
  • 网络tropical fish
  1. 渔政部门透露,这种被禁进口的外来物种最早是作为热带观赏鱼被不法人士引入国内的,随后它们得以逃脱,并成为当地生态系统的一部分。

    Fishery authorities said the banned foreign species was brought to China by criminal gangs for sale as ornamental tropical fish , but somehow escaped to become part of the local ecosystem .

  2. “文身鱼”的学名叫鹦鹉鱼,是一种在全国各地广泛养殖的淡水热带观赏鱼,价格因颜色有所不同。

    " Tattoo Fish " called the parrot fish , is a widely cultivated throughout tropical freshwater aquarium fish , the prices are different because of color .

  3. 它不仅是一种著名的热带观赏鱼,也是一种重要的食用经济鱼类,因为它肉嫩味美,蛋白含量高。

    It is not only a very popular tropical ornamental fish , but also a commercially important species as food aquaculture production because of its taste and high protein value .

  4. 海水观赏鱼型海水素所配制的人工海水适用于所有热带海洋观赏鱼及其他海域观赏性海洋生物的生长、发育和繁殖。

    The synthetic seawater made of ornamental fish type sea salt is suitable for growth and reproduction of all tropical ornamental sea fishes and other ornamental sea creatures .