
diǎn zhuì
  • dot;decorate;embellishment;embellish;ornament;adorn;intersperse;speckle;gem;use sth. merely for show
点缀 [diǎn zhuì]
  • (1) [embellish;ornament;adorn;decorate]∶衬托;装饰

  • 自荷钱出水之日,便为点缀绿波。——明· 李渔《闲情偶寄·种植部》

  • (2) [use sth. merely for show]∶应景儿;凑数儿

  • (3) [embelishment]∶指衬托、装饰的东西

点缀[diǎn zhuì]
  1. 几何元素是贯穿在所有产品设计中基色,自然的点缀中洋溢出灵性与活力的生命色彩。

    Several geometry elements is the basic things through the design of products , which shows the color of free and vigor life in the embellish of nature .

  2. LED点光源安全可靠、耗电低、使用寿命长,主要用于宾馆、酒店、广场、酒吧、公园、游乐场等公共场所彩色灯光点缀。

    LED light source safe and reliable , low power consumption , long service life , is mainly used in hotels , restaurants , bars , park , square , playground and public places such as color lamplight ornament .

  3. 在大地景色中点缀着壮观的峡谷。

    The landscape is intersected with spectacular gorges .

  4. 用玫瑰花形的掼奶油和新鲜的水果作配菜点缀盘子。

    Garnish the plate with whipped cream rosettes and fresh fruits .

  5. 裙子上点缀着无数亮闪闪的小圆片。

    The frocks were covered in sequins , thousands of them .

  6. 最初是想用现代景观点缀历史景观。

    Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones .

  7. 这些布丁大部分只需要用蛋奶沙司最后点缀一下。

    The only finishing touch most of these puddings need is a custard sauce .

  8. 如果你针线活做得好,可以在自己的毛衣上绣几朵雏菊做点缀。

    If you 're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with daisies .

  9. 房间里放些诸如鲜花之类的小点缀可以给家里带来生气。

    Small touches to a room such as flowers can be what gives a house its vitality .

  10. 安妮让墙壁维持白色,但用桌布及油画进行了色彩点缀。

    Anne has left the walls white , but added splashes of colour with the tablecloth and the paintings .

  11. 她用爱情情节点缀其小说。

    She adorned her novel with love affairs .

  12. 高耸的井架点缀着油田的景色。

    Lofty derricks dot the landscape in an oil field .

  13. 草地上零零星星地点缀着一些小花。

    The lawn is dotted with little flowers .

  14. 几株红梅把雪后的园林点缀得格外美丽。

    Embellished with red plum blossoms , the garden looked even more beautiful after the snow .

  15. 一棵棵树点缀着这里的风景。

    Trees dot the landscape .

  16. 最触动人的是一只白色手套,上面点缀着人造钻石

    The final touch was a single white glove , studded with rhinestones .

  17. 这种动物通常用昏倒的女人点缀它走过的路

    MOUSE , n. An animal which strews its path with fainting women .

  18. 无数星星点缀着夜空

    The sky was set with myriads of stars .

  19. 草地上点缀着许多花坛

    The grass was interspersed with beds of flowers .

  20. 他们穿过点缀着紫色草的田地

    They crossed a field stippled with purple weeds .

  21. 山谷到处点缀着秋色

    The villages were blazoned with autumnal color .

  22. 我们学校里到处点缀着鲜花。

    Flowers dot about our school .

  23. 张(震)饰演懦弱的孙权有点不够胜任,而林志玲基本上是作为周瑜妻子的装饰点缀

    Chang alightweightas the wimpish Sun , and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou 's wife .

  24. 一种细长的叉状物,通常顶部有点缀,用作装饰,尤其在食品装饰中

    A slender skewer , usually ornamented at the top , used decoratively , especially in serving garnishes .

  25. 保险杠的每个角都点缀着小的通风孔,体现了整车的宽度增加

    Bumper 's each angle is embellishing the small air vent , manifested complete bikes 's width to increase .

  26. 所有递送给消费者的商品都用典雅的黑色购物袋进行包装,包装袋上点缀着奢华的金字和Logo。

    Goods arrive in elegant black shopping bags with sumptuous gold lettering and logos .

  27. 所得粉末用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射进行表征,测得SEM谱图存在铜和银的特征峰,表明其结构为表面点缀型。

    The powders were examined by SEM and XRD . SEM spectra is containing Ag and Cu peak which shows Cu-Ag bimetallic powder structure is surface-decorating .

  28. 发间点缀珍珠的香奈儿(Chanel)风最受欢迎。

    The Chanel trend with the pearls in the hair is hugely popular .

  29. 随着在国金中心(IFC)刚刚开业的汇丰(HSBC)大楼等摩天大厦点缀在上海的天际,或许情况看起来的确如此。

    It might appear so as towering skyscrapers like the just-opened HSBC towers in the IFC dot the Shanghai skyline .

  30. 她说,如果你想点缀一些鲜花,就可能需要用到插花容器,比如她在RonaldoMaiaFlowers物色到的那款带有几个玻璃花瓶的金属丝花架。

    If you want to add fresh flowers , she said , you might use something like the metal-wire flower-holder with glass bud vases that she found at Ronaldo Maia Flowers .