- 名collodion

[pyroxylin cement] 在化学溶剂中的硝酸纤维溶液,用一种天然胶或合成胶增塑的树脂与之相结合,通过溶剂蒸发而干燥后制成的材料
Collodion - enhancing technique for thin paraffin sections of gallstones
Conclusion The collodion - enhancing technique is a satisfactory method for sectioning gallstones .
Results All new techniques except in situ PCR can yield acceptable and useful results to help explain the mechanism of presbycusis .
Conclusions Temporal bone transection specimen had a clear picture of anatomical position between round window area and its related structure . Versus CT , the result contributed to image diagnosis and operation on auris diseases .
The collodion micro grid as Co γ Fe 2O 3 support membrance was made by self perforated . The micro grid is well suited support membrance for HREM of very tiny particle .
Methods 10,13,16 days of age in wister male rat , each 10.By means of celloidin embedding in coronal plane . Hypothalamic nucleus were measured on computer assisted morphometric techniques .
Giant colloidin section method for observing architecture of skin microvessels
Method of double - embedding with paraffin and celloidin for eyeball section
The morphological changes in the cochlea were observed with light microscopy .
The serial thin sections of the SOF which embedded with celloidin were observed ;
The technic of celloidin-embedded pelvic viscera is an ideal method for pelvic morphology . 2 .
Conlusion : The technique of celloidin embedding is a good technique of making gross sectional slices .
The use of the technique of celloidin embedding in the study of the cross-sectional anatomy of the cavernous sinus
Methods : 22 cadaveric skulls of adults were chosen and made into continuous slices by using the technique of celloidin embedding .
Methods The tissues of the69 patients were wrapped with collodion , and made large successive section for the study of histopathology .
Materials and Methods : Twelve specimens of cadaver knees were divided into three groups , each of them included four specimens .
This method is simple , stable and saving as lot of reagents , so it is better than traditional arkyochrome and celloidin method .
The brain tissue blocks were performed with Golgi staining . After that , the blocks were embedded with collodion , and then sliced .
Methods The serial sheet transverse sections of the superior orbital fissure region obtained using collodion microtomy in 5 adult cadaver heads were observed .
The fiber cross-sectional parameters are difficult to be extracted accurately due to pressing when the fiber was embedded and cut by the traditional technologies .
The cerium film was prepared on the fluorinated magnesium alloy via sol-gel method employing cerium nitrate hexahydrate as the precursor and celloidin as the additive .
By using collodion embedding and thin sectioning at coronal and axial planes in ten cadaver heads , structure and location of the LSW were observed with light microscope .
Methods The slides of serial sections of temporal bone removed from the celloidin and celloidin embeded temporal bones were used to observe the spiral ganglion and lipofuscin by computer image analysis technique .
Conclusion : The thin sections of celloidin clearly delineated the anatomic details of the jugular foramen and their relationship , and provide valuable information to imaging diagnosis and surgery of this area .
Results : The advantages of the technique of celloidin embedding are as follows : thin slices , no consume of sawing , no replacement and distortion and the slices are easy to observe and reserve .
Objective : To establish a method of making gross sectional slices by using the technique of celloidin embedding and provide anatomic evidences for diagnositic Imageology of the cavernous sinus ( CS ) by making slices of it .