
  • 网络flexible response strategy
  1. 事实上,由于苏联已经拥有了大量增加的核能力,我们依靠大规模报复战略的可靠性和谨慎态度要让位于我们的灵活反应战略。

    Indeed , as the Soviet Union acquired vastly increased nuclear capabilities , the credibility and prudence of relying on massive retaliation gave way to our flexible response posture .

  2. 1961年肯尼迪政府上台后,美国根据冷战时局的变化转而执行实战性更强的灵活反应战略;

    Beginning in 1961 , as a result of the current political situation of the Cold War , Kennedy 's government implemented a new nuclear strategy called " Flexible Response " which was considered much more believable in actual combat situations .

  3. 第二部分着重介绍拿骚会议召开的导火索&1962年英美闪电危机。美国艾森豪威尔政府的闪电导弹研制计划无法满足灵活反应战略对核武器生存能力的要求,被肯尼迪政府终止。

    Part two expounds upon the " Skybolt Crisis " that erupted between Great Britain and America during the Nassau Conference in 1962 . The Skybolt missile designed by the Eisenhower government could not meet the survival capabilities of nuclear weapons stipulated by the " Flexible Response " strategy .