All patients underwent a comprehensive preoperative examination to exclude the surgical contraindications . All of the patients used the general anesthesia with tracheal intubation .

  13. 治后24h、3d、7d和14d各剖杀2只小鼠,用灌注法收集血吸虫,并按常规方法固定和处置虫体,作透射电镜观察。

    At 24 hours , 3,7 and 14 days post-treatment , groups of 2 mice were sacrificed and schistosomes collected by the perfusion technique . Worm samples were fixed and examined by transmission electron microscopy .

  14. 结论调整EC黏度级别和EC浓度,用灌注法可制备在一定时间内保持非渗透的合适胶囊体,为进一步制备用于时辰治疗的脉冲释药装置奠定基础。

    CONCLUSION By adjusting viscosity grade of EC and concentration of EC solution , capsule bodies may be impermeable within a certain period of time obtained using filling method , which provider foundation for further preparation of pulsatile drug delivery device for chronotherapy .

  15. 腹主动脉灌注法:于腹主动脉分叉上方6cm处做切口,切口近端插管灌注肝、肾,切口远端套入一粗线,插入20F气囊导尿管,深约5cm。

    Abdominal aorta perfusion : The artery 6-cm above bifurcation of abdominal aorta was cut and 20F urethral catheter was inserted about 5 cm from distal incision .

  16. 采用胶原酶原位灌注法分离纯化了大鼠肝细胞,并用荧光探针Fura-2/AM测定了细胞内游离钙离子浓度。

    The rat hepatocytes were isolated in situ with collagenase perfusion method and the cytosolic Ca ~ 2 + levels were measured using fluorescent probe fura - 2 / AM .

  17. 方法大鼠肝星状细胞分离采用胶原酶原位灌注法,用流式细胞仪和琼脂糖凝胶电泳法检测MG132对诱导激活的HSC凋亡的影响。

    Methods HSC were isolated from rats with collagenase in situ liver recirculating perfusion . Apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry ( FCM ) and agarose gel electroporesis .

  18. 采用皮下动脉墨汁灌注法,Weigert弹力纤维染色等方法。对七只健壮小型猪的皮肤组织特点和皮肤的初期收缩进行研究。

    The skin histologic structure and its preliminary contraction of seven robust piglet were studied by subcutaneous artery infusion with Indian ink and weigert 's resorcin-fuchsin method .

  19. 结论前房加压灌注法诱导的高眼压能导致RGC层等视网膜多层的损伤,盐酸金刚烷胺对这种损伤可起到部分保护作用且未见视网膜有毒性作用的改变。

    The injured severity of RGC in Group B2 was significantly slight than Group A2.Conclusion Acute Ocular Hypertension induced by perfusion of anterior chamber can cause RGC and other layers of retina injury and Amantadine Hydrochloride can partially rescue this kind of injury without any toxicity .

  20. 原位胶原酶循环灌注法分离猪肝细胞

    In situ recirculating collagenase perfusion method for isolation of pig hepatocytes

  21. 清醒小鼠反复脑缺血再灌注法致学习记忆障碍模型的建立

    Model of dysmnesia by repeated cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in conscious mouse

  22. 逆行灌注法对供肾保护作用的实验研究

    Study on the preservation of rabbit kidney by retrograde perfusion

  23. 温血心肌停搏液微流量连续灌注法在老年心脏病患者中的应用

    Myocardial protection with continuous mini-flow warm blood cardioplegia in elderly heart defects

  24. 温冷温灌注法在先天性心脏病矫治术中的心肌保护作用

    The myocardium protection of warm induction and reperfusion on congenital heart disease patients

  25. 顺铂胸腔灌注法治疗胸部手术后乳糜胸

    Infusion of Cisplatin for Treating Chylothorax after Chest Surgery

  26. 经门静脉灌注法大鼠自体原位肝移植模型的建立

    Establishment of An Orthotopic Liver Autotransplantation Model Via Portal Vein Perfusion in Rats

  27. 沥青灌注法防护根石走失的可行性分析

    Feasible Analysis of Preventing Base Stone from Loss by Using Fill Asphalt Method

  28. 应用脂肪乳剂腹腔灌注法防治腹腔粘连22例

    Prevention and Treatment for 22 Cases of Intraperitoneal Adhesion With Intralipid Intraperitoneal Perfusion

  29. 逆行灌注法可能为肾移植带来更为安全、便捷的手段。

    Reverse perfusion may bring more safe 、 convenient means for renal transplantation .

  30. 石膏灌注法测量耳廓面积

    Measuring the Area of Auricle with Gypsum Perfusion Method