
  • 网络disaster relief;Disaster Rescue;disaster
  1. 微震监测系统在矿山灾害救援中应用

    Application of microseismic monitoring system for mine dynamic disaster relief

  2. 军队医院与灾害救援&以地震灾害救援为例

    Military hospital and disaster relief & For example a relief in case of earthquake

  3. adhoc网络是一种无基础设施、自组织的无线网络,具有良好的移动性和组网的灵活性,能适应战时和灾害救援等紧急情况。

    Ad Hoc networks are infrastructure-free , self-organizing wireless networks . They have good mobility and flexibility , can adapt well to military battlefields , disaster rescue and other emergencies .

  4. 方法:采用国际疾病分类方法(ICD-10)[1]进行统计分类,计算1998年地震灾害救援官兵疾病发病率并对原因进行分析。

    Methods : Using the international classification of disease ( ICD-10 ) and classify and count the data of the disease .

  5. 拯救生命,提供国际标准化灾害救援培训。

    To provide world-class disaster emergency medical training to save lives .

  6. 突发性灾害救援中心选址优化的模型与算法

    Model and Algorithm to Optimize Location of Catastrophic Rescue Center

  7. 救援机器人的发展及其在灾害救援中的应用

    Development of Rescue Robot Technology and Its Application in Disaster

  8. 地震灾害救援军人心理特征及干预策略

    Experience and suggestion on mental intervention for earthquake relief soldiers

  9. 军队灾害救援卫勤保障模式研究

    Study on the Pattern in the Medical Support to Disaster Rescuing Troops

  10. 灾害救援仿真模式研究

    Study on Simulation Modes for Emergency Rescue of Disaster

  11. 全专业适任护士在地震灾害救援中的地位和作用

    The roles of generalist nurses in earthquake disaster rescue

  12. 特大地震灾害救援中的药学服务探索

    Pharmaceutical Care in Disaster Assistance in Large Earthquake

  13. 从汶川地震紧急医疗救援实践探讨我国灾害救援护士的培养

    Discussion on the training of specialist nurses in disaster nursing from Wenchuan Earthquake practice

  14. 2003年,中国地震灾害救援取得巨大成就。

    Earthquake relief and rescue efforts have made tremendous achievement in 2003 in China .

  15. 灾害救援药材保障的模块化设计研究

    Modular design for disaster medical supplies

  16. 论灾害救援的国际法问题&以国际救援队的法律地位为中心

    Legal Issues on International Disaster Aid

  17. 国家自然灾害救援中心

    National Natural Disaster Relief Center

  18. 大规模灾害救援应急防疫队及其抽组和训练内容初探

    Elementary Research on Emergency Quarantine Teams of Large-scale Disaster Relief and its Contents of Organization and Training

  19. 灾害救援部队卫勤保障需求与实际保障效能之间的矛盾突出。

    The contradiction between the disaster rescue troop medical support demand and the actual support efficiency is prominent .

  20. 灾害救援医学的医学工程支持&汶川地震医疗救援的体会地震灾害救援军人心理特征及干预策略

    Clinical Medicinal Engineering Support in Disaster Relief Medicine Experience and suggestion on mental intervention for earthquake relief soldiers

  21. 基于地理信息系统灾害救援军队药材供应管理信息系统设计

    Design of military medical supply management information system of urban disaster relief on the basis of geography information system

  22. 国家海洋局昨日派出工作组奔赴海南,协助当地的灾害救援行动。

    The State Oceanic Administration on Thursday sent a work team to Hainan to assist with disaster relief operations .

  23. 据湖北省级灾害救援指挥部的消息,洪水泛滥的河流迫使超过12000名群众连夜撤离。

    Floods from swollen rivers forced more than 12000 people to relocate overnight , the Hubei provincial disaster relief headquarters said .

  24. 由于对反恐战争和灾害救援的需要,穿墙雷达已成为近年来研究的热点。

    Because of the requirement for anti-terrorist operation and disaster relief , Through-wall Radar has been a hot research topic in recent years .

  25. 由于地震灾害救援密切关系到灾区人民的生命财产安全,关于灾后救援的科学调查研究因此也具有实践指导意义。

    Since disaster relief has great impact on the safety of life and property , relevant research and study is of practical significance .

  26. 确保非组织化志愿者能够后顾无忧地参与灾害救援,更有效的发挥其在灾害救援中的作用。

    To ensure the non-organized volunteers no worry about to participate in disaster relief , to play its role in disaster relief more effectively .

  27. 在军事上,可用于目标模拟、电子对抗、侦查监视等,在民用上可用于防火防灾、环境保护、灾害救援等,在刚刚过去的地震救援中,无人机就凭借其优点大显身手。

    Such as target simulation , electronic warfare , surveillance detection in military , and fire prevention , environmental protection , disaster relief in civilian aspect .

  28. 今后在中国和世界其它地方的灾害救援行动中,毫无疑问,基地将为生命的救援发挥重要的作用。

    I have no doubt that the center will make an enormous contribution to saving lives in future disasters , in China and elsewhere in the world .

  29. 本课题是军队十五面上课题灾害救援卫勤保障模式和药材品量研究的分题。

    This study is one part of the thesis " The study on the medical support pattern and the medicinal materials needed in the disaster succor " .

  30. 地震应急反应能力和灾害救援组织的效能是评价一个地区防震减灾水平的重要尺度。

    The evaluation on seismic emergency responding capacity and the efficiency of disaster reliving organizations is a important scale of evaluating disaster relief level in a region .